It was about something stupida missing . for a group? What does Mary Anne like to do when she disappears from the medical unit? Purchasing You can view our. Read an in-depth analysis of Tim OBrien. The Slim, Dead, Dainty Young Man of About Twenty. They resolve that if one gets seriously wounded, the other will kill him to put him out of his misery. Want 100 or more? March 1, 2023, SNPLUSROCKS20 Strunk and Jensen become friends and make read analysis of Dave Jensen Lee Strunk . Dave Jensen and Lee Strunk learn to trust each other. Contact us Youve successfully purchased a group discount. March 1, 2023, SNPLUSROCKS20 One of the most likable soldiers in the war. Though OBrien does not particularly like Lemon, Lemons death is something OBrien continually contemplates with sadness and regret. Teach your students to analyze literature like LitCharts does. More books than SparkNotes. To learn more, check out our transcription guide or visit our transcribers forum. From the creators of SparkNotes, something better. O'Brien tells us that they did not become friends per se, but they learned to trust one another enough to form a death pact. Renews March 8, 2023 Del Rio and San Antonio (is, are) two Texas cities that have names of Spanish origin. Many periods and all exclamation points and question marks have been omitted from the following passage. Strunk is evacuated by helicopter, but the unit learns later that he had died in transit. Then someone kicked the animal. What does Dave Jensen ask Lee Strunk? Your subscription will continue automatically once the free trial period is over. Germaphobe- his fear is almost irrational, tries precautions but still cant stop disease/death. Dave Jensen and Lee Strunk learn to trust each other. From the creators of SparkNotes, something better. Example: A world atlas and an almanac (is, are) good sources of geographical information. Our, "Sooo much more helpful thanSparkNotes. Strunks acceptance of the matter and the relief Jensen takes in his exaggerated gesture of settling the score show that both men are willing to take responsibility for their actions. What kind of wound qualified for a mercy kill? The blast of the explosion severs his right leg at the knee. What is the name of the area the men are in? Instant PDF downloads. For the next 7 days, you'll have access to awesome PLUS stuff like AP English test prep, No Fear Shakespeare translations and audio, a note-taking tool, personalized dashboard, & much more! One morning in late July, while we were out on patrol near LZ Gator, Lee Strunk and Dave Jensen got into a fistfight. In October, Strunk's lower leg gets blown off by a mortar round. Your group members can use the joining link below to redeem their group membership. Likewise, the pact that Jensen and Strunk form is an extension of this personal side of war. (one code per order). rigged mortar round A short-range weapon that fires a shell on a high trajectory. Jensen eventually overpowersStrunkand beats his fist in the face breaking Strunk's nose. Like fighting two different wars, he said. How did Dave Jensen and Lee Strunk agree on the pact? Copyright 1999 - 2023 GradeSaver LLC. CliffsNotes study guides are written by real teachers and professors, so no matter what you're studying, CliffsNotes can ease your homework headaches and help you score high on exams. In October, Strunks lower leg gets blown off by a mortar round. You'll be billed after your free trial ends. Strunk is loaded into a helicopter, and later Jensen is relieved to learn that Strunk didnt survive the trip. In terms of the story, they really only matter when they're with each other, and otherwise, the two are your average pair of cocky young men stuck in a war. Free trial is available to new customers only. How does Kiowa describe Ted Lavender's death? Dave Jensenis a minor character, whose guilt over his injury of LeeStrunkcauses him to break his own nose. Teachers and parents! Jensen breaks Strunks nose, hitting him repeatedly and without mercy. Strunk trusts Jensen not to kill him on his word, but he would not trust him to make the original pact without a compact. He keeps track of Strunk, paying attention to his whereabouts and being cautious of him when Strunk handles weapons. Need Custom Character Analysis Sample With Quotes or Maybe Help With Editing? What word does Ted Lavender use to describe the war? We know more about Bowker at peace than we do about him at war. What did Norman Bowker carry? What makes the men begin to believe in the good luck of Henry Dobbins' object? Dave Jensen took vitamins with an increased content of carotene to improve visual acuity. wheelchair wound A permanently debilitating wound, especially loss of limbs or wounds which would cause paralysis. OBriens closest friend and a model of quiet, rational morality amid the atrocities of war. What does Dave Jensen do with the pistol? Refine any search. Although OBrien alludes to having multiple children, Kathleen is the only one we meet. Where does he stop before crossing the border? on 50-99 accounts. For the next 7 days, you'll have access to awesome PLUS stuff like AP English test prep, No Fear Shakespeare translations and audio, a note-taking tool, personalized dashboard, & much more! How did the jackknife incident change the relationship between Dave Jensen and Lee Strunk? What does Norman Bowker need after he returns home? Instead of mourning the loss of his friend, Jensen is glad to know that the pact the two madeand that he brokehas now become obsolete. Fossie loses his innocence in the realization that his girlfriend, Mary Anne, would rather be out on ambush with Green Berets than planning her postwar wedding to Fossie in Cleveland. Jensens relief after Strunks death is an illustration of the perspective soldiers are forced to assume. Instead of mourning the loss of his friend, Jensen is glad to know that the pact the two madeand that he broke . Is everything square between them?. At the beginning of Enemies, Jensen and Strunk are violently opposed to one another although they are fighting on the same side of a brutal war. He stole Dave Jensen's jackknife. In the title story of the book, why does Lt. Cross burn Marthas letters? A minor character whose guilt over his injury of Lee Strunk causes him to break his own nose. el Dia de San Patricio _________________. Taking turns, they carried the big PRC-77 scrambler radio, which weighed 30 pounds with its battery. Write each word that should be followed by an end mark, add the appropriate end mark, and as needed, capitalize the first word of the sentence following the end mark. They make a pact that if one of them should get a wound so bad it would put him in a wheelchair, the other will kill him to put him out of his misery. Who does Tim credit with saving his life? Discount, Discount Code By failing to do it, even at Strunk's behest, he proves himself no friend. | Who was excused from tunnel duty due to size? Afterward, Jensen is nervous that Strunk will try to get revenge and pays special attention to Strunks whereabouts. How does Jimmy ask Tim to portray him in the book he is writing? PDF downloads of all 1699 LitCharts literature guides, and of every new one we publish. He is a perfect example of the incongruities in Vietnam. Back in Vietnamor rather, ahead in VietnamLee Strunk and Dave Jensen ( The Things They Carried) get into a fight over a jackknife that one supposedly stole from the other. What is Jimmy Cross's last request to Tim at the end chapter 2? Subscribe now. They shared the weight of memory. Thanks for creating a SparkNotes account! They start out enemies, when Strunk steals Jensen's jackknife and Jensen breaks his nose, and they end up friendskind of. Thanks for creating a SparkNotes account! How does Lee Strunk first react after his injury? Wear the pantyhose anyway; the magic is still there, . Who did the monks take a special liking to and call "Soldier Jesus?". The fight is personal, between two opponents; the war is not. You'll also get updates on new titles we publish and the ability to save highlights and notes. 2023 Course Hero, Inc. All rights reserved. Lee Strunk and Dave Jensen. Best friends with Lee Strunk, the two are almost unidentifiable from one another as . In addition to the randomness of Vietnam, O'Brien highlights the meaninglessness of it by beginning the description of the fight with the jackknife and by using the vignette as a metaphor for this meaninglessness that the characters feel. Amid the chaotic war in Vietnam, soldiers often battled one another, to relieve the tension of waiting and because such close confines inspired contentious relationships. Henry Dobbins carries extra rations. Dave Jensen A soldier who becomes so plagued with guilt and fear of retribution after he breaks Lee Strunk 's nose during an argument, that Jensen breaks his own nose. Where do the men camp in the chapter titled "Church?". SparkNotes PLUS Dave Jensen. Bowkers letter to OBrien in Notes demonstrates the importance of sharing stories in the healing process. Jensen's relief after Strunk's death is an illustration of the perspective soldiers are forced to assume. Strunk and Jensen become friends and make a pact to kill off the other if they become wheelchair bound. Symbolism, An Analysis of Coming Home Again by Chang Rae Lee. Later that night, he borrows a pistol and uses it to break his own nose in order to even the score. what year was the college reunion where Jimmy Cross reunited with Martha? Removing #book# Continue to start your free trial. For any quotation requiring an end mark, include the closing quotation marks to show the proper placement of the end mark. bookmarked pages associated with this title. If you follow the dink, you stay in the _____________. Where does Jimmy Cross stay while he visits Tim? Three men should pull them apart, andStrunkmust be thrown over the air for medical help. However, in Enemies, the lack of an attempt by Jensen and Strunk to resolve their conflict using peaceful dialogue demonstrates that social contracts have begun to break down. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. A tough soldier, always puffing himself up. In October, Strunk's lower leg gets blown off by a mortar round. He hit him hard. Previous Who is the narrator talking about in Chapter 8, The Dentist? Strunk was taken to the chopper when it arrived. He does not appeal to any in his company who knew of the pact, just Jensen, whom he insists swear not to kill him. You'll also receive an email with the link. Dave Jensen carried three pairs of socks and a can of Dr.Scholl's foot powder as a precaution against trench foot. Complete your free account to request a guide. How old is Tim O'Brien when he wrote the book? We can then apply this model to Vietnam, seeing how the larger battle, no matter who wins or loses, will be meaningless. Who kills Tim Lavender's stray puppy with a Claymore? Lieutenant Cross nodded and closed his eyes while the others clappedStrunkon the back and made jokes about rising from the dead. TO CANCEL YOUR SUBSCRIPTION AND AVOID BEING CHARGED, YOU MUST CANCEL BEFORE THE END OF THE FREE TRIAL PERIOD. In October, Strunks lower leg gets blown off by a mortar round. But when Strunk is actually injured, he immediately wants to rescind the agreement made in a time when the prospect of its being enacted seemed unlikely. Probably not, but the proximity and physicality of his new "enemy" fills Jensen with greater fear than all the Viet Cong. for a customized plan. In the title story of the book, why does Lt. Cross burn Marthas letters? A struggle with Dave Jensen over a jackknife results in Strunk's broken nose. (a) Offers it pork and beans (b) Takes it for a walk (c) Shoots it in the knee They both sign the agreement. Contact us 20% Accuses Dave Jensen of being crazy for breaking his own nose to make them "square" after Jensen shattered Strunk's nose. On the Rainy River, Next Get Annual Plans at a discount when you buy 2 or more! One morning on patrol Dave Jensen and Lee Strunk get into a fistfight over a missing jackknife that Jensen thinks Strunk has stolen. Lee Strunk. What does Norman Bowker need after he returns home? Strunk's nose made a sharp snapping sound, like a firecracker, but even then Jensen kept hitting him, over and over, quick stiff punches that did not miss. Youve successfully purchased a group discount. Would not have made it through AP Literature without the printable PDFs. Unlike Martha and Henry Dobbinss girlfriend, who only serve as fantasy reminders of a world removed from Vietnam, Mary Anne is a strong and realized character who shatters Fossies fantasy of finding comfort in his docile girlfriend. the jungle. Enemies and Friends. Jensen, being stronger, overpowers Strunk and breaks the latter's nose. Lee Strunk steps on a rigged mortar round. Creating notes and highlights requires a free LitCharts account. They resolve that if one gets seriously wounded, the other will kill him to put him out of his misery. Need Custom Character Analysis Sample With Quotes or Maybe Help With Editing? These titles emphasize a wartime distortion of the notion of friendship, especially when compared with the notion of fidelity and promises. OBrien explains that this behavior results from the immaturity of Jensen and Strunk, and of the immaturity of grunts in general. Enemies (Chapter 5) Lyrics. The uselessness of his gesture, motivated by fear, causes us to view the entire fight as void of meaning. How does the sister respond to Rat Kiley's letter? They took up what others could no longer bear. A few months later, Strunk is severely injured when he steps on a rigged mortar round. When Kiowa says "No choice, Tim. Central Idea Essay: Is the Book Fiction or Memoir? At the end of Friends, Jensen is relieved rather than aggrieved to learn of Strunks death, although the two are supposed to be friends. They draw up a pact that says if either one of them is badly wounded, that the other would kill him. Before going out on ambush patrol, what does Henry Dobbins wrap around his neck? Jensen goes to Strunk before he is evacuated out, and as Strunk opens his eyes and sees Jensen, he pleads with him not to kill him. LeeStrunkcrawled out of the tunnel. He and Dave Jensen have agreed to kill each other in exchange for mercy if they are seriously injured while engaged in combat. Detailed explanations, analysis, and citation info for every important quote on LitCharts. Dave Jensen Character Analysis Next Lee Strunk A soldier who becomes so plagued with guilt and fear of retribution after he breaks Lee Strunk 's nose during an argument, that Jensen breaks his own nose. By entering your email address you agree to receive emails from SparkNotes and verify that you are over the age of 13. A childish and careless member of the Alpha Company who is killed when he steps on a rigged mortar round. She goes out and never returns, becoming a part of Vietnam. Chapter 6 takes up the story of Dave Jensen and Lee Strunk's relationship. Some things they carried in common. Their pact to off each other if either of them receives a wheelchair-worthy wound isn't exactly the warm and cuddly kind of friendship we tend to prefer. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Jensens relief afterStrunks death is an illustration of the perspective soldiers are forced to assume. The free trial period is the first 7 days of your subscription. The next morning, Strunk can't stop laughing; he had stolen the jackknife. Struggling with distance learning? The preventability of his death and the irrational fears of his lifeas when a dentist visits the companypoint to the immaturity of many young American soldiers in Vietnam. Read an in-depth analysis of Mitchell Sanders. Often, they carried each other, the wounded or weak. Summary and Analysis O'Brien says that the fight was over "something stupid a missing jackknife," but however meaningless the reason, the fight was nonetheless a vicious engagement between two foes. He came up grinning, filthy but alive. He hit him hard. When he snaps, Dave Jensen began to fire his weapon into the air while yelling Lee Strunk's name until he went through an entire magazine of ammunition. What point does OBrien make about stories and truth? Dave Jensen. Teach your students to analyze literature like LitCharts does. During the war, Bowker is quiet and unassuming, and Kiowas death has a profound effect on him. He could not have known or prevented it, and anyone in the company could have the same happen at any moment. (including. What movie did Jimmy Cross and Martha see on their date before the war? Mark Fossies high school sweetheart. They resolve that if one gets seriously wounded, the other will kill him to put him out of his misery. Renew your subscription to regain access to all of our exclusive, ad-free study tools. Instant PDF downloads. Instead of being upset by the news of his friends swift death en route to treatment, Jensen is relieved. What does Dave Jensen ask Lee Strunk? It explains why the author decided to write the novel. Historical Context Essay: Protests Against the Vietnam War, Literary Context Essay: American War Novels. (one code per order). By signing up you agree to our terms and privacy policy. What is Dave Jensen's decision with regard to the pact he made with Lee Strunk? what can we assume he is talking about? How did Jimmy Cross get another photograph of Martha? Read an in-depth analysis of Jimmy Cross. Not affiliated with Harvard College. Members will be prompted to log in or create an account to redeem their group membership. The original text plus a side-by-side modern translation of. But their enmity isn't normal enmity, eitherwho breaks his own nose out of guilt for breaking another guy's nose for stealing his jackknife? A struggle with Dave Jensen over a jackknife results inStrunks broken nose. However, in Enemies, the lack of an attempt by Jensen and Strunk to resolve their conflict using peaceful dialogue demonstrates that social contracts have begun to break down. Yet even though this was a sign of trust between two men, they still insisted on drawing it up on paper, signing it, and getting witnesses. And by failing to kill Strunk as he'd promised, Jensen is Strunk's enemy by the end of "Friends. After his first episode with the dentist, what did Curt Lemon do? In begging Jensen to forget their pactthat if either man is gravely injured, the other will kill him swiftlyafter he is injured, he illustrates how the fantasy of war differs from . Use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. You can view our. The proprietor of the Tip Top Lodge on the Rainy River near the Canadian border. Mitchell Sanders, Azar, Henry Dobbins, contact and Jorgenson kind of nodded at him, But looking at Jorgenson sitting with. Later that night, Jensen borrows a pistol and uses it to break his own nose. Strunk is loaded into a helicopter, and later Jensen is relieved to learn that Strunk didnt survive the trip. Complete your free account to access notes and highlights. What does Lee Strunk confess to Tim O'Brien in the morning? They even put it on paper. Please wait while we process your payment. What happens to Mary Anne Bell in the end, according to Rat Kiley? from your Reading List will also remove any On what occasion does Rat Kiley write a letter to a man's sister? Jensen kneels at his side and Strunk repeatedly begs not to be killed. Chapter 6: Friends. Which of the following is NOT a way the men resupplied the things they carried? Detailed explanations, analysis, and citation info for every important quote on LitCharts. You'll also receive an email with the link. It was about something stupida missing jackknifebut even so the fight was vicious. What happened in October to change things for Dave Jensen and Lee Strunk? He woke the dentist up and told him a tooth hurt. Dave Jensen and Lee Strunk learn to trust each other. How did the jackknife incident change the relationship between Dave Jensen and Lee Strunk? Berdahl serves as the closest thing to a father figure for OBrien, who, after receiving his draft notice, spends six contemplative days with the quiet, kind Berdahl while he makes a decision about whether to go to war or to escape the draft by running across the border to Canada. Lee Strunk and Dave Jensen in The Things They Carried. Although Mary Anne arrives in Vietnam full of innocence, she gains a respect for death and the darkness of the jungle and, according to legend, disappears there. TO CANCEL YOUR SUBSCRIPTION AND AVOID BEING CHARGED, YOU MUST CANCEL BEFORE THE END OF THE FREE TRIAL PERIOD. What memory forced the men to switch from coffee to gin? Strunk laughs uncontrollably when Jensen breaks his own nose out of fear for what Strunk might do in retaliation, and admits that he in fact did steal the knife. LeeStrunksteals the folding knife of Dave Jensen, and they fall into a fistfight over him. As a rule, the bosses told him to inspect the tunnels before the explosion, the work was unpleasant, but more often he shrugged their shoulders and proceeded to perform. What changed in late August between Lee Strunk and Dave Jensen? Why was Curt Lemon "all smiles" the next morning? Find related themes, quotes, symbols, characters, and more. Jensen breaks Strunks nose, hitting him repeatedly and without mercy. (including. Another soldier in the platoon and a minor character. Becomes close with Jensen soon after and signs a pact that promises one will kill the other if either of them is wounded enough in battle that they are wheelchair bound. Unfortunately, with the breakdown of the social code, each is taking responsibility out of guilt rather than integrity. You'll also get updates on new titles we publish and the ability to save highlights and notes. OBriens first love, whose death of a brain tumor in the fifth grade is OBriens first experience with mortality. PDF downloads of all 1699 LitCharts literature guides, and of every new one we publish. You may cancel your subscription on your Subscription and Billing page or contact Customer Support at Jensen fires until he is out of bullets, and then he sits down and. creating and saving your own notes as you read. . Though his ideas of storytelling may or may not agree with OBriens in the end, his ability to tell stories and to discuss their nuances makes a profound impression on OBrien. In this story, social codes and contracts become arbitrary. In begging Jensen to forget their pactthat if either man is gravely injured, the other will kill him swiftlyafter he is injured, he illustrates how the fantasy of war differs from its reality. PDFs of modern translations of every Shakespeare play and poem. Because of the realness of a physical opponent, everything is more intense. army mandates, but also by each soldiers' personal quirks. Read more about deaths power as a theme. Wed love to have you back! Unfortunately, with the breakdown of the social code, each is taking responsibility out of guilt rather than integrity. Free trial is available to new customers only. A young, scared soldier in the Alpha Company. What does he call the object around his neck? his chest, arms, and face were cut from shrapnel. A medic treats Strunk and prepares him for evacuation. Jensens relief at Strunks death signals that he operates under a strict code of right and wrong, putting more stock in fidelity and promises than in friendship. When was Ted Lavender killed outside of the village Than Khe? What does Rat Kiley do to treat Lee Strunk's injury? Which is not a benefit of being stationed in the area? How do the soldiers cope with death during wartime? Afterward, Jensen is nervous that Strunk will try to get revenge and pays special attention to Strunks whereabouts. What was Curt Lemon's bad experience in high school? O'Brien thinks this news brought relief to Jensen, who felt a heavy burden. for a customized plan. Dave Jensen and Lee Strunk learn to trust each other. What point does OBrien make about stories and truth? Take the "Enemies" and "Friends" Quick Quiz, By entering your email address you agree to receive emails from SparkNotes and verify that you are over the age of 13. At the beginning of Enemies, Jensen and Strunk are violently opposed to one another although they are fighting on the same side of a brutal war. A soldier in the Alpha Company and one of the few unsympathetic characters in the work. He is able again to be Strunk's friend not through his actions, but through fate and his inaction. Jensens relief at Strunks death signals that he operates under a strict code of right and wrong, putting more stock in fidelity and promises than in friendship. Sometimes it can end up there. They're like having in-class notes for every discussion!, This is absolutely THE best teacher resource I have ever purchased. Kiley previously served in the mountains of Chu Lai, the setting of Sweetheart of the Song Tra Bong. OBrien has great respect for Kileys medical prowess, especially when he is shot for a second time and is subjected to the mistreatment of another medic, Bobby Jorgenson. He is kind and devoted, and he has a strong sense of justice. PDFs of modern translations of every Shakespeare play and poem. In terms of the story, they really only matter when they're with each other, and otherwise, the two are your average pair of cocky young men stuck in a war. Definitions and examples of 136 literary terms and devices. What animal does the platoon run into after Curt Lemon's death? Use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. Want 100 or more? Instead of mourning the loss of his friend, Jensen is glad to know that the pact the two madeand that he brokehas now become obsolete. $18.74/subscription + tax, Save 25% Jensen easily overpowers Strunk, hitting him repeatedly and breaking his nose. The way the content is organized, A soldier who becomes so plagued with guilt and fear of retribution after he breaks. What is one thing Dave Jensen and Lee Strunk are NOT described as doing together? Teacher Editions with classroom activities for all 1699 titles we cover. Who began to tense up in the line waiting for an examination? Strunk is best friends with Dave Jensen, and the two have an agreement that if either is injured badly the other will shoot to kill them. He shows Strunk what he has done and asks whether they were now even; Strunk says sure. However, whenStrunkis actually hurt, he begs Jensen to spare him, and Jensen complies. Lee Strunk is another soldier in the platoon and a minor character. pull guard To be assigned to a sentinel shift, to keep watch. ", 2023 Shmoop University Inc | All Rights Reserved | Privacy | Legal. -Graham S. The timeline below shows where the character Lee Strunk appears in, them to safety. Renew your subscription to regain access to all of our exclusive, ad-free study tools. | Jimmy Cross gave the poppa-san a hug while Mitchell Sanders and, but because this was Vietnam where everyone had a gun, Dave Jensen became paranoid that, going on, Jensen sat stiffly against a wall with his weapon at the ready, watching, One afternoon, Jensen finally snapped and started firing his gun into the air while yelling, As they waited for a chopper, Dave Jensen went to, Would not have made it through AP Literature without the printable PDFs. What part of Lee Strunk's body is broken? EXAMPLES :[1] Dr. Lynn Block, director of research for the Larson Soap Company, looked at her appointment book, it's been a highly unusual morning so far". O'Brien makes us wonder whom you can trust in a war. What does Lee Strunk confess to Tim O'Brien in the morning? Continue to start your free trial. Because of this, Jensen starts to worry, growing anxious of what revenge Strunk might take on him. What information is the letter Henry Dobbins receives in October? Purchasing (a) The spit shook on it (b) They asked Lt. Cross to witness it (c) They became blood brothers (d) They wrote it on paper and signed it 2. When Strunk and Jensen fight, the quarrel becomes emotional and out-of-control because they have both yearned for a real enemy to touch, see, and destroy. The author remembers that beforeStrunkwas fatally hurt,Strunkand Dave Jensen had made a pact that if either man were irreparably harmed, the other man would see that he was quickly killed. Perhaps because he had not been severely wounded, Jensen had not undergone the same transformation that Strunk had, wishing for a life after a massive and debilitating wound more than the death of a soldier. Norman Bowker's father only cares about what? My students love how organized the handouts are and enjoy tracking the themes as a class., Requesting a new guide requires a free LitCharts account. 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