The health of every Bostonian is shaped by where we live: the daily conditions in our zip code deeply influence our social, behavioral, and physical health. Her twin brother, Andre, who shared the same light-up-a-room smile and she often says was smarter than her, followed the school-to-prison pipeline and died in custody before the age of 30. However, we also know from the data and the lived experiences of many Black and Latinx Bostonians that systemic racism and biases in policing and the criminal legal system persist, causing disproportionate rates of police stops, arrests, and incarceration of people of color. That is inexcusable if we want Massachusetts to lead the way on reproductive justice. Andrea is the kind of leader who will prioritize equitable environmental policy over greenwashing, even when it is difficult to do so. Utilize the Attorney Generals authority to review zoning by-laws to ensure they promote thriving, diverse communities. Andrea will drive health in every zip code, prioritize racial equity across all public health domains, and create innovative partnerships, programs, and initiatives that harness our unique assets. Boston spends too much money on transportation, our students spend too much time on buses and buses are too often late, leading to lost learning time. Combat predatory student loan practices that lead to burdensome debt and destroy the credit ratings of individuals and families. For small city-owned lots, affordability restrictions can be extended to the first homeowner or for a decade of renting a relatively short timeline to ensure small builders successfully fill these gaps with units. She assumed office on January 4, 2023. While Boston has made progress in expanding seats for 4 year olds, Andrea believes early childhood education needs to start even earlier. Andreas public health agenda is grounded in her personal experience, fundamental to her vision for Boston, and driven by her belief in healing communities through thoughtful action. Greenspan served five terms as Chairman of the Federal Reserve, was nominated in 1987 by former President Ronald Reagan, and was preceded by Paul Volcker. Campbell has been candid about her fathers frustration upon returning home after serving time for firearms charges. Make Boston 311, the Citys customer service line accessible to all Bostonians by improving language access and addressing other barriers to access. As the Councilor for one of Bostons most diverse districts, shes stood up for the rights of our immigrant communities and will continue to do so as Mayor. Envision resilient and vibrant neighborhoods. The City must harness Bostons unique cadre of food policy leaders to build a resilient food system so that families are able to regularly source healthy meals. By improving transparency, inclusion and predictability in our planning and development process, while also exploring zoning reform, Andrea believes Boston can accelerate the creation of much needed additional housing and reimagine development in the city in a way that prioritizes equitable economic growth. Naming a liaison to the LGBTQIA+ community so that it has a direct line to her office. Now, it is time to prioritize movement of everyday residents within our neighborhoods. We need to invest in economic development and opportunity especially in our lower-income communities, invest in our youth, especially those with high risk factors, and strengthen the fabric and social connectivity of our communities to address the factors that rob young people of opportunities to succeed. Close the gap on abortion deserts across western and southeastern parts of the state, including for college students. Andrea will also explore new options to equitably raise revenue and develop innovative financing options for transportation improvements including fees on parking lot owners and a city-run green bank. Mediation helps to prevent displacement, homelessness, and housing insecurity by making eviction a multi-step process that includes providing a tenant with their rights, and in some cases can assist tenants with cash assistance, making eviction a last resort. Andrea believes city government should be a place of belonging, where everyone feels seen and welcomed. Andrea believes that every City employee, regardless of department, should participate in mandatory and continual racial equity training to ensure that anti-racism is centered in their work and that employees understand the implicit biases they may have. Address recently developed industries, including app-based services, to make sure that both consumers and workers are properly protected by reasonable payment terms and adequate privacy safeguards. She was disciplined for talking too much and being disruptive by having her seat moved, she recalled; her brother was removed from the school entirely. Under Andreas leadership, thats how the City will do business all the time especially since it has proven it can. As a City Councilor, Andrea has been a leader in pushing for inclusive budgeting and will continue to advocate for these important changes while maintaining Bostons strong financial reputation and bond rating. Bolster gun safety training requirements: Work with state police on an enhanced gun safety curriculum for new gun owners, focusing on safe handling, safe storage, and the risks of unsecured guns. If Andre had these things, Im confident his life trajectory would have been different, Campbell later added. CLTs can lock in affordability for residents and businesses for decades to come, and we must meet this moment to ensure we do. Address the housing crisis. .indicate_scroll { Later, she worked for a Boston law firm, and served as a deputy counsel in then-Governor Deval Patricks administration. We also need to ensure that our investments in a more resilient and sustainable ity do not lead to the displacement of low-income residents, including creating more housing and homeownership opportunities that are affordable, planning development more equitably, and providing rental relief. She saw first-hand how many of the systems that supported her simultaneously failed Andre and deprived him of the same opportunities. Campbell was the first African-American woman to hold the position. } As Chair of the City Councils Committee on Public Safety and Criminal Justice, Andrea has led efforts to increase accountability, transparency, and justice in policing and taken action to address root causes and treat gun violence as a public health pandemic that inflicts trauma on our communities working with community leaders, public safety agencies, state and federal leaders, and organizations on collective solutions, including establishing the Youth Development Fund, the first dedicated budget line item for youth programming. width: 250px; Then Andre Campbell got entangled in the criminal legal system, too. Housing is a fundamental human right. $('#candidate-connection-email-100747').on('click', () => { ga('send', 'event', 'surveycta', 'surveycta-click-email'); }); } Campbell's campaign website said, "Andreas career has been driven by the pain of Andres loss and a fundamental question: How can two twins born and raised in Boston have such different life outcomes? COVID-19 has forced our country to reckon with deep racial inequities, including those in health, which have existed for generations. display: table; She will expand pilot programs that open streets to people, support our local restaurants and nightlife, and create placemaking events like community block parties that have been popular in neighborhoods across the city from Newbury Street to West of Washington in Dorchester to Roslindale Square. font-size: .9em; background-color: green; Since the national reckoning on police violence against Black people began last summer, she has been the City Councils leading agitator for police transparency and proposed an independent civilian review board with subpoena power to investigate complaints against officers, a proposal that evolved into the citys new Office of Police Accountability and Transparency. } It offered an education on par with a prep school and a professional network for life. Andrea has been a leader in pushing the City to reimagine the role of police in Boston and reallocating funding to mental health, youth development, re-entry programs, and other community-led violence prevention and intervention efforts that will break cycles of poverty, trauma, and abuse. .electionsectionheading { } .panel-heading:hover { cursor: pointer;} When it was finally released, the data showed that many students of color still lacked access to the devices for remote learning they were promised. Andrea will prioritize partnerships between vocational schools and restaurants to create career pathways for young Bostonians. As we recover from COVID-19, Andrea will lead in transforming our local public health department to be at the forefront of public health innovation, build community and academic partnerships, and leverage best practices from local experts to inform action for citywide health with targeted strategies that address racial and economic inequities. Intentional inclusion. The research is clear and unsurprising high quality curriculum matters, and yet is unevenly implemented across schools. So on Thursday Andrea Campbell wasnt a politician. She was a heartbroken sibling finding it impossible to muster a lot of words of support, struggling to make sense of something incomprehensible. Campbell has never had the luxury of forgetting where she comes from, but she has used her platform to improve the odds for others. To fully connect our communities and bring Bostonians together, we must consider alternate modes of transportation and fully leverage all of Bostons unique assets, including the Inner Harbor and the Boston Harbor Islands State and National Park. To address gun violence, we need to rigorously collect and utilize data and take a coordinated, case management approach. } Transportation-related greenhouse gas emissions comprise 29% of Bostons total emissions an urgent priority for our future and a fundamental opportunity to reshape our city equitably. She has experienced firsthand the painful inequities in health, housing, and opportunity created in part by government, and understands the realities of intergenerational poverty many Boston families have experienced. } Supporting restaurants through the pandemic while strengthening Bostons restaurant industry in the long-run by cutting red tape, removing barriers to access, and making this industry more equitable and inclusive. With the right infrastructure, childcare centers and family childcare providers can offer more families high quality care, serve as access points to other services, and recruit and retain talented staff. Andrea has been and will continue to be a strong advocate for the LGBTQIA+ community. $('.pastResponses').hide(); Treat the climate crisis as a health justice priority. Ama Edzie (left) and Campbell go over homework during the peer tutoring session at Boston Latin School in May 1996. To meet our housing needs, Andrea believes we must streamline the process to make it faster and less expensive to build in Boston, including an overhaul of our systems to create a more transparent and inclusive decision-making process that determines who gets to build where. Andrea knows that we cannot police our way out of violence and trauma. That includes common high standards for earning a diploma, a new process for our high schools to develop innovative new school models, and finally making good on the promise of Madison Parks vocational offerings. Andrea will convene Bostons public safety, criminal justice, faith-based, community leaders and researchers to understand best practices, build evidence-based approaches to addressing urban violence and trauma in Boston communities, and then implement what works. .widget-row.value-only.white { font-size: 2em; padding-left: 0; Delivery service apps like GrubHub and UberEats charge restaurants as much as 30% on each takeout transaction. text-align: center; Across the country, restaurants have been devastated by the COVID-19 pandemic, and Boston is no exception. As Mayor, Andrea will continue to fight for affordable housing, connecting the public and private sectors to address issues such as financing for non-profit developers, the creation of mixed-use development, and filling empty storefronts and vacant lots. Its time to push for more quality schools in District 4 by taking advantage of the educational quality we are surrounded by and insist on talent, investment, and high expectations for excellence in our district. Work with the newly formed Massachusetts Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) Commission, which is charged with creating a mandatory certification process for police officers, as well as processes for decertification, suspension of certification, or reprimand in the event of certain misconduct. Campbell's campaign website stated the following: Andrea understands that we owe our elders more than just our respect we owe them an opportunity to live long and healthy lives in their communities, free from the hardship caused by scams, fraud, and unequal access to health care. That is why Andrea has a comprehensive proposal to reform the BPDA, which is included in detail in her housing plan. Every resident in our City, regardless of immigration status, should feel like Boston belongs to them. These organizations put land into the hands of the community for resident-led planning and long-term, collective control of land in and around Boston. We must also use the lessons from COVID-19 to scale creative delivery models like telehealth and mobile solutions, which will require closing the digital divide, coverage for telehealth by all insurers, and use of standardized procedures and accommodation services for individuals with disabilities and limited English proficiency. For example, a recent redesign proposal for Melnea Cass Boulevard would have decimated tree cover in Roxbury, even as communities of color have experienced a long-term decline in their tree canopy. The BPDA in its current state and its predecessor, the BRA, have struggled to win the trust of the community and stakeholders. Provide transparency about the AGOs priorities for enforcing gun laws and its regulations governing gun sales and gun ownership. She has dedicated her life and career to fighting discrimination in all forms, and will work to ensure that Massachusetts remains a welcoming and safe place for its LGBTQIA+ residents as Attorney General by: Defending and Expanding Reproductive Justice. Andrea has joined advocates to push for clear goals and accountability, with targets of 7%, 14% and 20% WMBE contracts over the next three years. div.survey-scrollbox { height:400px; overflow:scroll; margin:20px; padding:10px; border:1px solid gray; } This is a profound waste of Bostons human capital, limits our economic growth potential, and as 2020 has so painfully exposed reinforces inequities that destabilize both our economy and the social fabric of our city. Redefine Affordable. Conversations are happening in every neighborhood about how affordable housing is not truly affordable when defined as 100% or below of the Area Median Income (AMI), which is based on federal guidelines. As technology changes, new jobs emerge. Prioritize our young people and families. } Andrea will utilize curbside management best practices, ensuring that TNCs observe road safety rules and provide more dedicated pick up and drop off locations. Neighborhoods seeing lots of development, economic growth, and that have close proximity to jobs and transportation (Back Bay, South End, and the Seaport) should have a higher required percentage of inclusionary development (exploring upwards of 20% affordable units per new building) than other neighborhoods so that residents have a better chance at affording to live wherever they choose. } To address the opioid crisis, and the underlying chronic conditions driving this epidemic, Boston must be creative, courageous, and community-driven in implementing solutions. Our immigrant communities, particularly our undocumented residents and our mixed-status families, have long lived in fear of law enforcement and government. .votebox-results-metadata-p { In every neighborhood of Boston, beloved local restaurants and bars have been forced to close their doors. color: black; Implement research-backed recommendations to improve equity in the assignment system. Because shes always been honest about who she is, asserted a supporter, former state Representative Marie St. Fleur. Protect and empower Bostons immigrant communities. Every neighborhood deserves thriving walkable pedestrian areas, safe crosswalks, traffic calming measures, and wide, accessible sidewalks. Financial stability underpins health. Make Up for Lost Time. As Mayor, Andrea will build upon this plan and work closely with the School Committee and Superintendent to effectuate change in our education system all while holding herself and these stakeholders accountable to the residents of Boston. Campbell meets with supporters on Blue Hill Avenue in Mattapan, on Fathers Day. We saw firsthand how the Trump Administrations Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) was led by people who targeted our immigrant communities and tear families apart. Advocate for continuum of care and support more integrated care for our most vulnerable residents, who suffer not just from a specific illness, but also from a vicious cycle of poverty. Ave and Melnea Cass Blvd which has become Bostons epicenter of the converging homelessness, substance use disorder, and behavioral health crises is unfathomable right in the middle of such a wealthy, asset-rich city. Identifying what needs to be done to convert all bus routes to battery powered buses and electric/battery-powered trolleybuses will benefit riders with greater bus reliability, improve air quality and improve conditions for businesses with better on-time arrival of employees. ul.key-messages {list-style-type: none; margin-left:10px; } font-weight: bold; These neighborhood centers of health are critical and need funding and resources including for potentially retrofitting their facilities for cold storage to maintain vaccine stores onsite if needed. Fechar. Andrea envisions a comprehensive, collaborative planning process to inform how and where we develop and ensure adequate affordable housing throughout the City. Increasing oversight and prosecution of housing and health care providers that discriminate against the elderly, especially those in underserved communities of color and those who are reliant on Medicare or MassHealth. On the City Council, Andrea has been a tireless champion for change in Bostons schools. As Mayor, Andrea will work to ensure that revenues from State and Federal programs like the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative and the Transportation and Climate Initiative are directly reinvested in environmental justice communities. Despite its rich history and many pockets of success, unfortunately our school system has become a source of frustration for too many of our residents. background-color: red; margin-top: 1px; div.survey-scrollbox { height:400px; overflow:scroll; margin:20px; padding:10px; border:1px solid gray; } Andrea has seen this first-hand throughout her life in the City, from experiencing and seeing the effects of gentrification and displacement in the South End as a child to serving her constituents in Dorchester and Mattapan who cannot access or afford decent housing as costs go up and wages remain stagnant. The Federal Reserve Bank of Boston reported that the median net worth of a Black family in greater Boston was just $8, and as low as $0 for families in some of our Latino and Latinx communities, compared with a median net worth of $247,500 for white families gaps that have likely widened due to the pandemic. As Mayor, Andrea will make use of the Citys strong asset base to create a more robust set of options for individuals and families experiencing homelessness. Andrea supports recent State efforts to raise revenue for investments in transportation through the Transportation and Climate Initiative (TCI). We must prudently prepare for the inevitability of rising seas, stronger storms, and crippling heat waves. Andrea believes no one is above the law, and has been on the record to end qualified immunity since her time as a Boston City Councilor. She will further allocate resources to addressing youth homelesness through programs like youth rapid rehousing, which provides rent payment for residents ages 18 to 24, and increase coordination with wrap-around service providers to meet the social, emotional, educational and health needs of our young residents. Teachers, parents, and students alike have struggled with remote learning. She will explore updated zoning that allows for ADU projects by right, a streamlined permitting process to enable homeowners to take on these smaller projects, and ADU project eligibility for density bonuses. Invest in opportunities for our youth. The new capital will cover costs of capital, labor, and manufacturing technology that are difficult to meet on affordable housing projects. Fellow city council members elected her city council president from 2018 to 2020. font-weight: 300; } Establish A Dedicated Mass & Cass First Responder Unit. The tragedy left the twins and their older brother, Alvin Campbell Jr.. Boston mayoral candidate Andrea Campbell says that as mayor, she would offer all Bostonians truly equitable opportunities that could halt more families generational cycles of poverty and incarceration. Her twin brother, Andre, died awaiting trial while in state custody. Free the bus for passengers. Protect homeowners by holding bad actors accountable, preventing predatory lending, and protecting residents against unlawful foreclosures.
   .contact_entity {font-size: 1.5em ;margin-top: 0.6em; margin-bottom: 0em;margin-right: 0.5em;} Of course, we must also bus the right students  BPS has a complex student assignment system, but that is no excuse for empty buses driving around to pick up students who do not want or need transportation. To improve long-term health for Bostonians, Andrea will systemically invest in economic opportunity by increasing access to financial coaching, banking and savings, and high quality jobs, including in the healthcare sector itself, which is core to Bostons economy. The pandemic forced our educators to rethink school. LivableStreets 2020 report on Bostons GoBoston 2030 plan stated that Boston is not on track to meet its Better Bike Corridors goal, a city target to build 60 miles of bike lanes and dedicated, curb-protected pathways by 2030. Andrea will work with community partners to identify underutilized parcels and vacant lots that the City could transform into parks, community gardens, and sites for urban farming. In Boston, sea levels have already risen over a foot and a recent report from the World Bank ranked Boston the eighth most vulnerable City to climate change related flooding in the world. Electrification will reduce emissions in the area while providing a shorter commute with greater flexibility and reliability. Andrea has been a leader in pushing the City to reimagine the role of police in Boston. ", Excerpt: "Develop District 4 strategic plans related to specific issues including education and public safety where residents voices, experiences and ideas are incorporated into the plans, and engage with partners to implement those plans. Stand firm in her position to end qualified immunity for police officers. Using the Public Protection and Advocacy Bureau to ensure working families get everything theyve been promised, including a decent wage, protections afforded by the wage and hour laws, and fairly-priced health and auto-insurance. Resilient infrastructure will be the key to a more livable and sustainable City, but how we build it is equally important. Build the school buildings our children and educators deserve. Andrea believes in using transparent data to highlight where our biggest needs are and making key investments to provide academic and mental health supports that address those needs. Ensure communities are protected from environmentally unjust projects. Boston experiences lower turnout in off-cycle elections which can prop up incumbents and cost the taxpayers millions of dollars. They are the site of our first date with our future partner, the places we gather with friends and family to celebrate milestones, and where co-workers become lifelong friends. 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