Jackson.Amongst the student body, there was boy with the surname of O'Dell. But there's no question that cremation has become normative in a way that it used to be exceptional. And a narrative is nothing other than a journey. In many ways they're all replicated by this journey that we take between the living and the dead when someone dies, this procession. Mar He'd made a few films, like Lifeboat, but he was not a name. Well, read it closely, and what I've written is that as long as they deal with it, I don't care what they do. 460 Tennessee Street #200, Memphis, TN 38103. Riley's penchant for turning mere trouble into near-disaster through his well-intentioned bumbling was often aided or instigated by his arch best friend/next-door neighbor, Gillis. She has her picture on the front page. Babs Riley: Guess what? Who is the producer of syndicated radio's 'The Sean Hannity Show' that is consistently referred to on-air as "Sweet Baby James"? Do you speak French? Chester A. Riley: Yeah! The latter portion of the fifth season, broadcast between April and June 1957, was filmed and originally broadcast in color, although only black-and-white film prints of those episodes were syndicated. I thought, this guy could play it. Digby 'Digger' O'Dell : It is I, Digby O'Dell, the friendly undertaker. Chester A. Riley: Well, if you do, just holler. The dirt on Herbert ODell Smith. Simon Vanderhopper: Yes sir, I don't let the grass grow under my feet! They can coexist. And they take a very sharp instrument. For many people I know, when families are cremated, they feel as if they've in some sense kind of disappeared. His real name, it seems, was Herbert O'Dell Smith. "Lux Radio Theater" broadcast a 60-minute radio adaptation of the movie on May 8, 1950 with William Bendix, Rosemary DeCamp, Meg Randall . There must be some reason for it! There are several videos on line. The Life of Riley was the initial release of Brecher Productions, Inc. William Bendix first played "Riley" in the popular NBC radio series on which this film was based, and John Brown played "'Digger' O'Dell" in the series. Sterling Holloway recurred as neighbor Waldo Binney, another radio character. Does it affect the nature of the grief if someone was present for the dying of the loved one? Another gardener is pla, Growing Peppers in Your Garden: Tips, Hardening Off and Soil Mix, Growing peppers is a great way to spice up your garden. How different is confronting death without faith? I know as a person who has grieved before, and I also know as a person who has been next to people in grief, that one of the awful messages on the day is "Life goes on." I've come to admire the earth, the wind and the fire. His frequent exclamation of indignation"What a revoltin' development this is! [after Riley discovers the man he accused of bank robbery is a policeman]. Cullen, Frank, Hackman, Florence and McNeilly, Donald Vaudeville Old & New: An Encyclopedia of Variety Performers in America Vol. It's not that you don't want to see your mother or your father or your sister or your brother. Chester A. Riley: I don't have to be fair - I'm your father. When you grow up in funeral service, you always have a job. I figure once a year, every married man should get away from his wife for a few days. "[6] The April 13 episode starred Herb Vigran as Riley, and the April 20 episode had Buddy Gray in the title role. I think we're among the first couple generations for whom the presence of the dead at their funerals has become optional, and I see that as probably not good news for the culture at large. When Burt finally tells Babs about his financial predicament and suggests that they marry quickly so that Riley can keep his job and he can save his life, Babs reluctantly agrees. This is the edited transcript of interviews conducted with hin during the winter and spring of 2006-2007. Unknown. Whether youre growing hot or sweet varieties, there are some important tips for success. And oftentimes I'm impressed by how people will wrap their existential concerns about a dying parent in the prearrangement conference. . When Riley learns that the couple is to spend their honeymoon in separate rooms, he becomes suspicious. 2 Mar. It's ridiculous, it's mundane, it's stupid, but at the end of the day what we are trying to do is assemble all our metaphoric weapons to do battle with this hurt, this still thing. But you have to do that first, because people will sense if you're not willing to do that, if you're just sort of going through the motions. Gillis: Don't argue, because I hate family arguments. The program even utilized a stable of so-called "silent" characters, individuals referred to often but never actually heard. I admire entrepreneurs and performers as much as the next guy, but it was surely a miserable way to make a living. But people will go home, and they will look at pictures of the dead; they'll look at movies of the dead; they'll quote the dead to one another; and they will weep and laugh and carry on. Slap, slap, slap Rip, Rip, Rip it's over! He is best-known in Memphis for agreeing to be "buried alive" as a promotion that took place in September 1959 for Bluff City Buick. We're celebrating love, huh? Brief Synopsis A factory worker tries to cope when his daughter dates the boss's son. But he said, "When a death occurs, people feel so helpless, it's good to have some of these things already invented." There's been a sort of national conversation about funerals over the years. Dunning, John On the Air: The Encyclopedia of Old-Time Radio The Internet Movie Database Digby 'Digger' O'Dell: It is I, Digby O'Dell, the friendly undertaker.Chester A. Riley: Hello, Digger. I'll treat her just like she wasn't my wife. I'll hug her and I'll kiss her. But I have graves at Oak Grove; I have graves in West Clare [County, Ireland]. I guess you might quibble that the Memory Grove itself the stand of trees that shaded it has been left behind, but the plaque is in better company here, near the famous Doughboy Statue (also a tribute to those lost in the First World War), along with memorials to the men and women who sacrificed their lives in World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, and Operation Desert Storm. I think we act out things that are hard to put in words. Digby 'Digger' O'Dell : Why, I was just taking a stroll around the pond. One of my favorite characters from classic radio is Digby Digger ODell, the friendly undertaker portrayed by John Brown in THE LIFE OF RILEY. But we are much more willing to go stand next to the hole in the ground than we are willing to stand next to the fire. We do have a charge for our caskets. "became one of the most famous catchphrases of the 1940s. Sometime in the mid-60s, probably having a lot to do with Jessica Mitford's book [The American Way of Death] and a lot to do with other social factors, there was sort of the triumphalist American sense that we didn't have to deal with any discomforts. In the early 1970s, he had apparently retired and had opened World-Famous Digger ODells Farmers Market somewhere in that state, but had returned to his old stunts after the death of his wife from a heart attack. In October 1949, the NBC network began broadcasting a television series inspired by the radio program, also titled The Life of Riley. The Life of Riley (1949) co-starred Rosemary DeCamp, James Gleason, Beluah Bondi, Richard Long and John Brown as "Digger O'Dell" the friendly undertaker, a role that he also played on the radio program. Just as all appears lost, Riley learns from Burt that he has been promoted to a high-paying executive position. I prefer the dead languages. Peg Riley: Well, of all the revolting ideas! [1] (Marx would get his own series Blue Ribbon Town instead.) Digger O'Dell Buried For Good This Time. The Life of Riley was an American radio situation comedy series of the 1940s that was adapted into a 1949 feature film, a 1950s television series, and a 1958 comic book. And most good customs allow for some wiggle room, you know. And I do think that while the dead don't care, the dead matter. He would have probably had a difficult way of managing some of the changes that we see nowadays. Radio historian Gerald Nachman quotes Brecher as stating, "He was a Brooklyn guy and there was something about him. Punchy: Hey, why don't you get up, pal? For many gardeners, it starts with tomatoes. When Monahan and his new wife Lucy arrive for dinner, Riley is envious of his former rival's obvious wealth and tries to hide his own financial shortcomings. The only place your son will get his picture is in the post office. I don't know what my part of it is, except it's duty, detail: Show up, do this, do that, be sure the car starts, keep it clean, you know, that type of thing. FRONTLINE series home|wgbh|pbs, FRONTLINE is a registered trademark of wgbh educational foundation. WGBH educational foundation, How we've become estranged from death and the dead, The meaning and power of rituals and customs, The often-mocked tradition of an open casket, How the baby boomers will change the conversation about funerals. Peg Riley: Yeah? main photograph corbis, all rights reserved He also portrayed "the friendly undertaker" Digby "Digger" O'Dell on the same show. He has been buried in a concrete vault for 36 days, sealed in glass 33 days, and spent 26 days underwater., But somewhere along the way, he decided to concentrate on burying himself in the worlds smallest apartment, as the various promotions called it. And I think this has to do with our notions about fire itself. According to the obituary, Digger was born in Georgia in 1915. He's where he's buried for good. And you have mentioned the range of feelings and emotions at a funeral. You were just married! So this pilgrimage, this journey that we go on, replicates in many ways other journeys that we see in life, from infancy to toddlerhood, from toddlerhood to teenagers to adulthood, the journeys we take in life in our heart, in the life of our mind, the life of our spirit. So what you've seen is what I've seen: that people who deal with their dead deal with death better. 2023 Turner Classic Movies, Inc. All Rights Reserved. And that's very seductive, because, I mean, it's human-to-human contact. I want reports! But by the time a couple days later he went in the ground, it was exactly the right thing to do. After 13 days in his coffin, Memphis police showed up with shovels to unearth Digger. Also, in 1958, it hi Chester A. Riley: Hello, Digger. Chester A. Riley: Yes. And is that the purposefulness in the ebb and flow of a wake and a funeral? We'd be wise, as a culture, to examine some of these things. I think the national rate now is right around 38 percent. It is the ridiculous and the sublime. And they open your mouth. I've sat with families who said, "Well, we want a closed casket," and I've often asked them, "Well, had they not died yesterday, would you not want to see them today?" Chester A. Riley: What do you mean the baby announcements? According to the obituary, Digger was born in Georgia in 1915. It seemed like an appropriate time for this sainted woman. I enjoy listening to the frogs croak. Chester A. Riley: None of that radical talk out of you just 'cause you go to high school! Did you hear me? All to the good, I say. The Life of Riley is an American radio situation comedy series of the 1940s that was adapted into a 1949 feature film, a 1950s television series, and a 1958 comic book. "You have to have helpers 24 hours a day.". Al was the boyfriend of Irma. Even a criminal gets time off for good behavior. It is a sadness and a shame that cremation, the fire in this context, is seen as an industrial process instead of an elemental one, in the way that earth is elemental. One day, after paying out all but five of his fifty-dollar-a-week paycheck, Riley has to sneak into his house to avoid his landlady, Miss Martha Bogle, to whom he owes money. Simon Vanderhopper: Mr. Riley, you're not angry? Im five-foot-eleven. Well, both my parents were buried like Irish Catholics were buried, so there was this sort of tribal and religious language that had been developed over centuries for how we do this. Whether we consign our dead to scavenger birds, as they do in Tibet, or to the sea, as they do when the sea is around them, or the tree, as our Native Americans did, it doesn't make any difference. You can read in history books about the way a funeral procession was laid out -- which civic group, which ecclesiastical group, which fraternal group, which family group -- how everybody was lined up, so that as people walked in, there was this rise and fall of relationship and grief, and people know this, that good, orderly direction that was assumed by this process, this ritual. Digger O'Dell, the friendly undertaker ANNCR: It's new! A factory worker's family is thrown into an uproar when his teenage daughter starts to date his boss' son. For some people it's not the open casket and the three-day wake and the roses and the limousines and the Panis Angelicus. Why there ain't a day that goes by that I read the obituary columns! For years, it was propped against a rugged concrete base, in a cluster of crepe myrtles on the southern edge of the park, close to the intersection of Poplar and Cooper. interview with the film's producers|credits|privacy policy|journalistic guidelines By Lorraine LoBianco. [Riley believes Junior stole five dollars]. [9], William Bendix and Sterling Holloway, 1957. He had a new book out about God not being great. I said NO! I do find this recent push for every funeral to be a celebration of life as, in a way, a kind of a cruel joke on people who are in acute grief. Irving Brecher, who would direct the film adaptation of Life of Riley, had seen William Bendix in a film called The McGuerins of Brooklyn (1942) and knew he'd found his man. One of my favorite old time radio characters (other than Jack Benny) was Digger O'Dell "The Friendly Undertaker". He first started doing various stunts in 1932, a time when people were trying to make crazy money with dancing marathons, flagpole sitting, and other endurance feats. Peg Riley: No. I just read this card, and I just spoke to the Justice of the Peace! Jim Gillis: Sure! He would have figured that out, but I think for him the funeral, the procession, was part of the process. It's an easy target; it always is -- you know, the Digger O'Dell [the "friendly undertaker" character in the 1950s television series Life of Riley]. [1], William Bendix also starred in the 1949 film version of The Life of Riley directed by Irving Brecher. I'd have to say yeah, they do. Chester A. Riley: You mean I'm going to live? For the final season, filming reverted to black-and-white. What can you tell me about this interesting fellow? We already ordered the baby announcements. The question is not meant to mock; the question is to say: "What is it you don't want to see? When he heard the sad news about his wife, said a newspaper, Diggers own heart broke like a clod of dirt. I know his nickname was Digger, but thats just mean. Packed among his riding gear when on tour is a trumpet, and Helm has been known to join local bands in jam sessions. So everything is weakened; weakened and tightened at the same time. We're doing our best to make sure our content is useful, accurate and safe.If by any chance you spot an inappropriate comment while navigating through our website please use this form to let us know, and we'll take care of it shortly. "Life goes on!" Chester A. Riley: Nah what would a rich man want with money? Because of its overwhelming radio popularity, Riley graduated as easily to a 1949 feature film, as it did to 1950s television. William Bendix is heard as Riley, along with co-stars Paula Winslowe, John Brown, Tommy Cook, and Barbara Eiler - plus series creator Irving Brecher . Sign Up now to stay up to date with all of the latest news from TCM. What are you doin' here in the park? I always knew I'd bring up my daughter to be somebody someday. Bendix was able to return to the role on NBC from 1953 to 1958, where the program was consistently in the top 25. Riley's annoying co-worker, Gillis, was also voiced by Brown. Buick customers could view him through a periscope, or they could drop coins down a tube that urged them, Can you ring the bell? Nobody seemed to ask and the newspapers werent telling how on earth the man would use the bathroom during his 58 days (and maybe longer) underground. A great memorable quote from the The Life of Riley movie on Quotes.net - "It is I, Digger O'Dell, your friendly undertaker. web site copyright 1995-2014 Is he in some of of trouble or something? Not sure where the voice actor was inspired from, but Mancubus sounds exactly like Digger O'Dell, the friendly undertaker from the old Life of Rile Press J to jump to the feed. 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