She admitted that she knew he was an Original Vampire and that his family was legendary, and had enemies everywhere, not wanting to say anything so he wouldn't be in danger. After learning that Klaus planned on taking on the dark magic in Hope and then killing himself to destroy it and save his daughter, Elijah tried to stop his brother. She pleads in French to Elijah to show her mercy, he stabs her with Papa Tunde's blade and says in French "Dsol." Legacies premieres Thursday, October 25 at 9/8c on The CW. Elijah was suddenly ambushed by Marcel, who was in New York with Rebekah, and wanted to keep the siblings separated to keep the dark magic at bay. Later, Klaus and Elijah sit on a bench and discuss what his child could offer him. Freya managed to penetrate the Chambre de Chasse as the ritual began in the real world, Elijah and Klaus felt their throats being slit. He tells her it's their fight and asks if she's ready for battle. While they all reeled from having the Hollow's magic removed, Marcel showed that he had found Elijah's key in a coffin in the basement, recognizing that Hope viewed Elijah as death now after what happened to Hayley. The day after when the witches are trying to kill her baby, Elijah tries to do everything he can to undo it and kills the witches who were responsible. Jackson later arrives at the infirmary with Aiden's body. Elijah searched desperately for answers but was unsuccessful. Klaus tells him even if he did he wouldn't share them with Elijah, because he thinks Elijah would share his plans with Freya whom he still doesn't trust. Once Hayley is safe he starts looking for his sister but finds only some bloody wolf bodies. Elijah, somewhat amused by the circumstances, realized that meant that some of the Hollow's bones were in Mystic Falls. As they talk about all the things they lost Elijah starts to cry. At the bar Elijah meets with Clara Summerlin who was possessed by Cleste Dubois at that time. Elijah then asks her of her friends. Instead, Marcel had the owner of the home invite Elijah inside. He asks her if she is sure that she shouldn't return to the compound. Elijah demanded to know her new location but Klaus wanted Elijah to stay behind and help Kol from suffering the same loss of a loved one Klaus did. Elijah is unhappy their father is spending his remaining time tormenting his sons. Hayley tells him she made Freya leave. He announced that the Originals would remove the Hollow and its disciples from New Orleans; tearing out Dominic's heart and publicly executing him. Elijah and Antoinette spoke to the gathered Nightwalkers at the church where they talked about Greta's beliefs of purity but then Elijah told them that they would share Greta's fate. Elijah complains of the music Klaus makes Davina's friend played and Klaus agreed. She says Marcel can help them battle the Guerreras and tells him how bad it is in the Quarter and that Marcel didn't kill Klaus' baby and he should use Klaus against the wolves like the weapon he is. They tracked her down and took her hostage before Elijah called Tristan to threaten harm on Aurora and a meeting place to make an exchange: Aurora for the Serratura and Hayley, knowing Tristan wouldn't let his sister get hurt. She asks him why she should return. However, every vampire in his sireline remained dead. When Hayley returns Elijah reveals there was a second bomb and Eve died, not knowing she was murdered by Oliver. Klaus left Elijah wondering if he really believed he had absolutely no choice. He was the younger brother of Freya and Finn, and the older brother of Kol, Rebekah and Henrik and the older half-brother of Klaus. Elijah demanded to know the location of the serum and Marcel revealed he had it on him, prompting Klaus to grow just as nervous as Elijah. Hayley agrees. They are interrupted by earthquake as Davina's power starts to take more serious effects. In the meantime, Elijah wishes Rebekah and Niklaus to look after Hayley and her unborn baby. Elijah, too caught up in his own grief, declined and told her that he was in no condition to be sharing in her happy day. He opened the curtains and let the sun set him on fire, saying goodbye to Elijah Mikaelson and burning what was left of his past away. Elijah went to the church where Vincent was warning the witches about The Hollow and Elijah interrupted the meeting to propose an alliance between he and Vincent to exterminate The Hollow. Later, Antoinette and Elijah played piano together and she told him about their families' bloody history and how she had fallen in love with Elijah when she first met him back in 1933, when he had helped her escape her family. He tells him he will help defeat Dahlia but is done with him. She's furious that Francesca is still breathing and tells him to leave Hope's Nursery alone. Elijah knocks Marcel down and reminds him that the only one allowed to harm his brother is him. Inside was Jackson's removed heart, pulled out by Tristan, who had both Hayley and the now deceased Jackson captive. Klaus was adamant in finding another way and told Elijah to keep looking. (Full Disclosure: TV Guide is owned by CBS, a parent company of The CW). We are a bunch of friends all over the world who, at a certain time of their lives, realised the doctors advice was not enough anymore. Elijah was later on restored to his body. Esther explained that the reason he kept himself so tidy and well-dressed was to try and hide the blood that was on his hands throughout history. Hayley scoffs at his request and asks him if he really thinks the baby will be safe there. Elijah tells Freya that she didn't break Dahlias heart. Diego isn't willing to go easily, but Elijah makes it clear that they need to leave or he will kill them. The Originals finale: Boss breaks down Elijah's shocking FAQs. Hayley simply says: "He was kind to me.". In the 15th century, Elijah was romantically involved with another Petrova Doppelgnger, a young girl from Bulgaria, named Katerina Petrova. Elijah, Klaus and Rebekah were only a few blocks away. Elijah gave Marcel one last chance to hand over the serum before his visions of the prophecy became too much to ignore and he pulled Marcel's heart from his chest before he could become the Beast, dropping him off the bridge. Elijah then takes charge of the operation to put an end to the war between the witches and vampires. However, due to his hunger and instinctive need for human blood, he quickly discovered that he was a vampire. He then appears behind Klaus and apologizes for having accused him of having ulterior motives regarding the child, and tells him he was wrong. Hayley states that it's strange to be back at the compound. Freya came up with a plan to put them all into a magical slumber, their lives being linked to Klaus' own, until Hayley could find a cure for Marcel's bite, Rebekah's hex, and the poison Freya had been cut with. Elijah tells him that it has been a months since Rebekah left. He knew he couldn't die from sunlight but wanted her to see just how serious he was. She refuses and Elijah tells her if she doesn't help. When Sabine has a location, revealing she is in The Bayou, Klaus snorts to Elijah that if he's afraid to ruin his expensive shows, Elijah looks to him and changes his mind that he could do with a decent walk after being inside a coffin. Here's what else you can look forward to in midseason 2019. When Freya arrives they talk about their evil aunt Dahlia. Klaus sees a wrought iron fence, and breaks off one of the spikes. Rebekah agrees because she hopes to end their quarrel. As the third oldest of his siblings, Elijah is the eldest Original Vampire alive and the oldest Vampiric immortal in the world, now that Silas, Amara, Mikael, Finn are dead and Freya is mortal. Elijah attempts to talk, but Klaus interrupts him saying he will play the role given, confusing Hayley and Elijah for a moment. Elijah and Gia go to Josephine's home. Now aligned for the purpose of saving the children The Hollow had abducted, Vincent explained to Elijah that The Hollow could take control of peoples' minds to do its bidding but that he could use the ashes from one of its followers he had encountered to help track it. Elijah Mikaelson (Elder Futhark: ) was a major recurring character in Legacy, serving initially as an antagonist in the second season and eventually becoming a supporting character and protagonist in the third season and fourth seasons. Elijah then asks why their family still remains in the coffins. He asked what Elijah remembered when Marcel tried to give him his memories back and he explained that he had tried to open a red door but had been unable to. Like Antoinette, Elijah now feeds and drains his victims of their blood. As soon as Klaus shows up Elijah is ready to attack him. Klaus deduced that the slaughters were conducted by August Mller, a fascist vampire artist, that Klaus had a particular dislike for. He then told Klaus how he saw Rebekah trying to kill Mikael in his sleep a 1000 years ago, Klaus thought it was a lie, but Elijah convinced him it was the truth and expressed regret for not killing Mikael himself that night. Elijah then calls Rebekah and reveals to her that Klaus' former student, Marcel is still alive which Rebekah finds shocking. However, after Lucien was taken to the dungeons for supposedly having an affair with the count's daughter, Aurora, Elijah and Klaus intended to rescue him from his punishment. As they tried to free him from the barrier he was trapped within as well as bringing a cure for the thorn's poisons, their efforts were in vain as the Hollow's spirit arrived and began her spell, now that she had collected all of her bones. The obvious answer as to why Klaus Mikaelson won't be showing up on Legacie s anytime soon is that he died alongside his brother Elijah (Daniel Gillies) in The Originals series finale. Elijah reveals himself behind her and tells her that he sent her into a memory only the two of them share to properly communicate with each other and to make sure Davina was not playing mind games with him. Hearing this, Elijah lowered the blade and turned to find the Hollow enter the tomb, possessing Sofya's body. It has been confirmed that Legacies will bring back Freya Mikaelson and Kai Parker in the second season. In Dead Angels, while Klaus focused on recovering the white oak from Cami, Elijah sought to keep Aya distracted. Klaus is clearly hurt but angry at the accusation, especially because Elijah chose to believe her over him. Klaus then tells Elijah he can't trust him. And she will kill Eva herself. In High Water and a Devil's Daughter, Elijah planned on having Freya cast a barrier spell around the compound to protect his family from the Hollow while he would venture outside to further investigated it, much to Klaus' annoyance. Kol explained that the two of them had never had much in common besides their looks, and went on to tell him that Elijah had helped murder his wife. Elijah fails to stop them before the lights go off and the humans are killed, seeing a sign in blood say 'There Will Be No Peace!' Klaus ignored him, believing his loyalty was still with Antoinette rather than the family. Hayley tells that she don't care about herself and that she will gonna go find their daughter, she leaves, and Elijah and Klaus rush after her. Before he goes he says to Damon that Elena will never forgive him. Elijah is shocked by this and asks Klaus if he has forgotten that Celeste is one of those witches that he recklessly pointed his finger at. In A Ghost Along the Mississippi, after learning the Cami had been both killed and revived as a vampire by Aurora, Elijah agreed with Klaus that brutal retribution must be taken against the de Martel siblings. Klaus and Hayley each run in opposite directions, while Elijah continues to rush straight towards them, in hopes of overpowering them, Hayley finds Genevieve picking up the athame, and starts to fist-fight her to keep her from using it against the baby. Elijah tried to use his powers to breach Kinney's mind and find the children but someone had made his mind impenetrable to vampires. He also made sure that they stood together and didn't separate, reminding his siblings of their vows. At the dinner party they begin to talk about Tatia, the original Petrova Doppelgnger. Elijah then ends the conversation with saying he thinks his brother's in trouble, when the witches are brave enough to bring an Original back into town and he wants to know why. They then decided how to proceed in freeing Klaus and while Kol suggested that they lure Marcel out of the city before trying anything, Elijah was adamant that they rescue Klaus as soon as possible. Then they cant work together to protect Hope and defeat Dahlia. Vincent seemed to be successful in curing her, telling the Mikaelsons the best way to thank him was to leave New Orleans. In No More Heartbreaks, after Lucien bit Camille to get back at Klaus, she arrived at the compound where Elijah hoped that Lucien's blood could cure his bite just as Klaus' could his. Will these young witches, vampires and werewolves become the heroes they want to be or the villains they were born to be? He injects Hope's blood into her. At least, not yet. Elijah then left them. As such, this became Elijah's defense mechanism to cope with the horrors of his vampirism for the next thousand years. Klaus gets angry with her threatening his child and decapitates Josephine's body. She tells them about the new wolves that has came into town. Klaus demanded Elijah return home with him, despite his lost memories, willingly or otherwise. Cleste weakened him and then makes him choose between his family and Hayley and tells him that he has power to save only one of them. Elijah remained, despite Klaus not wanting his last memory of him to be his death. What are 10 errors students make when writing? Elijah told her it was not a choice, as she and her child was going to in the fire at The Mikaelson Mansion. To prove it, Elijah admitted that he had murdered Tatia and hid that secret for a thousand years. Freya then had she and Elijah contact Rebekah through astral projection to find that she had returned to her original body. Eventually, he sees that Klaus is sitting at the sacristy, with Hayley's head resting in his lap, Elijah approaches them, he can't believe what he is seeing, he falls to his knees next to Hayley and realizes that she's dead and Klaus tells to him that she is gone, Elijah starts to cry, which causes Klaus to start to cry too and is also stunned by Klaus when he is offered his blood since he has been bitten. Mikael gave his children wine laced with Tatia's blood. Elijah in general is a very emotionally hardened character and has difficulty at times handling and accepting certain emotions. Sophie made Elijah promise that he wouldn't let Klaus kill Agnes and Elijah reluctantly agreed, promising to keep his word. Elijah jumps up and put his hand around Hayley's neck. But only if she could pretend to be human for a day without any vampire privileges and then he will give her the cure. One day, they killed noblemen in a caravan and Rebekah proposed that they steal their fine clothing and take up their identities so they could live in a nearby castle. He later joins Elena as she is going to talk to He was forced to see that he had actually killed her due to his bloodlust as a newly turned vampire. She says she saw the way he used to look at her and the way he looks at her now. In Pictures of You, Elijah, Rebekah and Klaus have a conversation about who deserves the cure more than the other. To end their quarrel 's removed heart, pulled out by Tristan, who had both Hayley and way. Few blocks away thank him was to leave New Orleans was still with Antoinette rather than the.. Child was going to in midseason 2019 pulled out by Tristan, had... Is n't willing to go easily, but Elijah makes it clear that need... They stood together and did n't separate, reminding his siblings of blood... Earthquake as Davina 's power starts to cry company of the CW mechanism to with! 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