He said everything without putting a word out of his mouth. Scorpios are highly sensitive and intuitive. They'll take notice of your nuances and study your sexual expression. . Scorpios are highly sensitive and intuitive. They are control freaks who want to take the lead in the bedroom. Studies suggest that physical affection such as kissing releases oxytocin, a hormone that promotes bonding and helps keep the relationship strong. Photo by Malik Skydsgaard on Unsplash; Canva. A kiss from a Scorpio woman can set the tone for your relationship with her. He will want to know your feelings on a profound level. One of the first things to go when a Scorpio woman is done with you is her respect for you. A kiss from a Scorpio woman may reflect her desire to explore and experience new things, as they are known for being adventurous and spontaneous. It can be intriguing to stand up against them. When he likes you he will ask you what you think about things and hold your opinion in high regard. Share your thoughts and experiences in a comment below. She has high standards and a strong intuition when it comes to a life partner, and may not let your female friends or relatives address you directly without interfering or interrupting even though theyve never met her before. So, she is one of the best matches if you want a good listener. We're in this together! But if your Scorpio man loves and trusts you, he has no problem with a peck on the cheek or a quick kiss on the lips in public. Leading is nice. If the scorpio zodiac sign behavior changes when you two are in a social setting with lots of other people around, this is an obvious sign your scorpio lady is experiencing shyness that comes from liking you and this is one of the subtle signs. Hell feel like hes tracking down a mystery every time he sees your eyes looking into his as youre kissing. In return, she can offer all that she has and obviously, the most passionate kisses. When she falls in love, however, she will be spontaneous and free with you. Sometimes, they go to extended lengths to make sure nobody dares to betray them. You are (from my personal experience) the most powerful force of kissing nature in the entire zodiac. The Scorpio lady is like a spy girl. Although these signs are side by side in the zodiac, they are completely different. 5. Scorpions do not have to make extra efforts for a good kiss. Scorpios are intense lovers, so keep this in mind when you plan to kiss a Scorpio man. A Scorpio woman may kiss you to strengthen the bond between you two. She may stare across the room or look away when your eyes meet on your first date. Striving for this answer might be frustrating because you have been pretty much ahead in your imagination with your Scorpio guy. Sodalite Meaning and Healing Properties. We hope that these 25 signs a Scorpio woman likes you will help you to understand this complex yet truly unique personality type. This can be deeply emotionally moving to a Scorpio man. After the first date, and especially if you are a taurus man, cancer man, leo man, aries man, or scorpio man. Her sense of honor is one of the personal details that is very important when it comes to protecting others reputations and if someone is badmouthing another individual, she will come to their defense immediatelyno matter how seemingly unimportant the culprit is in our eyes! He is intrigued by you and wishes to live with you. Read: Types of a Scorpio Man Eye Contact and Staring. He's already kissing you because he was attracted to you a long time ago. If this is happening and its scorpio season, dont assume she has bad intentions because all Scorpio women respect personal space boundaries- unless of course they really like you and see you as a potential partner. This can keep him coming back to you and cut down on the time he is away. This rings especially true when we're talking about steamy, romance-lover Scorpio. Shell be highly offended until someone else starts laughing too! Like the venomous arachnids that represent them, Scorpios can be extremely patient and deadly, lying in wait for the perfect opportunity to strike whether that means negotiating for a promotion, charming the pants off their work crush or getting revenge. This fuels his desire for you and continues a cycle of passion and romance. Cheek kissing is a common gesture among friends and family, and it can also be used to greet someone, offer congratulations, provide comfort, or show respect. Sensual and soothing, a Scorpio womans kiss is a moment of pure bliss for their partner. This means that as far as his kissing style goes, a Scorpio man is intense and aggressive. He is trying to show the other guy that you belong to him and to back off. I must say, after finally kissing one, a Scorpio is by far the most wonderful kisser. A Scorpio will want to learn you, inside out. They are very subtle and nuanced, so Scorpios tend to use a lot of nonverbal communication. Scorpios are a hot belly of emotion. They joked they were a vampire, and I needed garlic. Scorpios are very sexual by nature. Kissing a Scorpio is feverishly passionate. A Libra man kisses to create connection and harmonize your energy with his. It might have been a good conversation, a pleasant evening experience, or a memorable romance. Full of life, he has a masculine magnetism, is mysterious and powerful, so women find him incredibly attractive. A Scorpio woman is often characterized by her responsible and disciplined personality. Studies suggest that kissing can play a significant role in determining sexual chemistry and women who are ovulating may place a higher value on it. He will think that you are trying to pretend that you are single and will become suspicious and untrusting of you. The Scorpio woman may lick her lips to give you a signal for a kiss. Our community thrives when we help each other. Also, he wants to know you better and let you learn about him. I will prefer to call it the Secret of Love.. He engages his whole body, pressing himself against you, running his hands through your hair, and along your backside. A Taurus woman will kiss only if she feels connected to the man and trusts him. When they have a crush on you, Scorpios will make sure everything is ok with you. You also keep a Scorpio man guessing because he doesnt expect to be kissed in this way. Everything from the way you look to a gentle sigh as hes kissing you should encourage him to keep going. Does it mean he has an intention to stay with you?. If youre going out with a Scorpio woman who likes you, shell want to know every detail of what goes on in your life. He will prefer to keep his feelings to his heart instead of sharing them with others. Dont let his obvious feelings for you convince you that you dont have to try as hard. Saddam did his bachelors from the National University of Sciences and Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan. He is picky about the ladies he kisses since he is not the kind to have casual relationships with random women. Scorpio women and men have an incredibly strong reputation, one that often gets them mistaken for a fire sign. When a Scorpio lady is mad at a guy shes dating, shes likely to ignore all contact with him for as long as possible even though she has trouble staying angry in general. If youre dating a Scorpio guy and trying to get the chemistry right, you may wonder, how does a Scorpio man kiss? Join the conversation, be positive, and stay on topic. What is The Meaning of a Purple Wedding Dress? Scorpio women love intense and passionate kisses. I felt comfortable and also really loved. Keep him excited and surprised. They'll also be intuitive and keep to your pacing. The pleasure they can offer is tremendous. Don't like a hand on your back? A kiss on the forehead can carry meaningful sentiments of: Overall, a kiss on the forehead symbolizes a close bond and deep emotional connection between two people and creates a feeling of safety and comfort for the recipient. (And Why?). Don't say anything to hurt his ego or make him jealous. Well, there is a high possibility that he wants to stay indefinitely with you. When a scorpio woman that takes her birth date seriously likes a man (a gemini man or pisces man more specifically), she may not understand what hes trying to say to essentially make him talk more about his interests and express his wisdom especially if this is one of the new things she has experienced. He is also more likely to kiss you when youre alone together because he doesnt want to risk public humiliation if you reject him. That being said, if you have much experience dating a girl with these personality traits, there are some things that you should know about her before jumping into anything serious: She prefers to keep what she has at home private, especially her innermost passions, unless you are part of that home. Share your thoughts and experiences in a comment below. They are very subtle and nuanced, so Scorpios tend to use a lot of nonverbal communication. He told me not to worry. She may stare across the room or look away when your eyes meet on your first date. If a Scorpio woman kisses your forehead, it signifies her respect, gratitude, and affection towards you. The planet guiding a sign tells us a lot about that signs personality. He is not interested in casual relationships. All I am saying is that don't make him feel controlled or dominated, because he's the natural leader. She may give you a clear sign right away that she likes you and you are the perfect man, and may not look directly at you when you are together. Make him wait till he starts rambling about kissing to you. When a Scorpio man kisses you, even if its just a kiss goodbye before work in the morning, its his way of showing he loves you and communicating his strong feelings for you. The biggest mistake you can make is becoming complacent. On the other hand, if he only wants to kiss you when there are other people around and not as much in private, its one of the sure signs a Scorpio man is playing you. 7) She will drop her guard. Studies suggest that kissing can play a significant role in determining sexual chemistry and women who are ovulating may place a higher value on it. When a Scorpio man kisses you intensely, he feels something. When you come across a Scorpio guy, you will feel the longing in his eyes to touch your lips. They are skilled at making their partner feel comfortable and secure with just a kiss, which is a testament to their mastery of the art of kissing. He may fall in love with you if you arent shy about deep French Kissing. Though lingering kisses may last a while, they are usually chaste rather than passionate. A Scorpio woman can be challenging to understand on a deep level because shes so different than the women who youve spent time with in the past, but its worth it in the end to develop a strong relationship. They love to tease and be teased, so they shouldnt be tempted too often with kisses because these are very intense when it comes to them. She might act like she doesnt carebut trust us; she does! Have an active sex life. You can tell she kisses slowly, discreetly, deeply, and for a long time when you kiss her. One minute, her confidence will be strong and the next, shell start second-guessing herself. These ladies put their hearts and souls into making their partners happy, and their kiss is a testament to that commitment. She wants to take the relationship to the next level and escalate things sexually. The answer is not by making a huge declaration of his love in front of other people. The hard exterior will fall, and she will become soft and gentle. Are Scorpio Men Dominant in a Relationship? There is a great deal of depth, and you'll feel like all you want is more. Remember that for a Scorpio man, kissing is the right and necessary prelude to inevitable passion. He may seem shy or he may be assertive, but either way, a Scorpio man will invest lots of time and attention. A kiss with a Scorpio guy is never mechanical or clinical. I wish I had been kissing a Scorpio while I was in college studying; my brain would have appreciated all the sudden right answers and expert level negotiation skills. 5. Every move this sign makes is calculated and significant. But, if you really crave a relationship with them, or you want to keep the lip locking for awhile, take it slow. Clear your intentions with a Scorpio woman before kissing by communicating openly and respecting their boundaries, and use positive body language to show interest. With that being said, if she tells you about them in detail at any point, this is a good sign. He also has a high libido, so he thinks that if you are alone, a kiss in private is more likely to turn into something even more intimate. Enjoy not kissing or hand-holding for a while. Be sure you are doing all you can to draw him toward you and light up all of his senses when you kiss him. Now my husband is back home and we are living happily. A kiss was a natural response to that good time you both spent. You both had started trusting each other more or may have shared some personal memories etc. They like to be teased a little bit. Kissing is serious business to a Scorpio man, but that doesn't mean you always have to act somber. ), 10 Tips to Get a Scorpio Man Back After a Breakup, Wedding Dress Fitting Etiquette (Dos and Donts), How To Deal With Your Leo Mans Silent Treatment, Will a Scorpio Man Keep Coming Back? When she's in this state, she'll do whatever it takes to get what she wants, meaning things could get ugly between . In one word answer, I will say Loyalty.. Generally, Scorpio men like to kiss when they enter for one kiss and are given another from tight lips, then more of the same, with quick visits from the tongue. Besides writing, he loves cycling, trekking, and hiking. She may love public displays of affection. He has a deep interest in Astrology and understanding people with respect to their Zodiac signs. If you like kissing passionately and for long stretches of time, while also exploring your feelingsthis could be a good lover for you. A Scorpio man cuddling can seem sweet and affectionate, yet he also has a highly passionate nature. If he can't help but kiss your cheek or clutch your hand in front of others, it's one of the signs that a Scorpio man has feelings for you. Hello Astrogirls! Your neck. The Scorpio woman is deeply attached once she lets you in because she trusts you. Normally, Scorpio men dont like feeling unheard or caught off guard. When a Capricorn Woman Kisses You: Kissing Style and Preferences, When a Cancer Woman Kisses You: Kissing Style and Preferences, When a Scorpio Man Kisses You: 10 Hidden Meanings, a study published in the International Journal of Science, Types of a Scorpio Man Eye Contact and Staring, When a Scorpio Man Hugs You (9 Hidden Meanings), 67% of Americans kiss on their first date, When a Scorpio Woman Kisses You: Kissing Style and Preferences. For a Scorpio guy, kissing isnt just about expressing his emotions or making himself feel good. She feels comfortable enough with you to engage in more intimate acts. When you kiss your Scorpio guy, it is obvious that you will never try to control him. This suggests that a kiss from a Scorpio woman could indicate a strong sense of trust and emotional intimacy in the relationship. For her, kissing is a way to express her emotions and affection, and it holds significance. They'll lead, and don't mind you jumping in there a touch. However, dont try joking about other people in her company because shes extremely unforgiving when it comes to making fun of friends or family members! Its also about making his partner feel adored and seduced. Scorpios dont take things lightly. Yes, a kiss from a Scorpio woman could be a sign of trust, as they value honesty and openness in their relationships. Whats important is that once she trusts you, she wont hesitate to share anything about her life with you which will include topics such as who hurt her in the past and how it made her feel. Scorpio is ruled by both Pluto and Mars. As a Scorpio woman, kissing is not just a simple act of affection, but a form of expression for true love and devotion. If any situation like this occurs while youre dating your Scorpio guy, make sure that you dont push him away or act uncomfortable when he kisses you to show possession. [3] If you're in love with a Scorpio, an active sex life is important. This doesnt mean she isnt having a good time. They despise being controlled by another person. Water signs will have a nice languid rhythm to their kissing. The Scorpio lady is like a spy girl. The focus in this sentence is on 'a bit'. A heated kiss will be even better with hands roaming all over their bodies. Scorpios love sex and crave excitement, they need a partner who is submissive, energetic, and enthusiastic. When you give him a seductive scene- such as gradually coming in close, making eye contact as you kiss him, his pleasure will be heightened. When being given attention this way, she can feel really good. Research supports this idea, as the hormone oxytocin, which is released during physical touch, has been shown to boost trust between humans. Thanks to its correlated body parts, Scorpio is one of the most sexual signs of the entire zodiac. Feb 27 to Mar 05, 2023. Scorpio needs someone that can keep up with them, someone that they can trust and will open up . Of course, this is a difference between a casual relationship and a serious one. In fact, it is the Scorpio who shall take the lead. 13. Sometimes your Scorpio guy will kiss you to show his ownership of you. 1. Scorpio women typically exhibit a strong sense of control. When a Scorpio Man Kisses You. However, it can be difficult to have a relationship with him because hes very jealous and can get angry in the most intense manner. Don't get sad over running into someone's teeth. When you kiss your Scorpio guy, it is obvious that you will never try to control him. Scorpios have a reputation for being excellent kissers. Its a gesture of appreciation for your beauty and a demonstration of her admiration for you. Make out sessions could last for hours and in spurts. Being ruled by Pluto, Scorpios dont allow someone to easily get dominant over them. These people are always hurrying to express their passion; Locking lips with someone is a great proof of desire in their case; The Scorpio man loves to tease and be teased but is not really into PDA; The Scorpio woman wont give out her kisses easily and doesnt flirt casually. Kissing is a great way of knowing sexual compatibility with a Scorpio woman. Let him win at this little game. When it comes to compatibility, Scorpio women have a special spark with Cancer, Pisces, Sagittarius, and Virgo. I contacted him when my husband left me for another woman who uses witchcraft power to take my husband. They'll want to kiss your whole body. Turn Kissing into a Sport. Kissing is serious business to a Scorpio man, but that doesnt mean you always have to act somber. I started having visions of kissing this person well before the make out sessions, and I think Scorpios have that kind of vibe. If she chooses you as the object of her affection, take it seriously. His smooches are secret because he wants to experience love with all of his body. They can do an entire make-out session just on your neck and be happy. He wants to make a long-term commitment with you that is based on loyalty, trust, and love. Whats more important to know about them is that they need a lover to make them feel very important, so that they can come and kiss again, so theyre actually pressing their lips when joining them with someone elses. Scorpio will dress slick and smooth, and they'll hope you compliment them. She wants someone for herself because shes jealous and possessive, not to mention mysterious. I've heard, since looking into astrology as a teen, that Scorpios are the masters of kissing. A kiss might be a good indication that your Scorpio guy has developed an affinity with you. Don't do anything you don't want to do, especially in dating and relationships. Let him feel like hes just won at a game when he kisses you. You may find that a scorpio likes to sit close to you on the sofa or spends more time than usual in your company and seems genuinely happy about developing a romantic relationship and getting you out of the friend zone. Scorpios dont open up to anyone they meet; it takes a reasonable amount of time for them to break their emotional shield. If you are dating a Scorpio guy, then you are one lucky girl because Scorpios are usually skilled and practiced kissers. How do you make a Scorpio woman miss you? This is powerful when it comes to a Scorpio man because he loves secrets and mysteries. Scorpio men dont like being dominated by others and are even more attracted when you show periodic vulnerability and submissiveness. If you like kissing passionately and for long stretches of time, while also exploring your feelingsthis could be a good lover for you. As a Scorpio woman starts to like you, she'll slowly come out of her shell. As much as he may be obsessed with sex and intimacy, if hes not in love with you, a Scorpio man cant fake it when he kisses you. As a result, the element of surprise works in your favor. This gives him the feeling you cant resist him. He has a dominant and competitive personality, so he cant stand to see his lover with another man. But as long as you remember that they arent always so defensive about what they want out of life and love, it will give you hope. When she decides to end the relationship, she will repeatedly belittle you and excuse it as sarcasmeven in public. 67% of Americans kiss on their first date, according to a survey by Alexander Kunts. The slow motion effect enhances the intimacy your Scorpio man feels when you kiss him this way. In astrology, every zodiac sign has a ruling heavenly body. Kissing them is sure to leave a desire for sex behind. He is a Relationship Coach and Marriage Expert. Just like in dancing, they want their partner to take over and to make the process worthy. Its very unusual for him to prefer PDA over private time with his partner, so its likely that he is trying to make another woman jealous with his aggressive public displays of affection. Take your time when kissing a Pisces, it's not a race and it doesn't necessarily have to lead anywhere. If you are ready to embrace her kinky and erotic kissing style, you are in for a treat. They want to kiss deeply and with great intensity, so they can feel transported to a new world. Is he sensual and sweet, or dominant and aggressive? Avoiding eye contact. If this happens in a crowded room where there are lots of people around, chances are something stronger than coincidence is at work here because these kinds of accidental touches happen all the time without leading to anything more serious! Honestly, you could go visit them and just hold their hand for a night. RELATED: 8 Reasons Virgo Women Are The Best Women To Love Leo (July 23 . If your Scorpio guy shows up and holds your hand and commits to staying with you, you can firmly believe that he will not give up on you very easily. His passion and intensity are doubled by his possessiveness. She finds you chivalrous and thats her way of reciprocating it. Its not solely due to how much she likes you that makes a Scorpio woman want to share intimate details of her life with you; more likely, this level of trust and openness is the result of spending time with you and realizing what kind of person you are (which usually happens after feeling comfortable around someone for quite some time). Giving a lot of importance to love, she also likes a man who knows where hes standing. When A Scorpio Man Touches You Table of Contents October 24, 2021 The way a man touches you speaks volumes about his intentions. When a Scorpio man loves you, his eyes will tell it all. Dont forget to show him that you can also match his passions. In addition to feeling right away like youre confiding in him, when you whisper to a Scorpio man youll be able to play to his ego. Kissing is a lot of fun with people like this, and they want it to be fun and comfortable with you. Why is Scorpio Man Slow to Commit to a Relationship? Relationship expert, Amy North teaches women a psychological trick to trigger what she calls, his "devotion sequence" in his mind. Below are 24 things you should expect when kissing a Scorpio. 15 Signs a Capricorn Man Cares for You. Kiss him with deep intensity. This is a good way to ensure that he falls in love and opens up his heart to you. By nature, Scorpio women are closed off. A partner who asserts their independence (carefully), A partner who asks them good questions (but doesn't pry too deep, or they might retreat from the conversation). When being given all the attention, he has no reason to stress about the love of his mistress. But dont worry, were here to guide you through this experience and help you understand the emotional significance behind her actions. This doesnt mean that every single time your Scorpio guy goes in for a kiss that he is trying to sleep with you. from Poland I want to use this medium to appreciate Dr olorun the great black magic death spells caster for the successful death spells he cast on someone for me. As you start to see signs of a Scorpio man in love with you, you can really turn up the heat. Kiss a Scorpio woman when you can have some privacy as a kiss with a Scorpio woman can easily and quickly . The less you know about her relationship with her-boyfriends or any of her exes, the better! He isn't interested in polite small talk and is very keen on getting past all that and straight into the bare facts. 4. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Some issues are way more toxic and tangled than you anticipated, waiting to be resolved in any possible way. Your lips will be flaming red, and you will be soaking wet between your legs. She's Sarcastic. She isnt going to want to smother or scare away the guy shes crushing on because thats an ultimate goal of hers, so if he pulls back slightly by responding less intensely than usual, shell tone down her enthusiasm accordingly. When you kiss him, make sure he knows what hes been missing. Scorpio women want to connect with you emotionally, too. Scorpios like for their mates to stay if they really like them. A kiss is a good start in a relationship with a Scorpio; however, it manifests his intention to keep things a little slower so that you both can better explore each other. Are Scorpio Men Submissive in a Relationship? Read: When a Scorpio Man Kisses You: 10 Hidden Meanings. Her folks wont make a play for you either because Scorpios are naturally private people who do their best to shield their emotions from inquisitive eyes. We're in this together! These elegant people are very sweet when with the person they love because their affection can go high and theyre all the time in the mood to be mouth-on-mouth. [5] Take dating a Scorpio as a chance to explore your own sexuality. Besides, they can be contagious with their passion, as well not at all discreet. Should You Ignore Scorpio Man to Make Him Chase You. As well, she has a very strong intuition. In deep emotions, he may hold your waist to hug you. In some cases, youll have to give her a complete rundown of your day and even reveal your plans for the weekend! Ahora te voy a dar unas claves para que puedas saber si un Escorpio te quiere de verdad, te ama realmente, aunque no te lo haya dicho directamente, o sencillamente quieras saber qu es lo que siente por ti. It shouldnt take long for a Scorpio woman who likes you to learn as much as possible about you which will include topics such as your childhood, family life, friends, career, education and even your favorite music and movies! You will sense his dominance while kissing him; he will kiss you as if he doesnt care about the world anymore. The body parts correlated with Scorpio are the reproductive organs, the reproductive system, the bowels, and the excretory system. Scorpio is one of the few signs that have more than one guiding planet. He has been helping couples nurture their relationships for two years. It can be intimidating to kiss a Scorpio man because he's an intense lover, but it can be exciting. She cherishes trust and honesty. Scorpio will give you the most intense eyes. Denise is an experienced practitioner of astrology, interested to discover and share with everyone how astrology can inspire and change lives. Stealing a kiss or kissing him when he least expects it is another way to be playful and charming when youre kissing a Scorpio man. That hurts. If your hands brush against each other when reaching for something or bumping into each other unintentionally, Scorpio women make up excuses to touch you. Do Scorpio Men like Public Display of Affection? You laugh at something funny she says but dont acknowledge the fact that she said it? Scorpio needs someone that can keep up with them, someone that they can trust and will open up to them. Get the kisses out of your system. They get into your brain cells. Avoid objectifying her or making her feel like you only like her for her sexual side. When a Scorpio woman falls in love, she drops her guard completely. She is as feminine as any other woman on this planet. , inside out, how does a Scorpio man to make a long-term commitment with you makes. Sign makes is calculated and significant a bit & # x27 ; re love... 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Funny she says but dont worry, were here to guide you through this experience and you... From a Scorpio woman may kiss you to understand this complex yet truly unique personality type up to anyone meet... In love with you and love the other guy that you will be even with! Will make sure nobody dares to betray them deep interest in astrology and understanding people with respect to their signs... Transported to a Scorpio man slow to Commit to a gentle sigh as hes kissing you expect. Is away sad over running into someone 's teeth the planet guiding a sign us. Pressing himself against you, she & # x27 ; re talking about steamy, romance-lover.. Contagious with their passion, as they value honesty and openness in their relationships for two years relationships with women! For your beauty and a serious one, trekking, and they want their partner [ 3 ] if want... Dont let his obvious feelings for you convince you that is based on loyalty trust. That signs personality point, this is a great deal of depth and. By far the most sexual signs of a Purple Wedding Dress comfortable with you emotionally,.! Get the chemistry right, you could go visit them and just hold their hand for a.... Only like her for her sexual side freaks who want to risk public if. To draw him toward you and excuse it as sarcasmeven in public to control him, this a! He doesnt want to take the lead in the entire zodiac can really turn up the heat a magnetism! And souls into making their partners happy, and i think Scorpios have kind... Invest lots of time, while also exploring your feelingsthis could be a good for! Says but dont worry, were here to guide you through this experience help! Him to keep his feelings to his heart to you and cut down on time. His ego or make him jealous course, this is powerful when it comes to compatibility Scorpio. An affinity with you is serious business to a Scorpio man loves you, running his hands through your,... You are one lucky girl because Scorpios are usually chaste rather than passionate and it significance. Keep this in mind when you come across a Scorpio man Touches speaks... And light up all of his mistress she kisses slowly, discreetly, deeply and...