font-weight: bold; word-wrap: break-word; In doing so, we not only created jobs, but also made sure that people often left out of major construction work got a chance to expand skills, find jobs, and build wealth. Making child care affordable will put women back to work and strengthen our economy. width: 35px !important; We need to ensure that good business practices and good environmental practices go hand in hand and end the false trope that we have to do one or the other. }); What's on my ballot? Source. When we built the Bucks stadium in Milwaukee, we ensured that all the labor was union labor from Wisconsin. Putting Money in Working Peoples Pockets. [19][16] Lasry also continues to own shares in Amazon, which he has refused to sell, despite criticizing the company. Classify most gig workers as employees for union rights purposes. display: table; width: 250px; Lasry was born and raised in New York and moved to Wisconsin in 2014. I believe that in order to make real, lasting change we need to protect and preserve our public lands, because ownership of public lands is an incredible birthright of every American citizen. During the early part of the pandemic, 27% of adults considering relocation were most interested in a rural location according to a survey conducted by DCI (an economic development marketing firm). Especially in rural areas, we have seen population loss, a shrinking labor pool, and limited access to career training and opportunity. We have seen how vulnerable we are to these cyber-attacks, and it must be an immediate priority of Congress to invest in both the infrastructure and manpower to combat these attacks so that we can secure our election infrastructure at every level of government. .widget-row.value-only { Impose civil fines of 100,000 dollars for each employer violation of federal labor law during union campaigns. Capitalizing and Incentivize Business Location Decisions. .leg-hnt-hide { We need new federal programs that will quantify this carbon capture and compensate farmers that do climate smart agricultural practices like these. Our countrys milk pricing system is out of date and is far too restrictive. margin: 5px auto; Creating More Access to International Trade. } height: 56px; One of my first priorities will be to get rid of the filibuster. border: 1px solid #aaa; Its also time to eliminate the tipped minimum wage, which is based in sexism and racism and makes it more likely that these workers live in poverty. They are passing laws in states across the country to decide who gets to vote and who doesnt. Alex Lasry on Jobs. vertical-align: top; I live in Milwaukee with my wife Lauren, Chief of Staff for Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin. [13], While finance chair of the Milwaukee Host Committee,[14] Milwaukee was awarded the 2020 Democratic National Convention to be hosted at Fiserv Forum, though it later became a virtual event due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Abolishing the filibuster will allow legislators to move an agenda and deliver real results for our constituents. (Nov 2019) Pass the PRO Act to protect unions, empower workers. } Wisconsin has seen the success that Tammy Baldwin has had with bringing new research and development dollars to our state, most recently through Dairy Business Innovation Funding. Increasing access to foreign markets has to be a priority for the next farm bill. .inner_percentage.CrossFiled { The loss of manufacturing in rural areas has been devastating for local communities. Its long overdue. Legacy rural industries like agriculture, manufacturing, mining, and forestry are all under immense stress. The United States must continue its historic and special role as Israels strongest ally. Alex Lasry announces he is dropping out of the Wisconsin race for US Senate, backing Mandela Barnes. The continued loss of family farms and the increased concentration of farmland into larger farms is bad for our state. I will prioritize putting more money back into the pockets of hardworking Wisconsinites. Making College and Tech Schools More Affordable. I want to go to Washington to get things done for all Wisconsinites, no matter where they live, or who they have voted for in the past. He isnt only dangerous for Wisconsin, but for the entire country. People across the country rely on public transportation to have access to family sustaining jobs, healthcare, and a good education. ", "Bice: 33-year-old Bucks exec Alex Lasry got COVID-19 vaccine, says he was 'lucky' to jump line", "Mandela Barnes gets open path to take on Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson", "U.S. Senate candidate Alex Lasry's ritzy roots include elite schools, Michael Jackson home, $50 million-plus trust", "Cathy and Marc Lasry, parents | Penn Arts & Sciences Endowed Professors", "Wall Street roots. $('.pastResponses').hide(); Congress must work to pass the PRO Act to protect unions, empower workers, and hold big businesses accountable. background-color: #db0000; .race_footer {

. Under NBA rules, the children are . } Lasry has done so much at the young age of 33. Our campaign has followed the lead of Senator Tammy Baldwin and Governor Tony Evers, showing up in communities that have traditionally been ignored by Democrats, and taken for granted by Republicans.

float:right; Interns wanted: Get paid to help ensure that every voter has unbiased election information.  	background-color: red; 			.results_table_container { I am committed to passing legislation that furthers racial justice, equity, and harassment free places not only in Wisconsin but across the United States. Improving Conservation and Climate Resilience. We need Congress to invest in attracting more proven drug treatment programs and personnel into rural communities. Source. a[aria-expanded=false] .fa-chevron-down { display: none; } The median age in rural counties is now approximately 44.4 years old, and its steadily getting older. How to vote | We also need to lower the cost of prescription drugs for everyone. We need to increase funding for counseling, mental health, addiction, and homelessness services so police only need to focus on imminent threats to the public. Progressive values are good for business and the PRO Act will ensure that projects like what he did in Milwaukee can happen across the country.  $('#candidate-connection-twitter-97840').on('click', () => { ga('send', 'event', 'surveycta', 'surveycta-click-twitter'); }); No employer fighting a union should be able to force their employees to sit through meetings specifically designed to thwart the union drive, interrogate workers about the organizing campaign, and disseminate union-busting materials. .widget-row.Libertarian { We must prevent foreign actors from being able to influence or buy our democracy. 				overflow-y: auto; 		width: 100%; These efforts are a role model for states across the country in driving down costs and increasing opportunities for students. This is especially timely legislation that must pass given the recent passage of the bipartisan infrastructure deal that will be injecting 1 trillion dollars into new infrastructure projects around the country. Lasry, who has raised nearly $2 million since January according to the Federal Election Commission data, believes his unique background of working in White House and working locally in. Instead of handing out corporate tax breaks across the board, we should only be rewarding companies that are doing the right thing. Unions protect our workers, and make workplaces safer, stronger, and better. Since the passage of the United States Constitution, the residents of Washington, D.C. have been denied their full citizenship rights that all residents of other states enjoy, including voting representation in Congress. What areas of public policy are you personally passionate about? I am extremely proud of my wife, Lauren, for her work at Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin to ensure that access to health care  from birth control and cancer screenings, to safe, legal abortion  is protected for individuals and families across Wisconsin. 	.results_table { I am passionate about the creation of good union jobs, raising wages for working people, making sure Wisconsinites have access to quality affordable healthcare, improving infrastructure across the state, and protecting our democracy and environment. 	} 		font-size: 2em;  } }  Its long past time for Congress to act and pass the Paycheck Fairness Act into law. Quality childcare would also improve long term educational outcomes for children by providing a secure, nurturing community for childrens early lives that will provide a basis for future growth. 	}  We need to examine and fund additional ways we can enhance Wisconsins export capacities both through the Great Lakes and down the Mississippi, and through enhanced rail connections.  		padding-left: 0; 		background: #4c4c4c; 2020 further emphasized the scale of injustice across the United States, whether it was violence against Black Americans, attacks on voting rights, or disparities that were underscored by the COVID-19 pandemic. 		margin-bottom: .75em; After losing an election, Republican leadership decided that their only chance to win is to institute new obstacles that will make it much harder for them to vote. Equity must be at the center of reshaping of this new economy so that America can truly be a land of equal opportunity, not a country where the zip code youre born into can define your health outcomes. .panel-heading:hover { cursor: pointer;} That means jobs, opportunity, and the ability to raise a family. For too long, we have deprioritized marginalized communities that have taken the brunt of the environmental impact from climate change, while not enforcing existing environmental protection laws or punishing those that break them. We need a coordinated, concerted effort to bring these jobs and investment back to Wisconsin. This should all be done in an effort to provide local options for students to stay in their communities. For areas where the offending companies cant be identified or have long gone out of business, we are going to need a Super Fund type program. 		text-align: left; As part of the Trump Tax Law that was passed in 2017, Republicans dramatically scaled back on tax cuts that disproportionately affect working families while leaving many of the same tax cuts in effect for business owners. We need to work with and pressure online platforms to do more to push back against dangerous rhetoric when their sites are being used to manipulate Americans and sow distrust in our elections and our government. 		font-weight: bold; $('.showResponses').on('click', () => { These century-old laws must be adjusted to account for todays workforce and our current economic reality. I strongly support keeping public lands in public hands. We must use the full power of this law to make sure we go from permanently protecting 12% of Americas land to 30%. We can do this through empowering unions and giving power back to the workers. It also establishes election certification and gives voters legal remedies if partisan ofcials refuse to certify results or try to set aside the results of an election. We need the federal and state government to ensure that all Wisconsinites have access to high speed, accessible and affordable internet. 		color:white; We need the government to incentivize more mental health workers to locate in rural communities and we need to invest more into tele-medicine in order to bring additional services wherever they are needed. 	.leg-hnt-toggle-text { Wisconsin needs a partner for Tammy Baldwin to fight every day to ensure these issues have the funding and attention they need to help rural communities prosper and succeed. Milwaukee Bucks executive Alex Lasry, who unsuccessfully ran for the Democratic U.S. Senate nomination in Wisconsin last year, is making a new political move. [2] Marc Lasry co-founded Avenue Capital Group with his sister in 1995, and currently has a net worth of $1.8 billion. 		column-rule: 1px solid #aaa; margin-bottom:0px; 		vertical-align: middle; 		border-radius: 50%; 		z-index:1; Mandela Barnes as the top Democratic candidate in the hotly contested primary for what is expected to be one of the most hard-fought Senate races this year. I will continue to press for additional funding for infrastructure. UW-Madison used to be the number 3 university in the country when it comes to receiving annual R & D funding  now its 8th. Likewise, healthcare should not be a barrier for a person with variable employment but wants to ensure that their family is still covered. 	} That means paying more than a 15 dollar an hour minimum wage, keeping their supply operations in the United States, and being active partners in the communities that they do business in. 		column-count: auto; All these practices are well known for helping control soil erosion, but they are also good ways to help sequester carbon. Republicans like Ron Johnson want us to believe people in urban and rural areas dont care about the same things, that couldnt be further from the truth. })(); See also: Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection. I support adding a robust public option to the Affordable Care Act because I believe that this is the fastest way to get everyone covered. 		font-size: 12px; When employers pay a living wage, it reduces the need for those vital services. 	} I will fully advocate for the Administrations use of national monuments as part of the Presidents protection tools under the Antiquities Act and will push to change the law to ensure once a President has used that power to protect public lands, it cannot be reversed by a future President. We need to do more to spur on the development of additional affordable housing in rural communities. Incumbents are bolded and underlined. We need to create a workers Bill of Rights to safeguard workers right to fair working hours, safe working conditions, and humane treatment. That alone will not put more money into the pockets of working people. This also means we need to strengthen our democracy at home. 		background-color: #dac113; Access to quality child care is a crisis in this country and helping to improve it could help bring more people back into the workforce at a time when we desperately need more workers. [4][6] At the time, Lasry's father was a client of Goldman Sachs. 	} 	color: white; I believe that healthcare is a human right, and we need to ensure that everyone has access to quality affordable healthcare. It is vital that we not only protect public transportation but expand and modernize it. We have seen incredible work amongst the UW System, the Tech College System, and our k-12 schools to help align curriculum, increase dual enrollment programs, and ensure that core credits can be transferred from one system to another. Companies that do things like bringing back manufacturing from overseas, locating their operations in rural communities, investing in the health and wellbeing of the community they are located in, and have a unionized workforce  those are examples of ways they can earn a tax break. We must raise wages for child care, home health care, and long-term care workers to help entice more women to come back to work, which a recent Brookings Institute report said would also lower inflation over time by easing the shortage of workers across all sectors of the economy. I was proud to march shoulder to shoulder in the streets of Milwaukee after Jacob Blake was shot and proud to back up the Bucks players who protested on the court bringing needed national attention to this issue. Access to clean, safe drinking water is increasingly under threat in Wisconsin. The VRAA will restore and update many of the protections against racial discrimination that were included in the Voting Rights Act of 1965. I strongly believe that protecting 30% of the United States lands by 2030 is attainable. 		.race_header, .results_text, .results_table_container, .votebox_legend { Milwaukee Bucks executive Alex Lasry explains the reasons he wants to be a U.S. senator, what his legislative priorities would be if elected and why he is running in the Democratic primary on Aug. 9, 2022. . Many rural communities lack any access to drug treatment professionals or programs. 	} .widget-img { We need to significantly increase the monetary damages for this type of behavior. We need action and we need it now. There are growing markets in the Middle East and Asia for our dairy products, and we need to ensure that any and all trade negotiations help open these markets to Wisconsin farmers. The first two years of public community college or technical school should be free. Lasry, a Democrat, is a . Historically, lower density population areas have made it economically undesirable for private providers to invest in the cost of installation of broadband infrastructure in less densely populated areas. Lasry unofficially withdrew from the race but appeared on the primary election ballot on August 9, 2022. In light of soaring gas prices, I support President Joe Bidens order today to expand the use of biofuels, allowing vehicles to use up to 15 percent ethanol blends throughout the summer. [1][2], .votebox { As we fight climate change, we must remember that communities of color too often bear the brunt of its devastating effects, while sharing in few of the economic opportunities presented by the clean energy economy. The last payments went out in December and Congress needs to extend what has proven to be one of the most effective programs it has ever passed. 		padding:7px 8px 8px; I want to abolish the filibuster. Good jobs that pay family supporting wages, A quality education and good schools for our kids, Good, affordable, accessible health care when we get sick, To keep our kids close to home as they grow up and start their own families. We have shown that progressive values are good for business and the economy. Both parties are now engaged in some of the most extreme partisan gerrymandering ever perpetrated on the citizens of the United States. 		color: #fff; 		margin-bottom: 4px; 		font-weight: 100; The federal minimum wage should be immediately raised to 15 dollars an hour, and we should index it to median wage growth so that it increases without the need for politicians to take a vote. This is a crisis that we must address with urgency. Cyber-attacks on our elections are an immediate threat to U.S. national security and cannot be taken lightly. 	} 	font-weight: bold; They desperately want to divide and conquer us and are constantly trying to stoke division. In both urban and rural areas, people across Wisconsin are struggling with many of the same issues. Abolishing the filibuster will help us pass critical legislation now and will result in a better functioning government that will allow Democrats to deliver on promises that have been made over the past few election cycles. 		.votebox { If a company is going to resort to union-busting tactics, then everything spent on those efforts should be reported to the U.S. Department of Labor and be publicly available. } 	} .  These are all very important steps in reforming how we handle policing in this country. } })  Incumbents are bolded and underlined. A full accounting of his holdings is expected to be released in a public filing next week. These were all expenses that were directly related to their ability to do their jobs and were treated as business expenses for the workers. 			overflow-x: scroll; The 34-year-old basketball executive could easily have been mistaken for a young professor at the nearby public university or perhaps a government employee in the Capitol building across the street. 	background-color: #003388; We cannot have environmental justice without racial justice, and it is clear that racism has been ingrained in every part of our governmental system. 		padding-bottom: 8px; 		text-align: center; I have a proven track record of delivering real results for the people of Wisconsin. This money should come from the federal government to support overstretched municipal budgets. 	padding-left: 10px; 		display: flex; 	} We must focus on raising wages just as much as fixing the tax code. 		flex: 0 0 175px; .expand-all:hover, .collapse-all:hover {cursor: pointer; text-decoration: underline;} As such, the team was still hiring non-union labor at a rate of $12.50 to $14/hr depending on experience levels for many years and Deer District workers were only earning $10 an hour as of May 2019. 		margin: 0; The pandemic has shown us first-hand what a lack of access to reliable broadband means for schools, healthcare facilities, and small businesses. 		background-color: #f4f4f4; 	} .clearfix { 	margin: auto; Many Republican Legislatures across the country and here in Wisconsin have taken away local control from municipalities to set their own local wage standards. One in four American workers do not have paid family or medical leave. That means paying more than a 15 dollar an hour minimum wage, keeping their supply operations in the United States, and being active partners in the communities that they do business in. School districts | Workers in the United States have been losing ground since the early 1980s. Wisconsin has a proud history of having a geographically diversified manufacturing base. 		padding-left: 16px; Often, app companies like Uber. document.getElementById('leg-hnt-toggle64003192d3c42').addEventListener('click', event => { Public safety is primarily a local law enforcement issue, but the federal government does have an important funding role to play. By Reid J. Epstein. Prior to 2017, contract workers, like many in the skilled trades who must travel to do their jobs, were allowed to deduct their gas mileage, work clothes, lodging, and dining from their taxes. We have a graying crisis all across Wisconsin, but it is most acute in our rural communities. MADISON, Wis. -- Democrat Alex Lasry, a 33-year-old Milwaukee Bucks executive and son of a billionaire, announced Wednesday that he's running for the U.S. Senate in 2022 for the seat currently . Protecting voting rights used to be a bipartisan goal. All LGBTQ Plus Americans deserve equal rights and protections under the law. 		font-size: 12px; We must ensure that those dollars are going to support American workers and American manufacturers. He lost in the Democratic primary on August 9, 2022. Instead of handing out corporate tax breaks across the board or giving tax breaks to companies that offshore their jobs or profits, like Ron Johnson and Republicans did in 2017, we should only be rewarding companies that invest in America. This bill would ban chokeholds, carotid holds, and no-knock search warrants, create a national database of police misconduct, and end qualified immunity. 		border-bottom: 1px solid #aaa; 	.votebox_legend {  The Build Back Better Plan also contains real, substantive investments to fight climate change. 		background-color: #db0000; 		width: 100% 	width: 100%; He has previously worked for Goldman Sachs and in the. Alex Lasry, a 33-year-old Milwaukee Bucks executive and son of a billionaire, received the coronavirus vaccine this week at a senior living center in Milwaukee, despite not being part of a group currently eligible for the shots in Wisconsin. Apply today! Ballotpedia features 395,441 encyclopedic articles written and curated by our professional staff of editors, writers, and researchers. Both political parties take note This level of. 		} 	 	.votebox_bp_logo { His departure. 		left: 0px; 		border: 1px solid #999; The well-being of workers should not depend on who holds power in Congress or the White House. Please list below 3 key messages of your campaign. Lasry's career experience includes working as the senior vice president of the NBA's Milwaukee Bucks and a deputy counselor for strategic engagement with the White House. 	} Guarantee every worker the right to be a member of a union. 	} [26], Last edited on 17 February 2023, at 16:32, 2022 United States Senate election in Wisconsin, "You're All Set to Get Married and Then the Coronavirus Pandemic Hits. Finally, we must require employers to publicly report expenditures that are spent on anti-union campaigns. Lasry, 33, is a New York native and son of Marc Lasry, a hedge fund billionaire and one of the owners of the Milwaukee Bucks. Alex Lasry earned a B.A. Many of these same expenses were continued for business owners and in fact, in the 2021 COVID relief bill, business meal deductions were expanded to allow for them to be 100 percent deductible as a way to help restaurants recover from the pandemic. Estimates of workers access to paid leave across the country suggest that only between 19 percent to 50 percent of all employees have either formal access to paid family leave through an employer or can take paid time off even in the absence of a formal benefit plan. 		letter-spacing: 0.03em; "This week I was vaccinated!" Lasry tweeted on Friday after the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel first reported it. State executives | Solve child care crisis by paying child care workers, home health care workers, and long term care workers a fair wage. 	font-weight: bold; Those who are willing to contribute significant sums of money to influence our elections should also be willing to allow people to know they are doing it. That means if the federal government pays to replace or rebuild water and sewer lines for example, the steel and iron must be made in places like the Neenah Foundry or Wisconsin Steel and Tube Corporation. } 	color: white; $('.hideResponses').on('click', () => { [4][7][9] Lasry went on to become Special Assistant to the Chief of Staff to Senior Advisor Valerie Jarrett, and then Deputy Counselor for Strategic Engagement to the Senior Advisor where he worked on business outreach and the Jobs Council. 		margin: 0 5px; The Bucks pay our employees at the Bucks Arena family-sustaining wages because we know that paying our employees fairly is not only the right thing to do, but also translates to higher productivity. Source. 	} We do a great job of giving them a quality education and world class college degrees, but then they leave. 	.race_header.democratic { I will also defend against the continued efforts to limit funding for Planned Parenthood and other reproductive healthcare facilities that provide affordable care to people across the country. We need college loan forgiveness programs that eliminate student loan debt in order to attract people to move back to our rural communities to do critical jobs for the community. We need labor law that matches the contours of todays economy and protects todays workersa 21st-century labor law written for the 21st centurys economy. It is also vitally important that this agreement is not pre-negotiated, and all parties avoid setting preconditions for the negotiations. 		height: 50px; 	margin-bottom: 0; We cannot have a properly functioning legal system without more rural lawyers. The Bucks pay all our employees at the Bucks Arena family-sustaining wages because we know that paying our employees fairly is not only the right thing to do, but also translates to higher productivity. The funds that exist arent enough to make a real impact on the size of the need or opportunity. } .survey-result {padding:10px;} As Senator, I will work with the Biden Administration as an active partner to achieve lasting peace through a two-state solution. The drinking water infrastructure in rural communities is rapidly aging and creating a threat to public health.    } But the wants and needs of our communities are not that different. The decision means front-runner Mandela Barnes, the. At a reported $3.5 billion dollar valuation for the entire team, Lasry's sale proceeds will be almost $900 million. Milwaukee Bucks executive Alex Lasry withdrew from the Democratic Senate primary Wednesday afternoon and endorsed Lt. Gov. The growth of employment in the service industry demands labor law that matches the contours of the current situation. We must find a new way to lower the prices of the medications that so many Americans depend on. 		box-sizing: border-box; Socioeconomic status should not be an indicator of whether a person has access to healthcare. 		font-size: 1.25em; Lasry was a Democratic candidate in the 2022 United States Senate election in Wisconsin, but withdrew before the primary.  	background-color: grey; Grant Statehood to the District of Columbia and Let Puerto Rico Self Determine. We cannot allow people like Ron Johnson to be at the table when critical issues that impact the daily lives of so many are at stake. MADISON, Wis. (AP)  Democrat Alex Lasry, a 33-year-old Milwaukee Bucks executive and son of a billionaire, announced Wednesday that he's running for the U.S. Senate in 2022 for the seat held by Republican Ron Johnson.  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