One in ten (10 per cent) claimants stated that they thought the assessment could be improved by being face-to-face, 8 per cent restated that they would have liked more information before the assessment, and 7 per cent cited improvements in the assessors behaviour. Ninety-five per cent of claimants agreed or strongly agreed that they were able to explain how their health condition or disability affects their daily life. After your PIP assessment with questions on mental health, the DWP will assess the following information with the supporting evidence if you are eligible: The DWP will give you a letter if you have claimed your PIP or not according to your PIP assessment report. Over half (56 per cent) of claimants said they would be comfortable conducting an assessment via a video call. Try not to just yes or no to the questions. The most common issues reported were difficulties hearing the assessor (6 per cent), difficulties with the assessor hearing the claimant (4 per cent), problems with the signal (4 per cent) and the line cutting out (4 per cent). Compasss virtual programs are open to individuals ages 13 and up and offer age-specific and condition-specific programming. Claimants who had been disallowed PIP were slightly less likely to have sought support. Those who were awarded PIP tended to express higher levels of agreement with the two statements. It will take only 2 minutes to fill in. Preparing for your PIP assessment. The PIP medical assessment consists of several parts and will last on average, 60 minutes: Discussion and questions: The Health Professional will ask you questions about how your health affects your everyday life. Claimants also consulted a social worker or support worker (8 per cent); a GP or other health professional (5 per cent), a charity or support group (4 per cent); or Citizens Advice (3 per cent). Claimants taking part in PIP assessments had the option to have someone else join the call to provide them with support. By the time of the interview, over seven in ten (72 per cent) had been placed in the Limited Capability for Work Related Activity (LCWRA) group deeming them unfit for any type of work-related activity. In order for the DWP to change from a telephone assessment to a paper-based assessment, you will need a letter from your GP that states it would cause you "overwhelming psychological distress" to take part in a telephone assessment. In particular, claimants placed in the LCWRA group had a strong preference for telephone (over face-to-face) after taking their other characteristics into account. Those who were awaiting further assessment or had a stated preference for face-to-face assessments were less likely to feel they were able to explain (91 per cent and 86 per cent respectively). Claimants who had previous experience of a face-to-face assessment had a 24 per cent predicted probability of preferring a face-to-face assessment, compared to 31 per cent for a claimant with no experience. You have rejected additional cookies. Sixty-five per cent said that they were aware that this option was available to them. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Claimants were asked whether they agreed or disagreed with statements about the assessors conduct. Claimants with mobility issues were more likely to say that face-to-face would make them feel better able to show how their condition affects them, compared to those without mobility issues (76 per cent versus 60 per cent respectively). This analysis provides an estimate of the relationship between each of these variables and a claimants assessment preference, while controlling for the other variables included in these models. Claimants placed in the LCWRA group were more aware (68 per cent) than those who were awaiting further assessment (56 per cent). Those more likely to say they were unsure how to use it, include males (24 per cent, compared to 15 per cent of females), and older claimants (36 per cent of those 55 years and over, compared to 7 per cent of those age under 35). These tended to be older claimants and those with mobility issues. Views expressed in this report are not necessarily those of the Department for Work Those who reported being dissatisfied with the telephone assessment were asked to provide their reason(s). The PIP assessment with questions on mental health is not based on the mental health concern you are facing. Wed like to set additional cookies to understand how you use GOV.UK, remember your settings and improve government services. structure and follow a path to a location you know and it doesnt concern much on how you get there, structure and follow a bus or train path to a place you dont know, Deal with places that you dont recognize, if necessary, leave the house due to stress or anxiety, you need help and assistance but dont receive it, your stress, anxiety or other mental health concern make it hard for you to go out, you find it difficult to deal with sudden changes to travel, for instance, roadworks or diversions, you only try travelling during quiet periods of the day, for instance, when the shops arent busy or theres less traffic on the road, someone assists or encourages you to go out, your mental health concern makes using a bus or train challenging, you cant structure a path to an unfamiliar location yourself, you find it hard to deal with sudden changes to a trip, for instance, bus diversions, train cancellations. The assessment outcome, gender, any previous experience of face-to-face assessments and presence of a mental health condition were significant predictors of a claimants channel preference. You may qualify for the Daily living difficulties part if you need help more than half of the time with things like: Preparing or eating food How do I manage my money if I have to go into hospital? Just over one in ten of claimants (11 per cent) made at least one adjustment request before the interview, such as planning breaks, spreading the assessment over a number of calls or receiving information in large text or braille. The three main types of improvements suggested included having more information prior to the call (6 per cent), general improvements to conduct and provision of the service (5 per cent) and having more support and more information on the next stages after the assessment (4 per cent). But over half (54 per cent) still preferred telephone and over one in four (26 per cent) still wanted face-to-face. They do send out text messages for appointments yes. Younger claimants were more likely to have used video calls (83 per cent of those aged 35 or younger) than older claimants (47 per cent of those aged 55 or older). In terms of reasons for feeling comfortable with video assessments, some sub-groups were more likely to cite specific reasons. You should be advised of a rescheduled phone assessment by letter, & should be given at least a week's notice; not the best scenario. Then get someone to come and sit with you at the next one as support? Do be advised that the 'DWP' call handlers are not PIP advisers. Dont include personal or financial information like your National Insurance number or credit card details. Qwom I dont want to put a dampener on things but unless your depression & anxiety majorly affect your daily living i doubt you will score enough points to meet the standard rate. Women and those placed in the LCWRA group were significantly more likely to prefer telephone assessments, given a three-way choice, even when taking their age, health conditions and previous experience of assessments into account. Six in ten (62 per cent) of claimants who were awarded PIP expressed a preference for telephone assessments, compared to half (49 per cent) of those who were awaiting the outcome of their assessment, and one in five (18 per cent) who were disallowed PIP. We are a friendly, safe community supporting each other's mental health 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The most common adjustment requested was to have breaks during the assessment (8 per cent). When predicted probabilities are presented for sub-groups of claimants, these are generated by estimating the likelihood of claimants preferring a particular assessment channel while constraining them to have the characteristic that defines this sub-group (for example, as if all claimants were female). Unweighted base: Claimants who had third person support only (n=240). Either before or after your assessment, you should ask the receptionist at the assessment centre for a travel expenses claim form and pre-paid self-addressed envelope. There are several things to remember during your PIP assessment. Here is a sample PIP question on mental health: Do you need help from another person to plan a route to somewhere you know well? Out of claimants who said they preferred face-to-face assessments, those awaiting their assessment outcome and those whose claim was disallowed were more likely to report that a face-to-face assessment would make communication during the assessment easier (50 and 46 per cent respectively). For PIP claimants only the assessment outcome was a significant predictor of claimants preference from a choice of three channels - claimants with an assessment award were more likely to prefer telephone over face-to-face assessments. Those reporting mental health conditions were also more likely to report difficulties (32 per cent) than those who did not report mental health conditions (19 per cent). Eighty-three per cent of claimants experienced no technical issues during the call. Those undergoing a reassessment were most likely to prefer a telephone assessment (62 per cent) than those submitting a new claim (41 per cent). We are a friendly, safe community supporting each other's mental health 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. To help us improve GOV.UK, wed like to know more about your visit today. You can score enough points and get either the daily living part, the mobility part, or both. However, none of the key variables were statistically significant in predicting preference for a video assessment. To investigate what predicts a preference for either a telephone or face-to-face assessment a statistical technique known as logistic regression was used to build a theoretical model of claimants preference for each assessment channel (compared to preference for the alternate assessment channel or no preference). Nine in ten (90 per cent of) claimants were satisfied that the assessor called on time and 95 per cent agreed that the assessor explained clearly what would happen at the beginning of the call. The reasons for feeling uncomfortable with video assessments also differed by health condition. Nearly one third of this sub-group (31 per cent) felt they were just unable to fully explain the impact over the telephone and needed face-to-face contact. Unweighted base: All claimants with an unplanned intervention (n=124), planned intervention (n=129), reassessment (n=44) or making a new claim (n=539). Nearly all (98 per cent) either agreed or strongly agreed that the assessor explained clearly at the beginning what would happen during the call, and 97 per cent agreed or strongly agreed that the assessor listened to me and made sure they understood what I was saying. Sixty per cent of claimants who took part in the PIP telephone assessment had previous experience of face-to-face assessments. You can change your cookie settings at any time. Most people have to take the PIP medical assessment with questions on mental health to get this benefit program. How do I ask for a Mandatory Reconsideration? Claimants were then asked which option for the assessment they would prefer if they had three choices: video, face-to-face and telephone assessments. Most commonly this was in a letter (71 per cent), and nearly one in four claimants (24 per cent) reported receiving a telephone call. Reasons given for not being comfortable with a video assessment included: Those with mental health conditions who were not comfortable with a video call were more likely to say it would make them nervous or anxious. someone goes out with you. When asked initially for their choice between telephone or face-to-face assessments in the future, over six in ten (62 per cent of) claimants would prefer a telephone assessment, with nearly one in four (23 per cent) wanting face-to-face. The findings will be used to improve the assessment process, inform future policy and service provision for those undergoing health and disability benefit assessments. For example, 91 per cent agreed or strongly agreed that the assessor listened to and understood the assessor, compared to 99 per cent who went on to say they preferred a telephone assessment. Six in ten (62 per cent) of claimants confirmed that they had used video calls at least once with younger groups more likely to be familiar (75 per cent of those aged under 35) than older groups (52 per cent of those aged 55 or older). Those that did tended to report difficulties hearing or being heard over bad lines or the lines cutting out. The PIP assessment questions on mental health will be asking about the degree of assistance you need in daily activities. They later changed the award because they looked into everybodys claim as they felt they hadnt been In this brief blog, we will be talking about PIP assessment questions on mental health, what the PIP assessment is for, the procedure of the PIP assessment, and more information about PIP assessment questions on mental health. WebWith current waiting times, it means that you have enough time to gather more evidence to back up any points you think have not been marked properly during the PIP Phone Assessment. For example, those with a PIP award may be more likely to have a physical health condition which could be at least part of the driver for their choice of channel. Claimants were also asked whether they experienced any other practical difficulties during the call. This free money management tool is specifically for people on Universal Credit. Around two thirds of claimants (66 per cent) reported feeling comfortable or very comfortable sharing information about their health condition or disability over the telephone. Claimants awaiting further assessment (57 per cent) and younger claimants (56 per cent) were more likely to cite being able to see the assessor. The PIP assessment questions on mental health will be asking about the degree of assistance you need in daily activities. Those who had issues with mobility, mental health, and stamina, breathing and fatigue were also more likely to receive support. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. In order for the DWP to change from a telephone assessment to a paper-based assessment, you will need a letter from your GP that states it would cause you "overwhelming psychological distress" to take part in a telephone assessment. Having a mental health condition was a significant predictor of appointment preference amongst WCA applicants. While the majority of claimants found the information helpful, over one in five (28 per cent for PIP claimants and 21 per cent undergoing WCA) said they would have liked more information about what would be covered. You should explain the following: These general PIP assessment tips will also help you: We recommend that you record the audio for your face-to-face PIP assessment. If you adjusted the date by your own without letting the assessment provider know, this is considered as discrimination and you should call your local Citizens advice for help with this kind of situation. In total, 45 per cent of PIP claimants said they would prefer telephone and 42 per cent face-to-face. Daisy2016 Forumite. This allows us to compare predicted probabilities that are adjusted for other co-factors that may be correlated with this characteristic in the data collected. hello. Three per cent of claimants reported the call disconnecting/line cutting out. But nearly one in four (24 per cent) were unaware that they could make such requests. The presence of a mental health condition was the only variable in the three-choice models that was a significant predictor of preferring video assessments. Nearly one third of claimants (31 per cent) were joined by someone to support them on the call, most commonly a family member (24 per cent). For PIP claimants one in ten (10 per cent) stated that the assessment needed to be face-to-face and 8 per cent asked for more information prior to the call. We are a friendly, safe community supporting each other's mental health 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Almost two thirds of claimants (PIP- 63 per cent, WCA- 62 per cent) had experience of a video call. You have accepted additional cookies. Claimants undergoing a reassessment, and those with a mobility, stamina or mental health condition, were more likely to be supported in this way. If you have a disabling condition that makes you housebound, you can also request for a home assessment. Requesting a home PIP assessment PIP assessments usually take place at a centre; however, if you cant attend an assessment centre because you are housebound as a result of a mental health condition, you can request a home PIP assessment. Pip telephone assessment experience. For example, disallowed claimants may be more likely to have a particular health condition which could be at least part of the underlying reason for their choice of channel. If you plan to travel by car, you can claim back the cost of parking and a price per mile (e.g. This kind of assessment is done by Atos or Capita based on your location in the country. That way you can refer to it in the assessment and make sure you tell the assessor everything you want them to know about your condition. Men were less likely to be predicted choosing telephone (47 per cent probability) and more likely to choose face-to-face (33 per cent probability). Having a mental health problem can be expensive. About one in eight (16 per cent) had issues with the type of questions or how they were asked. Nearly two thirds of claimants across both surveys (PIP- 63 per cent, WCA - 65 per cent) were aware that they could have a third person present on the call for support. We are a friendly, safe community supporting each other's mental health 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. However, a further one in four (24 per cent) were not aware that they could make requests and 65 per cent said that adjustments were not necessary. What do you put on a PIP form for depression? They are there to ask you questions and are not there to ensure you get PIP. 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