You can take items from property using the "I" menu by accessing "Property Inventory" option. /pbreakin - For law enforcement property breaches. /acceptpartner - Accepts someone's request to become your partner. /fixinvi - Fixes invisible objects in a property. Default is 100. Press J to jump to the feed. It will first prompt you with possible solutions of common problems, if your problem isn't listed, Type the command again with the text and the report will be sent. exemple : 1h all player receve pistol or medic kit. To spawn these items in, open the console and use either of these commands: ChemicalAdrenastim - AdrenastimAntichoke - AntichokeBerserkSyringe - Berserk SpikeChronobalm - ChronobalmCoagulon - CoagulonCrashPill - CrashCrashSyringe - Crash SyringeEyeOintment - Digitalax AntidoteGoGoJuice - Go go juiceHallucinex - HallucinexHealthBoost1 - SanitolHealthBoost2 - Extra strength sanitolJoyPill - Joy pillKnockOutSyringe - Knockout syringeOllie_CrashSyringe - Sucranose syringeOmniProof - OmniproofOverdrive - OverdrivePersuasion - PersuasionPhlash_v2 - PhlashPituitaryExtract - Pituitary FluidPituitaryExtract_Bobby - Bobby Pituitary FluidPituitaryExtract_Crier - Aged Pituitary FluidPituitaryExtract_Doctor - Doctor Pituitary FluidPituitaryExtract_Elite - Brilliant Pituitary FluidPituitaryExtract_Plague - Plague Pituitary FluidPituitaryExtract_Strong - Beefy Pituitary FluidPituitaryExtract_Weak - Common Pituitary FluidPurplePill - Neximide PillRunSpeedBoost - PhlashSleeptite - SleeptiteSomnambulax - SomnabulaxStaminaBoost1 - DexipamStaminaBoost2 - New Formula DexipamStaminaBoost2_Bad - Altered Formula DexipamStaminaRegenBoost - Feramyle syringeStoic - StoicSunshine - SunshineVIPEauDeParfum - Mojo, Components45RPMRecord - 45 RPM RecordAdhesive - Duct TapeAntiseptic - AntisepticBigSplinter - Big SplinterBlackPowder - Black PowderBleach - BleachBloodToxin - Blood ToxinBobbyPin - Bobby PinBobbyWhistle - Bobby WhistleBoneSaw_NoPower - Unpowered Bone SawButterfly - ButterflyButterfly_QuestItem - ButterflyCanteen - CanteenCharcoal - CharcoalChlorine - ChlorineCloth - ClothDIgitalax - DigitalaxElitePowder - TNTEmptyAtomizer - Empty AtomizerEmptyPillBottle - Empty Pill BottleEmptySyringe - Empty SyringeEssenceOfPondWater - Mercury AmalgamFeather - FeatherFlour - FlourFoxGloveSeeds - Foxglove seedsFuseA - 5 Amp FuseGileadPetal - Rose of Gilead PetalHallucinogen - HallucinogenLeatherScraps - Leather ScrapsLightBulb - Light BulbLinenBlack - Dark LinenLinenCoarse - Coarse LinenLinenEphemeral - Emphemeral LinenLinenFine - Fine LinenLinenTough - Canvas ScrapMechanicalParts - Mechanical BitsMechanicalPartsAdvanced - Advanced Machine BitsMechanicalPartsSpecial - Special Machine BitsMetalBits - Metal BitsMilitarySuitHalf - Military PantsMilitarySuitTop - Military JacketOldGasMask - Used Up Gas MaskOlliesBlackPowder - Ollie's Black PowderPheromone - PheromonePhytosteroid - PhytosteroidPowerCell - Power CellPowerCell_QuestItem - Power CellRareMushroom - HistoplasmaRubbingAlcohol - Rubbing AlcoholSaltpeter - SaltpeterScrew - Loose ScrewSewingKit - Sewing KitShreddedRaincoat - Shredded RaincoatSmallPowerCellEmpty - Power Cell (Empty)Sugar - SugarTeaLeaves - Tea LeavesTubeMetal - Metal TubeVelvetyEmulsion - Velvety EmulsionVinegar - VinegarWaterFilter - Water Filter, DrinkAlcohol - AlcoholCoffee - CoffeeCoffeeYogurt - Coffee YogurtDruggedWater - Tap WaterGrapeFruit_Juice - Grapefruit JuicePurifiedWater - Pure WaterStrangeAlcohol - Strange AlcoholTea - Tea, FoodApple - AppleBread - BreadCarrot - CarrotCoffeeBeans - Coffee BeansFillingStew - Chunky StewHolyYam - Holy YamHoney - HoneyJerky - JerkyMoldyBread - Moldy BreadMushroom - MushroomOnion - OnionPieSlice - Slice of PiePieWhole - PiePotato - PotatoRancidStew - Rancid StewRawMeat - Raw MeatRottenApple - Rotten AppleRottenCarrot - Rotten CarrorRottenMushroom - Rotten MushroomRottenOnion - Rodden OnionRottenPotato - Rotten PotatoRottenRawMeat - Rotting MeatSandwich - SandwichSteak - SteakStew - StewStrangeMeat - Strange MeatVictoryMeat - Victory MeatWarRation - War RationYam - Yam, GadgetsAdulator - AdulatorFogHarvester - Fog SuckerFogHarvesterComponent - FogHarvesterComponent ()JubilatorActivator - Jubilator ActivatorMotileneHarvester - Motilene HarvesterPituitaryExtractor - Pituitary ExtractorScavengerExtractor - The Extractor, GiftsGift_TEMPLATE - Gift_TEMPLATE (TEMPLATE)Houseboy_Valve - Pipe Valve, KeysCaptainStrawbeardsKey - Captain Strawbeards Treasure KeyDyingWastrelKey - Dying Wastrel's KeyFaradaysWorkshopKey - Faraday Workshop KeyFashionableKey - Fashionable KeyFineCuisineKey - Kitchen KeyGD0_Key_Bathroom - Bathroom KeyHoardHouse_MasterBedroomKey - Master Bedroom KeyJoyFactory_VerlocOfficeKey - Verloc's Office KeycardKeycardBase - Key CardKeycardBase_BridgeInspector - Bridge Inspector Key CardKeycardBase_DoctorHQ - Quarantine Access Key CardKeycardBase_HostileTakeover_Maintenance - Motilene Maintenance KeycardKeycardBase_JimWattChiefEngineer - Chief Engineer KeycardKeycardBase_NewspaperEmployeeCard - Newspaper Employee CardKeycardBase_Worker - Worker's KeycardKeycard_BobbyHQ - Bobby HQ KeycardKeycard_GD1toV1_Bridge - Wellington Wells Village Bridge Key CardKeycard_NicksSecurity - Nick's Panic Room KeycardKeycard_RatholmToxicWater - Facility Waste Key CardKey_ByngsHatch - General Byng's Escape Hatch KeyKey_MilitaryCamp_AmmoDump - Ammo Dump KeyKey_MilitaryCamp_Canteen - Canteen KeyKey_MilitaryCamp_GeneratorRoom - Generator Room KeyLiliesOfTheFieldKey - Secret Garden KeymadameLockerKey - Madame's Locker KeyMurderHouseKey - Mrs. Chaney's Bedroom KeyNeverSpawnedKeycard - Bridge Inspector's BadgeOfficerKeycard - Constable's KeycardParadeShelterKey - Photo Room KeyPAX_MilCamp_Key - Gate KeySally_TrainStationKey - Train Station KeyShopKey - Shopkeeper's KeyTheSpeakersKey - The Speakers Suitcase KeyWorkerConstruction2MaintenanceKey - Worker Sewer Latch KeyWorkerKeycard - Worker's Keycard, Manuals (Books)AttackDamage1Manual - Brawler (Attacks with fists do slightly more damage)AttackDamage2Manual - Battler (Attacks with melee weapons do slightly more damage)AttackStaminaReductionManual - Bluedgeoner (Melee weapons consume slightly less stamina)BASE_Manual - BASE_Manual (MANUAL)ChemicalSavantManual - Chemist (You no longer need a chemisty lab to formulate basic chemicals)CorpseHandlingManual - Undertaker (Increase corpse carrying speed and movement speed by 20%)CraftingDurabilityBlendingManual - A Stitch in Time (Increases durability of crafted blending suits by 10%)CraftingDurabilityWeaponManual - British Craftsmanship (Increases durability of crafted weapons by a small amount)CraftingSpeedManual - Nimple Hands (Increases speed of crafting by 10%)DamageReductionManual - Stiff Upper Lip (Reduces all damage taken by a small amount)DiscountChanceManual - Haggley (Gives a small chance of getting a discount when buying items)DistractionRangeManual - Prestidigitator (Increases range of distraction devices by a small amount)ExplosionDamageManual - Bang On (Increases damage of explosive weapons by a moderate amount)ExtraDisarmToolUseManual - Frugal Burglar (When you use a trap disarming tool, it won't break on the first time)ExtraLootChanceManual - Scrounger (Gives extra chance to find extra items when looting)FoodEfficiencyManual - Clean Plate Award (Food increases max stamina for longer time)GasDamageReductionManual - Iron Lung (Decreases damage taken by toxic night fog by a small amount)HealingEfficiencyManual - Survivor (Healing items give sligtly more health)IntimidationManual - Intimidator (Last NPC left in combat has small change to leave items and run away)JoyToleranceManual - I Know Who I Am (Sources of joy accumulate slower)LuckyStrikeManual - Clubber (Melee attacks have slight change to kill enemies in one shot)MasterCrafterManual - Master Tinker (Increase chance of doubling durability of crafted items)MechanicalSavantManual - Engineer (You no longer need a workbench to craft basic items)PowerCellDurabilityManual - Keep the Lights On (Reduces consumption rate of powered items by a small amount)RangeDamageManual - Tosser (Increases damage dealt by thrown weapons by small amount)RecipeUnlockCraftingManual - Where Do You Get Your Ideas? /showinv [ID/PartOfName] - Show your inventory to specified player. Number of slots refers to player slots (2-10) and whether you want a Table or not. /gps [TEXT] - Makes a waypoint marker at destination of your choice. The records are purchased at the DMV. /toggle faction - Toggles your faction chat off (/f) /togambience - Enable the ambience back again. /admins - See the list of on/off-duty admins online. /c [NUMBER/CONTACT NAME] - Call a saved contact or a number. Last modified 6mo ago. /settrashlocation - Sets trash location for your house for garbage-men to pick up trash. /spectable - Allows you to spectate a table. It will only appear to people very close to you. /ddisable - This will permanently disable a device. /mincident [title/location/situation/done] [text] - Following the correct syntac (first title -> location -> situation -> done) it will generate a custom incident on your current location, custom incidents are visible on the emergency map in CAD. Must be platinum donator. /punbusiness - Disallows employees from using the property. /setslot [SLOT] - This is to change your radio slot. Find your business ID from the UCP. Press 'U' to open the Quick-Animation bar. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Alias: /cancelfr. It includes pretty much everything, even quest items and lore notes. For a list of attachments and their compatible weapons, click here . /vbusiness [BUSINESS ID] - Stores a vehicle of your choice into a business. Privacy Contact Cookie & Privacy Settings, Dog Tags (Hydra Operation's Kill Confirmed Gamemode), Tactical Awareness Grenade (Operation Wildfire), mp_weapons_allow_heavyassaultsuit 1; give item_heavyassaultsuit. You need to type a business or a property name for it to navigate you there. /reloadprop - Reloads all the furniture in your property to re-sync it for everyone. /sv [PRICE] [ID/PartOfName] - Sells a vehicle to a player of your choice. A list of all the commands and their respective resource. Example: /r(slot)low [TEXT] - Same function as /r(slot) but with /rlow. /createfood - Creates your own food to go with your drinks. You can put items in property using the "I" menu by accessing "Inventory" option. Alternatively, just type /outfit to be able to enter an interactive menu to access your outfits. /mstatus - Opens up a menu with available status to choose from, /mcallsign [callsign / blank] - Sets your callsign, leaving it blank will remove your active callsign. /re [TEXT] - Replies to the most recent PM sent to you. /responding (/rs) - This will let you respond to the last 911 that came in. /helpers - See the list of on/off-duty support members. Fivem Item Spawn Codes There are multiple ways to spawn an item. /bgarage [BUSINESS ID] - Add a garage to your business. View Page. /vneon - Toggles the neon on your car, if it exists. /w [ID/PartOfName] [TEXT] - Whisper - Sends a whisper to person of your choice. /phones - Displays all the phones you own. SCOPE. /enter or Press Y - Enter a property, business or an interior. Alias /sellvehicle. /togtyping - Toggles the "" typing above people's head. Alias: /arson. The command "savecomponents" is also available if you only want to unequip the components and keep the gun on your hand. The cmdlist command will list all the commands that are registered on the client (or server). You can give all players item or money or weapon with command also you can setting auto give time in config to all players In Game Commands: /giveallitem <item> <count> /giveallweapon <weapon> <ammo amount> /addallmoney <account> <amount> On Console Commands: (need changed prefix to "_") To use it, you must first set these variables -, /blip - Places the icon without an ad. /togphone Toggles your phone off. qb-adminmenu. This is displayed to other players when they use /examine on you. Running latest ESX, you can change any command code to RegisterCommand to register command. Havent you killed someone with a Decoy Grenade thrown straight into their head? (This happens automatically when you use "/unitstatus code 6" as well). FiveM In-Game Command List Created by Wyste S., last modified by Bobby D. on Nov 14, 2022 Chain of Command General Use Chat Commands Civilian Law Enforcement/Fire/EMS CAD-Related Commands Lidar Controls Emotes The following are dynamic animations and may require you to use the command again to get out of them. /changechar - Command to change character slots without having to re-login. Nice release, good thing that its properly serversided for once. /leavetable - Leaves the table you're currently at. Instead, you must use the item's GFI code to spawn the item in. Our How to Open Console in CS:GO guide is available if you do not have your console enabled yet.Lets start with the basics, the one weapon every player has at all times since it cannot be dropped. give yourself 10000 cash. /contacts [sorting] - Displays your contacts (they're unique to every phone) Sorting: 1 = A-Z, 2 = Z-A, 3 = Offline to Online, 4 = Online to Offline, 5 = Only Online. Provide your information and the message will be sent to the admin team who will set an actual physical fire for you. COMPONENT_AT_SCOPE_MACRO_MK2. while working on Better Weapon Ragdoll and Weapon Recoil I was in need of knowing the correct attachments for every weapon. Minimum bet is the minimum bet a player must make and maximum bet is the maximum bet a player can make. /loudspeaker - Turns your phone into loudspeaker mode, allowing people nearby to be able to hear the conversation. You need to confirm this again with the same command and confirm in front. /fixfall - Fixes your character if you're falling. Example usage: /makelobby 6 no (makes a lobby of 6 players with no table). The Ark item ID for Parachute and copyable spawn commands, along with its GFI code to give yourself the item in Ark. Item ID must be a weapon. Number of slots refers to player slots (1-5). Lowest is 75, highest is 120. /setbetstep [50-1000] - Allows the host to increase bet amount each turn. {name = water, count = 1}, The item ID for Lockpick in Skyrim on Steam (PC / Mac) is: 0000000A. It's /reloadprop but automatic. /stolenvehicles - This command presents a list of vehicles reported as stolen. /vbreakin - Attempt to break into a vehicle. User command. Related: How to Most Efficiently Rank-up in CS:GO Competitive Matchmaking (2022). /sdl [ID/PartOfName] - Shows driver license to the target player. INDEX must be a valid Weapon ID. Correct arguments - left, right, rleft, rright (rear left and rear right). Only people in the car can read this. /takecorpsefromtrunk - Removes a corpse from the trunk. you able to add automatique give a X time /fur - Open the furniture management list to place or manage furniture. /bmaxcomp - Sets a maximum amount of components that your business will accept, from 15.000 to 1.000.0000 components. Fivem FREE scripts! /hotwire - Attempt to hotwire a vehicle. /ds [TEXT] - Shout but done at a door. /exitcar - Exits the car you're in currently. /vdup [ID/PartOfName] - Duplicates your keys for another player. /radiobeepvol [1-100] : Control the volume of radio beeps. Lowest is 75, highest is 100. /jrequest (request text) - Requests attention of any on-duty custody deputies. Here is a list of spawnable items from the console. Default is OFF. You can use items using the "I" menu by accessing "Inventory" option. /impound - Impounds the vehicle you are currently in. when selling the vehicle. profile_musicVolume <0-10+>. /callvol [1-100] : Control the volume of voices on a phone call. They are weapons too. Must be in the car you want to sell. /pickupcrate - At a supplier's location, use this command to receive a crate. Staff Writer at Prima Games since May 2022. This is a temporary key access, you will have to create another every time they relog or the car respawns. fivem leaked server files. as The car has some dents. Vehicle Park. /cancelreport - In-case you found resolution before an admin is able to respond, type this command twice and it will cancel your report. /hood - Open the hood of a nearby unlocked car. /removealarm - Removes the alarm and puts it back into your inventory. User command. /vtitem [ItemID] [AMOUNT] - Takes an item from the vehicle inventory that is closest to you. Change Active Radio Channel: DELETE (Change in Settings > FiveM) /radiovol [1-100] : Control the volume of voices on the radio. /unequip [INDEX] - Unequips a weapon in your inventory. Alias: /acn. /shownote [ID/PartOfName] [ItemID] - Shows the contents of a note to another player. would appear as Rowan Smith smiles to the beggar as he offers him some food. /ad [TEXT]- Makes a normal advertisement in the server, automatically attaches your phone number at the end of the advertisement. Name. Give Commands CS:GO Weapon, Item & Armor Code List Below is a searchable list of give commands for all weapons, armor, grenades and items in CS:GO on Steam. /deposit - Opens an interactive menu to deposit money. /vw - Roll down or up a window that you're sitting beside. It costs $10,000. 12 Vehicle weapon names Melee ID: weapon_dagger Name: Antique Cavalry Dagger Hash: 0x92A27487 ID: weapon_bat Name: Baseball Bat Hash: 0x958A4A8F ID: weapon_bottle Name: Broken Bottle Hash: 0xF9E6AA4B ID: weapon_crowbar Name: Crowbar Hash: 0x84BD7BFD ID: weapon_unarmed Name: Fist Hash: 0xA2719263 ID: weapon_flashlight Name: Flashlight /sellcrate - Use this command to sell the crate at the shipment's destination. Alternatively type /swithdrawall to withdraw all cash. /part - Leaves your current radio channel. /setstep [number] - Allows you to go behind or forward in the tutorial. Enter the name of an item or code into the search box to search our table of 53 commands. /vdoor [DOOR] - Opens/Closes the door of the vehicle. Steam Community :: Guide :: Give command! 2 Service DressRidingBoots - Riding BootsRubberSuit - Rubber Cat SuitRunningShoes - TrainersShabbyMilitarySuit - Shabby Military UniformShoe - Proper ShoesShrubberyHat - Shrubbery HatSilentShoes - Sneaky ShoesSimpleSuit - Proper SuitSpikySuit - Spiky SuitSteelcapBoots - Steel-toed BootsTailoredPaddedSuit - Chic Padded SuitThickSuit - Padded SuitThickSuitOllie - Padded SuitTornSuit - Torn SuitWorkerOutfit - Boiler Suit, Dig SpotsMap_DigSpotMap_DigSpot_01Map_DigSpot_02Map_DigSpot_03Map_DigSpot_FineCuisineMap_DigSpot_GD0_01Map_DigSpot_GD0_02Map_DigSpot_GD1_01Map_DigSpot_GD1_02Map_DigSpot_GD1_03Map_DigSpot_GD1_04Map_DigSpot_GD1_05Map_DigSpot_GD2_01Map_DigSpot_GD2_02Map_DigSpot_GD2_03Map_DigSpot_GD2_04Map_DigSpot_GD2_05Map_DigSpot_GD2_06Map_DigSpot_GD2_07Map_DigSpot_GD2_08Map_DigSpot_LovebirdsMap_DigSpot_Parade_01Map_DigSpot_Parade_02Map_DigSpot_Parade_03Map_DigSpot_Parade_04Map_DigSpot_Parade_05Map_DigSpot_Parade_06Map_DigSpot_Phoneboots_01Map_DigSpot_Phoneboots_02Map_DigSpot_TerribleLife_SallyMap_DigSpot_VLG1_01Map_DigSpot_VLG1_02Map_DigSpot_VLG1_03Map_DigSpot_VLG1_04Map_DigSpot_VLG1_05Map_DigSpot_VLG1_06Map_DigSpot_VLG2_01Map_DigSpot_VLG2_02Map_DigSpot_VLG2_03, NotesBobbyHQInterrogationBobbyHQMemo1BobbyHQMemo2BobbyInvestigation_DiaryPageBobbyInvestigation_LetterBP_PickupLetter_01BridgeChezGemma_CipherBookChezGemma_GemmasDiaryChezGemma_HandWrittenNote_01ChezGemma_HandWrittenNote_02ChezGemma_HandWrittenNote_03ChezGemma_JohnnyBoltonReportChezGemma_LetterFromVerlocChezGemma_ReportersNotebookChezGemma_TopSecretFolderChurchServicesChurch_VicarGoneConstablesAPBDearFatherMcCartneyDearMrsBrownDearUncleJackDearVicarExecutiveCommitteeLetterFaradayLetterFaradaysHouseLocationFromPenelopeSnugFromPeterThumpHoardHouse_SafeCodeHouseOfCuriousBehaviors_InvitationJackLiebchenLorePickup_AppleSauce_NoteLorePickup_BaseLorePickup_BobbyHQ_DownerReportLorePickup_ButcherLorePickup_ByngOffice_WifeLetterLorePickup_ByngSafeHouse_MemoirLorePickup_ChurchVicarNoteLorePickup_DoctorHouse_WandaDiaryLorePickup_DoctorHQCodeLorePickup_DoctorHQ_ApplicationLorePickup_DoctorHQ_BotanyLorePickup_DoctorHQ_CadaversLorePickup_DoctorHQ_CoconutLorePickup_DoctorHQ_QuestionnaireLorePickup_DoctorHQ_WomenDoctorsLorePickup_Faraday_ModestProposalLorePickup_FashionInst_DearDavyLorePickup_FashionInst_NoProlesLorePickup_GD_BreederRiotLorePickup_GD_SovietsTakeBerlinLorePickup_GD_SovietsTakeMadridLorePickup_MC_MoraleLorePickup_OblivionNotesLorePickup_ReformClub_InterrogationScriptLorePickup_SadTreasure_TearstainedLetterLorePickup_SallysHouse_PleasePresentLorePickup_SallysPlace_AntonLorePickup_SallysPlace_DoctorNoteLorePickup_WoundedWastrel_DearJimmyLostLetterPageMastermind_RulesMC_PianoTuneMemoriesLetterMoonshineRecipeMountBadonBridgeNoteMrsMarleysLetterMysteriousChestNote_AmbushMysteriousChestNote_BeesMysteriousChestNote_CharmAllyMysteriousChestNote_ExplodeMysteriousChestNote_LootMysteriousChestNote_ManualMysteriousChestNote_RecipeMysteriousChestNote_SickBombNick_LettersNick_LyricsNick_SafeCodeNick_WorkersDiaryNick_WorkersLetterNick_WorkersLetter2OldSoldiers_EdwardFamilyLetterOldSoldiers_EdwardHiddenMoneyLetterOldSoldiers_EdwardsJournalOldSoldiers_Edward_AppleLetterOldSoldiers_UndertakersLetterPaperScrapPoisonedWastrelMapRecordingsSallysToyCarSally_MurderHouse_Evidence_01Sally_MurderHouse_Evidence_02SarahDaintyHoardHouseTheodoreMinerDiaryTubUrgentJoyRequestVectorVillage1_Shelter_Diary, LoreCinematicLoreCinematic_AfterA01LoreCinematic_AfterA02LoreCinematic_AfterA03LoreCinematic_AfterA03aLoreCinematic_AfterA04LoreCinematic_AfterA05LoreCinematic_AfterA06LoreCinematic_AfterA07LoreCinematic_AfterO01LoreCinematic_AfterO02LoreCinematic_AfterO03LoreCinematic_AfterO04LoreCinematic_AfterO05LoreCinematic_AfterO06LoreCinematic_AfterO07LoreCinematic_AfterS01LoreCinematic_AfterS02LoreCinematic_AfterS03LoreCinematic_AfterS04LoreCinematic_AfterS05LoreCinematic_AfterS06LoreCinematic_AfterS07LoreCinematic_AfterS08LoreCinematic_AfterS09LoreCinematic_AfterS10LoreCinematic_AfterS11, LoreGD0LorePickup_GD0_HeadboyRulesLorePickup_GD0_LetterToTheEditor1LorePickup_GD0_LetterToTheEditor2LorePickup_GD0_MRKitesInstructionsLorePickup_GD0_NannyLorePickup_GD0_PrudenceHolmesDiaryLorePickup_GD0_ReginaldSnellDiaryLorePickup_GD0_TaxiLorePickup_GD0_TeaPartyLorePickup_Rupert, LoreJoyfactoryLorePickup_VerlocsLab_All_01_TopSecretLorePickup_VerlocsLab_All_02_NewSecretaryRecommendationsLorePickup_VerlocsLab_All_03_NewJoyFlavoursLorePickup_VerlocsLab_All_04_ChemicalAnswerLorePickup_VerlocsLab_All_05_ResearchLorePickup_VerlocsLab_All_06_DrhaworthLorePickup_VerlocsLab_All_07_ChemistryQuestionsLorePickup_VerlocsLab_All_09_A-12Formula, LoreUndergroundLorePickup_Construction02_All_01_MagnificentMuffinsLorePickup_Construction02_All_02_BadBatchesOfJoyLorePickup_Construction02_All_03_VictoryDayLorePickup_Construction02_All_04_BlackberryLorePickup_Construction02_All_05_JoyFormulaAdjustmentsLorePickup_Construction02_All_06_ElectricArtworkLorePickup_Construction02_All_07_FormsLorePickup_Construction02_All_08_EndochronicPropertiesLorePickup_Construction03_All_01_JubilatorGrandDerbyLorePickup_Construction03_All_02_PermanentSolutionLorePickup_Construction03_All_03_DenunciationLorePickup_Construction03_All_04_PromotionLorePickup_Construction03_All_05_ProperUseOfJubilatorsLorePickup_Construction03_All_06_JubilatorQuickStartManualLorePickup_Construction03_All_07_JubilatorWeaknesses, When you 'give' Dr. Feelgood's bomb, it will be shown as pink-white 2x2 cube with the text Place-Holder when you drop it, but it will keep as an item in inventory (value, weight and 2d pic). /sdeposit [AMOUNT] - Deposit money into a safe. Must be property owner. COMPONENT_AT_SIGHTS. /useitem - or the I menu to use your items will use the various items. /harvest - Harvest your rewards from the plant. For those who want to just get on with using GTA 5 cheats codes, here are the console commands, the cell phone numbers you need to enter and a brief description of what each of them does. Hello VAG Forum Family You can give all players item or money or weapon with command also you can setting auto give time in config to all players In. /rlow [TEXT] - This sends a radio message to your primary slot but reduces the range that nearby players can hear it at. It includes pretty much everything, even quest items and lore notes. Using the command "sv_infinite_ammo 2" will give you an unlimited ammo but will . Alias: /support /supports /testers, /coords - Let's you know the exact XYZ and rotation coords of your character. /cim [days] [text] - Adds an information marker to the place. /melong [TEXT] - Same function as /me but is shown to players at a shouting distance. How to Most Efficiently Rank-up in CS:GO Competitive Matchmaking (2022), CS:GO Smoke Practice Commands Guide: How to Practice Smokes in CS:GO, give weapon_knife_gypsy_jackknife Navaja Knife, give weapon_knife_skeleton Skeleton Knife, give weapon_knife_stiletto Stiletto Knife, give weapon_knife_widowmaker Talon Knife, give weapon_glock Glock-18 (T starter weapon), give weapon_hkp2000 P2000 (one of the two possible CT starter weapons), give weapon_usp_silencer USP (Silenced) (the second CT starter weapon), give weapon_mag7 MAG-7 (or Swag 7 in some circles), give weapon_xm1014 Benelli XM1014 (Auto Shotgun), give weapon_g3sg1 G3SG1 (The first infamous Auto Sniper), give weapon_scar20 SCAR-20 (The Second infamous Auto Sniper), give weapon_galilar Galil Assault Rifle, give weapon_m4a1_silencer M4A1 (Silenced), give weapon_flashbang Flashbang Grenade, give weapon_hegrenade High Explosive Grenade, give weapon_incgrenade Incindeary Grenade.