An exodus of older people from the workforce just as UK employers lost access to the EU labour market is a key factor in labour shortages that have been plaguing businesses in sectors ranging. A. caucasion. Even though she had never instructed anyone on how to use the new software, Millicent accepted the responsibility of instructing Sherri because she knew she was capable of doing the job. How does it apply to real-life situations? d. Emotional contract e. Ethnocentrism, __________ diversity reflects differences in attitudes or values, especially with regard to group goals or processes. B. Respondents were asked 11 close-ended questions and 2 open-ended questions. Flash Express purchases USB flash drives from suppliers and then applies corporate logos to the exterior of those flash drives for its customers. We surveyed 929 Americans and conducted an extensive literature review to find out. The extent to which a person is outgoing, sociable and assertive, The extent to which a person is trusting, cooperative, and good-natured, The extent to which a person is dependable, reliable and responsible, The extent to which a person is relaxed, secure and unworried, The extent to which a person is imaginative, curious and broad-minded. Which of the following statements about knowledge workers is NOT true? Emotional intelligence reflects the ability to: (select all that apply). Older workers have higher rates of absenteeism than younger workers.C. The ratio of older (55 and over) to younger (25 to 34) workers is near parity. Darren is interviewing for a new administrative assistant. C. Older workers are less productive than younger workers.D. These cookies are essential for the Sites performance and for you to be able to use its features. The _____ effect is the tendency to remember recent information better than earlier information. Ethical idealism Waiver Rules 6. To appear intimidating to employees Is there any scientific evidence in favor of or against this claim? c. become aware of What Is the Older Workers Benefit Protection Act? Technology has widespread effects on the behavior of people in the organization. ResumeLab is an online resume maker & cover letter generator that empowers your job search and helps you to build a job-winning resume & cover letter. The majority of older workers work manual labor jobs. B. BaseballPlayerFredoKarlBattingAverage0.1580.177TeamBattingAverage0.1660.189TeamStandardDeviation0.0120.015. Which baseball player had the higher batting average when compared to his team? A. limited liability company. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. e. It has created inflexible worksites. Create your Cover Letter in 5 minutes. c. Sexual orientation Career aspirations Token e. ethics, Employees who feel the need to protect their own career prospects by impeding the prospects of others are Support from lower-level managers As a result, his coworkers continued to feel he was lazy and incompetent. The Northern Advocate "NORTHLAND FIRST" Registered for transmission through the post as a Newspaper. Discrimination based on age is known as __________. c. Deep-level diversity This is an example of b. prejudices. Feel free to share our study! a. the "like me" bias. D. the ability to find a new job. Identify a true statement about stereotypes. c. Egalitarianism b. reduced motivation. Racial knowledge C. the increase in gas prices e. Power distance, Which of the following is NOT an example of individualism? A number of activities carried out at Flash Express are listed below. PARLIAMENT'S PROGRAMME. These characteristics describe Matt's _____. D. gender-specific panels. c. grouping people into different categories. e. reduced turnover. Career plans are too time consuming and amount to too much busy work. Believing that people are incapable of making decisions on their own d. Prioritizing the group over self 57. Older workers are retiring earlier than before. Forming a positive impression of an individual based on a single trait is called _____. B. incident Which of the following statements about demotions is true? -Education A new president must be chosen for a big business. And guess what? C. unmarried single 30-year-old female with no children. T F 36. Turnover and absenteeism Refer to the Economic Letters (Vol. More than one million readers read his career advice every month. Life experiences d. explicit d. Giving all employees equal access to performance feedback b. If youre unable to sell your product or service, your business is as good as none at all. Sales is the heart of any business. Manufacturing (on average, 45% of respondents agreed with stereotypical claims), Healthcare (32% of respondents agreed with the stereotypes). c. ethnocentrism. The situation that occurs when someone rises to a certain level of responsibility in a company but is unable to rise further despite being capable and willing, is commonly called the glass __________. The "can do" aspect of our personality can best be described as __. Older Workers: Stereotypes vs. A clearly written policy manual Here are a few examples: Truth is, workers over the age of 55 are indeed more expensive to hire and retain than younger peoplebut the difference is very small. The tendency to attribute to an individual the characteristics you believe are typical of the group to which that individual belongs is known as _____. This is because they have:Select one:A. a decline in explicit memoryB. c. Deep-level diversity Which of the following is NOT a reason that organizational career management systems. Working long hours to make a deadline c. Pairing a senior employee with a junior employee to transfer the skills of the senior employee to the junior The objective of maintenance and reliability is to : a. ensure that breakdowns do not affect the quality of the products The number of middle-class households will increase. a. For this study, we collected answers from 929 American respondents via Amazon's Mechanical Turk. Awareness of one's own cultural worldview D. spherical. C. a good relationship with the boss. e. insourcing. c. Organizational management _____ is defined as an individual's involvement, satisfaction, and enthusiasm for work. In insurance, the insurance policy is a contract (generally a standard form contract) between the insurer and the policyholder, which determines the claims which the insurer is legally required to pay. According to the research papers we examined, the popular stereotype is that workers over the age of 55: Aren't motivated Don't participate in extra training or career development programs Are resistant to change Aren't as productive as younger workers Don't identify themselves with companies they work for Are distrustful of other people b. variety of ages. C. generation y b. Tiered d. Mental abilities One in five adults age 50-plus (21%) report that they have experienced age discrimination since turning 40 years old. A. subjective B. objective C. specific D. general A. occupational advancement. B. Self-esteem and locus of control Just make sure to link back to this page to give the authors proper credit. c) She was good at her last job, so she w; Stereotypes of older workers in the United States include A) being inflexible. Choice, Positive stress that can stimulate better coping and adaptation In other words: the more we reinforce the (often false) stereotypes about older colleagues, the more likely they are to actually leave their jobs earlier. A. Respondents consisted of 59% males and 41% females. b. religion. d. eliminate B. career plateau. If another customer places and order for 100 "top hat" flash drives, 100 swing flash drives, and 100 wrist band flash drives, then that order would be processed as three batches and shipped as one batch. Older African-American males are virtually uninvolved in church activities c. European Americans are more committed to their religions than African Americans d. Religion is a less important resource for European . The Bible (from Koine Greek , t bibla, 'the books') is a collection of religious texts or scriptures that are held to be sacred in Christianity, Judaism, Samaritanism, and many other religions. School Grand Valley State University; Course Title FIN 331; Type. Older workers are more expensive to hire and retain. employee __________ refers to the characteristics of individuals that shape their identifies and the experiences they have in society. Calculate the total cost of the purchase with interest. To increase employees' emotional intelligence A. health. b. information technology time. Older workers are of considerably less value to a company than younger workers.D. A. promotion to senior management. b. C Preplanned e. None of these are correct, Which of the following contributes to diversity? Fair Employment Act c. Less interpersonal conflict When her boss conducts her performance appraisal, he focuses on this factor, rather than looking at her sales performance during the previous 11 months. e. profit maximization. There are significant increases in spirituality and religion during middle aged; Americans are becoming less committed to particular religious denominations; Religion is associated with decreased physical health; Males show a stronger interest in religion than females do. A. impulsive quitters. e. sixty-five and older. D. skilled employees "poached" from other firms. D. the tournament model. e. expand. gender. d. Valuing harmony more than honesty The activity of inferring causes for observed behavior is known as causal _______. D. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. But how did it start? $$ b. d. Attitudinal diversity b. Surface-level diversity \\ The Americans with Disabilities Act requires organizations to provide a reasonable _____ for individuals with disabilities in the workplace. d. employees who do the same type of tasks work the same hours/shifts c. Ethnocentrism pay, decision-making authority, and status. Travis asked his mother if he should look for a new job because he wasn't happy in his current one. Let me know in the comments, I cant wait to hear your thoughts. Self-________ is the extent to which people like or dislike themselves. Valuing personal achievement above the achievement of the group a. the "like me" bias. d. pricing policy. Choose the right CV format for your needs. a. corporate governance. Giving all employees equal access to mentors d. a service organization. the age range of the most preferred employees, 25 to 35. b. b. async def c. post a privacy policy on the company's website. e. a hybrid organization. While in his twenties, Bush flew warplanes in the Texas Air National Guard. Perhaps more so than elsewhere, in the workplace. b. are based on certain characteristics or traits. What is the term for the attitudes or beliefs that affect our understanding, actions, and decisions in an unconscious manner? Brainscape helps you realize your greatest personal and professional ambitions through strong habits and hyper-efficient studying. Will leave the job sooner than their younger colleagues. c. Technology provides a competitive advantage. _____ is the belief that one's native country, culture, language, abilities, and/or behavior are superior to those of another culture. Recognize your physiological responses to triggers. -An increase in the rate at which mothers of young children are entering the workforce. The three people he interviewed include an older woman, a man in a wheelchair, and a recent college graduate with beautiful blond hair. A. United States during the next decade. In managing careers, organizations should: Dual career couples now comprise _____ percent of the workforce. called C. socialization. This is an example of _____. Which statement about workers compensation is true 1. C. Communication theory c. Sex C. crystallized pragmatics. She is known as the "cheerleader" of the department because she is enthusiastic about every project and highly focused. Period. A. A They care about the quality of work they do. d. Workforce diversity 2023 Labs Limited. b. On a positive note, 9 in 10 respondents agreed that people who discriminate against older workers should be punished. d. Seniors, Generation T, Generation M b. a biotechnology firm. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care. This is an example of Michael has a degree in Liberal Arts and specializes in personal and professional storytelling. Older worker, as compared to younger workers: 56. c. Knowledge a. b. Older workers tend to be absent less frequently than younger workers. a. tiered __________ are generalized, fixed images of others. It costs more to prepare older workers for a job. e. absolute. A Speed and accuracy of the processes involved in sensory input, attention, visual and motor memory, discrimination, comparison, and categorization are components of: A. cognitive perceptions. A typical characteristic of a knowledge worker's career path is C. corporation. A member of the Republican Party, Bush family, and son of the 41st president George H. W. Bush, he previously served as the 46th governor of Texas from 1995 to 2000.. d. Pairing a senior employee with a junior employee to transfer the skills of the junior employee to the senior T F 37. _____ quiters rationally evaluate alternative jobs and are relatively free of strong negative emotions toward their employers. a. Vietnam Era veterans' Readjustment Assistant Act of 1974 This act mandates affirmative action to employ veterans of the Vietnam War era. Older workers have more accidents than younger workers b. Kayla has made her sales quota every month during the past year except for last month. B. cognitive perceptions. 1) Which of the following statements about the U.S. workforce is true? e. a hybrid organization. a. a manufacturing organization. Acting cheerful while taking a customer's order In exchange for an initial payment, known as the premium, the insurer promises to pay for loss caused by perils covered under the policy . An important psychological need at _____ is to build something lasting, something that will be a permanent contribution to the organization or profession. Given the gender and age makeup of our large sample, the study can be generalized to the entire population. Which of the following is true about employees working in the same company but in different locations? \hline \text { Karl } & 0.177 & 0.189 & 0.015 \\ C. Impulsive a. Masculinity c. Power distance To influence the way employees behave Uploaded By broadnax77. based on a variety of characteristics. Which of the following statements about older workers is true?Select one:A. b. twenty and thirty 1.9K views, 33 likes, 8 loves, 6 comments, 46 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Kaswaa Elkhelaly: .. . d. maintain the capability of the system commitment to the organization c. ethnocentrism. The company defines its batches based on customer orders. False d. direct The people who volunteer for the local animal shelter have a wide variety of expertise they use to help b. knowledge d. perceived threat of loss. B. female worker. Why is it important to manage employees as individuals who have different personalities and circumstances? Fathers e. Cultural competence, __________ diversity exists within a group when there are differences in a certain type or category, including group People with high rates of self-efficacy, including generalized self-efficacy, tend to have what characteristics? Clinically, it is characterized by general symptoms, mainly elevated temperature for 2-5 days and headache, as well as muscle pain and fatigue. Pages 9 Ratings 100% (1) 1 out of 1 people found this document helpful; Cumulative research evidence across three large-scale meta-analyses indicates that in both professional and unprofessional jobs, age and job performance are generally: Which statement about older workers is true? The fact that, consciously or subconsciously, we tend to prefer to associate with others who are like us is called Jessica believes she should be concerned for the welfare of others. Identify the components of secondary diversity. Older workers say their biggest problem is: Turns out they know what theyre talking about.Surprising as it might sound, studies have shown theres no difference in key clinical metrics related to both physical and mental health between older and younger workers. a. b. human resource training. Pay differences Counterproductive work behaviors hassles It provides more flexible operations. The components of __________ __________ are the things that are not as often considered in society but are integral to an individual's make up. Psychological contract \hline \text { Item } & \text { Cost } & \begin{array}{c} & \text { b. } d. valued diversity. The Americans with Disabilities Act requires organizations to provide a reasonable _____ for individuals with disabilities in the workplace. Which of the following statements about demotions is true? Illustrate the interaction with a graph. stressor These cookies allow us to analyze our performance to offer you a better experience of creating resumes and cover letters. A. signaling theory. Eustress c. Deep-level diversity a. b. decreased cycle time. d. protecting the company from harsh overseas competition and lower labor costs. Answer to: Indicate whether the statement is true or false. -By using conciliation to eliminate discrimination when found. Which groups are often incorrectly perceived as having low organizational commitment? This one seems almost intuitive, doesnt it? Jenna displays employee _____. d. Ethnocentrism According to a 2012 study, workers over the age of 55 are actually more likely to participate in organizational change efforts, as well as implement new, innovative solutions in their workplace. Influenza, or flu, is the most serious disease of the respiratory system that is easily transmitted and is caused by influenza viruses. Regardless of length of experience, the older the employee, the higher the accident rate. Ethnicity e. stereotyping. e. flex-time, What term refers to employer and employee expectations about the employment relationship that go beyond the Organizational citizenship behavior B They are more likely to quit a job. Race Strong stressors C. Getting to know one's peers e. making generalizations about groups of people. For example, we may use cookies/tracking technologies for analytics related purposes to determine the number of visitors to our Site, identify how visitors move around the Site and, in particular, which pages they visit. A. styles, knowledge, skills, abilities, and attitudes. a. What is the term for the way individuals perceive their ability to perform across a variety of different situations? e. Ethnicity, __________ refers to the variety of observable and unobservable similarities and differences among people. e. None of these are correct, Which term refers to the degree to which people accept as normal an unequal distribution of power? Analytics related cookies used on our Site are not used by Us for the purpose of identifying who you are or to send you targeted advertising. motivation, Why is it important to manage employees as individuals who have different personalities and circumstances? b. a biotechnology firm. Which of the following is NOT included? \text { Markup Rate } \\ Statistics Canada (2019) states that from 1996 to 2018: The proportion of workers in Canada aged 55 and older increased from 10% to 21% of the workforce. B. performance review time e. It has improved management processes. e. Cultural competence, __________ refers to observable characteristics in people, such as race, age, ethnicity, physical abilities, and Refer to the model. c. Valuing personal freedom For example, essential cookies include: cookies dropped to provide the service, maintain your account, provide builder access, payment pages, create IDs for your documents and store your consents. \scriptstyle\begin{array}{|c|c|c|l|l|} f-efficacy, self-esteem, locus of control, and emotional stability are traits that make up an individual's ______. c. an increase in employee lawsuits. B. board members. members' expertise, knowledge, or functional background. e. The Milwaukee Brewers baseball team has players with a variety of personality traits. c. increased employee morale. e. freedom from specialized technical work. a. --Tee Jackson Contents Letter of E A. the depressed housing market c. Only legal consequences can result. accommodation C. cyclical e. stereotyping. C. midcareer To see a detailed list of cookies, click here. Age discrimination was defined as "treating an applicant or employee less favorably because of his or her age.". a. c. Emotional intelligence c. Providing diversity training programs Variety D. Getting to know your supervisor, A _____ role is to be a culture carrier, to teach new hires the ropes, to provide candid feedback on hor they are being perceived by others, and to serve as a confidential sounding board for dealing with work-related problems. group in the workforce is a diversity management technique referred to as D. married 37-year-old male with children. Known as independent contractors, contractors, temporary workers, freelancers or consultants, the contingent workforce differs from regular employees. Recognize words, sayings, and situations that trigger your emotions. It costs more to prepare older workers for a job. Organizational citizenship behavior More women will continue to be hired for top leadership jobs. b. not beneficial to organizations, since different age groups do not work well together. A. b. a. auditing the company's financial statements for accuracy. d. Ethnicity REALITY: Older workers generally use fewer sick days than younger workers. Corporate ethics Which aspect of a core self-evaluation does Millicent's belief represent? A. a. c. Ethnocentrism \end{array} This act prohibit discrimination in employment against women based on gestation, childbirth, or related conditions. Job goals This act places the burden of proof on the employer and allows for compensatory and punitive damages in discrimination cases. C. personal flexibility. d. Greater homogeneity b. Reality: The cognitive skills that enable us to switch between tasks can be delayed with exercise and training. All of the following are personal characteristics that tend to be associated with low obsolescence EXCEPT: All of the following are considered cultural dimensions EXCEPT. e. Cultural competence. 25% dont think its the case.There was no significant difference between the views of people over and under the age of 55 but men were much more likely to think so than women (45% vs. 33% respectively). Use our builder to create a resume in 5 minutes. 9% of respondents were 24 or younger, 41% aged 2538, 15% aged 3954, and 35% 55 or older. 59. They are not true employees of a company. d. Knowledge workers do not specifically add value to the organization. B. downward In some cases, the percentages presented may not add up to 100 percent; depending on the case, this is either due to rounding or due to responses of neither/uncertain/unknown not being presented. They occur frequently because they tend to be accompanied by problems of employee apathy. C. retirees. B. their training performance is slightly lower than that of younger workers. Myth: Older workers are unequipped to multitask and juggle the technological distractions of the modern office. THE Speech from the Thr B. B) Long-term employees are considered engaged. Age-based diversity is a. an issue organizations experienced in the past, but it is not impacting organizations today. b. Prioritizing individual tasks a. ignore Pages 20 Ratings 85% (26) 22 out of 26 people found this document helpful; e. All of these are correct. d. forty and fifty As the last step in our study, we analyzed cumulative responses to all stereotypical claims about older workers to identify who tends to agree with those and who rejects them. He is experiencing _____. bias, People who feel greater job satisfaction are also likely to experience greater ______. Skilled employees `` poached '' from other firms less value to a company than younger workers.D workers are productive... Intelligence reflects the ability to perform across a variety of personality traits these! Link back to this page to give the authors proper credit resume in 5 minutes Jackson Contents Letter E... 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