(This witness got the best look at the suspect, and was the source for the police sketch. During the call, he claimed responsibility for the "double murder" and described the make and model of Hartnell's vehicle. https://www.zodiackiller.com/LBReport32.html, Brian Hartnell parked his 1956 Karmann Ghia 7/10 of a mile north of the Lake Berryessa Park Headquarters. There was a time when I think I could have gotten it. On that day, the Zodiac came prepared to carry out a cold-blooded attack which included the brutal stabbing of innocent people. blue Chevrolet. The sketches are not very well drawn and I don't think they can be trusted. Ill bet theres good money in it. Nearby cities include Brooks, Tancred . (Or, and probably this: Now that all is said and done, was that gun really loaded?), A: Yes, it was! When Cecelia turned around, she could see that a man was standing in the distance. March 2021 ASSAILANT: ( no reply ) And sign the damn thing as well! Sla Letter Daniel Williams Poisoning long bread knife, 12 blade, wide, hardwood handle, 2 brass rivets holding handle in place, knifes case possibly made of wood. Cotton windbreaker with a zipper, dark blue. Joanne ___: Observed male in late model (66-67), light blue Chevrolet. People are often few and far between and one can, in fact, feel very isolated. The blade of the knife came close to his heart, but a matter of inches helped Bryan survive to share his personal nightmare and his encounter with the most-wanted serial killer in American history. After hearing the victims' screams for help, a man and his son who were fishing in a nearby cove discovered the victims and summoned help by contacting park rangers. Dialogue between Brian Hartnell and Zodiac (2 pages): https://www.zodiackiller.com/LBReport1.html, https://www.zodiackiller.com/LBReport9.html, https://www.zodiackiller.com/LBReport5.html, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zodiac_Killer, https://www.zodiackiller.com/LBReport23.html, https://www.zodiackiller.com/LBReport26.html, https://www.zodiackiller.com/LBReport8.html, https://www.zodiackiller.com/LBReport15.html, https://www.zodiackiller.com/LBReport24.html, https://www.zodiackiller.com/LBReport22.html, https://zodiackiller.com/HartnellInterview1.html, https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/discussion/2007/03/09/DI2007030900522.html, https://www.zodiackiller.com/LBReport13.html, https://www.zodiackiller.com/LBReport16.html, https://www.zodiackiller.com/LBReport17.html, https://www.zodiackiller.com/LBReport33.html, Summary of the Lake Berryessa murder in the California Department of Justice summary on the Zodiac case, Interviews with victim Bryan Hartnell, Napa County Sheriff Dept Detective Ken Narlow, Napa County Sheriff Dept Acting Sergeant David Collins, Napa County Sheriff Dept Detective Sergeant John Robertson, and Napa County Sheriff Dept Dispatcher David Slaight. 46 . Therefore, it is reasonable to conclude that the killer would have parked his vehicle close to the scene of the crime (I am positing directly on Knoxville Road - near to the victims but potentially not close enough to be visible) allowing for a quick getaway while minimizing the risk of discovery. They are two miles north of park headquarters. Read the reports produced by the Napa County Sheriffs Department and other agencies, including: * NCSD Report: Ken Narlow and others (19 pages), * NCSD Report: Collins and Land (6 pages one page missing), * NCSD Report: RE: the three girls at the lake (1 page), * NCSD Report: RE: Gun used by the Zodiac (1 page), * Napa Police Department: Report by Dispatcher David Slaight re: Zodiac call (1 page), * CA Dept. Plaster casts were made of the tire impressions. Suddenly he appeared wearing a bizarre, hooded costume that had a white crossed-circle stitched onto the front. In the past, people used to meet up on the island on the anniversary of the murder. They may have parked at the North Smittle Creek Trailhead parking lot, which is 2.6 miles north of the A&W root beer stand location (Map). Thanks for the Saturday correction,Richard. The Mt. They were in a white Volkswagen Karman Ghia." The voice of a young man addressed Slaight in a calm, deliberate tone. Hartnell initially believed this event to be a bizarre robbery, but the man drew a knife and stabbed them both repeatedly, Hartnell suffering six and Shepard ten wounds in the process. November 2012 July 2012 He now after retirement lives in Mexico. Just saw a recent news report out of Sacramento County showing that they're going to have a conference for people who are family members of missing persons. I didnt hear you Arthur Leigh Allen August 2016 They also noticed a man with two young boys in the area shooting BB guns. Boot print left by size 10.5 Government-issue Wing walker boots at were both Air Force and Navy issue. lake_berryessa.kml Downloads Poster - Lake Berryessa Fish Advisory Poster (New Graphic Added) Apr 6, 2018 Poster - Lake Berryessa Fish Advisory Poster in Spanish (Espaol) (New Graphic Added) Apr 6, 2018 Report - 2009 OEHHA Fish Advisory Update for Lake Berryessa Mar 13, 2009 Report - 2006 Fish Advisory for Lake Berryessa and Putah Creek Jun . I located witnesses at Berryessa who identified Allen as being at the lake that day--the son of the now deceased dentist and one of the college women.". Accepting the lie, the victims allowed themselves to be tied and subdued. The composite sketch from Pacific Heights was taken from the kids who called it in. Following the Blue Rock Springs shooting, he was so desparate for attention that he contacted the police from a pay phone in central Vallejo. ( or ) Sure, Ill show you. July 2014 The assailant held the frightened coeds at gunpoint as he explained that he intended to rob them and make his escape. Police Interview with Brian Hartnell, September 28.1969. 35 latent prints were lifted from the phone, including a still wet palm print. Judging by Google Maps, it would have taken him roughly 45 minutes to travel between the two locations. NOTE: It is unclear to me exactly where Rayfield was parked, and where the suspect was seen. Rear window glass was tinted dark. They were in a white Karmann Ghia.". BRYAN: We arent going anywhere Anyway, I dont think that its necessary ( or Aw, come on, we dont want to. ) Possible Zodiac Letters from a payphone at the corner of Main St. and Clinton St., Napa to confess to the crime. The reservoir was named after the first European settlers in the Berryessa . Plaster casts were made of the bootprints. https://www.flickr.com/photos/112412867@N06/12004473385/in/album-72157639874409846/ The Zodiac Killer Map: Part of the Zodiac Killer Enigma by Randall Scott Clemons. The artist will probably produce 20 different sketches. Could that be a reason Zodiac wasnt as brash after this attack as after the Stine murder because this was a more accurate description of him and he didnt wanna bring much attention to this case? Lake Berryessa's water reaches temperatures of up to 75 degrees in the summer, making it an ideal place for water sports, waverunners, watercraft rentals . August 2018 Not that he was but that he looked much like him August 2017 The hooded stranger moved toward the couple. Headlights were long rather than round. The dam stands 304 feet (93 meters) tall and stretches about 1,300 feet (400 meters) across Devil's Gate, a narrow pass on Putah Creek. (Could this have been the rope?) moment. She saw a man as he moved behind a tree. Many sketches were drawn up regarding the hunt for the Yorkshire Ripper. He took out a black marker and wrote a message on the passenger door of Bryans white Volkswagen Karmann Ghia. BRYAN: Now that everything is all said and done, could you show me that your gun is loaded? Coordinates: 383348.29N 1221354.43W You have been right on target with your comments, Lemonboy! August 2019 A green bottle found near a stump on the suspected approach to the crime scene was processed for fingerprints and placed in evidence. This reservoir is formed by the Monticello Dam, which provides water and hydroelectricity to the North Bay region of the San Francisco Bay Area. Its a sketch that isnt as famous as the Paul Stine attack yet it seems pretty likely it was Zodiac. rajat.nagpal@paflogistics.com Plot No.1, Samalkha, MCD Primary Boys School, New Delhi, Delhi 110037 096540 07008 Bryan Hartnell seems to have been worried that his girlfriend who lived in Portland might have been jealous that he was out with his previous girlfriend. * Photographs of the Phone Used By The Zodiac to Call The Napa Police Department, * Sketches of the Zodiac in costume and a man seen at the lake. Button Letter February 2018 Always with Zodiac the words he wrote and his crimes were inextricably linked. He also had an ability to alter his appearance in a very short space of time. When the story of a couple's murder at a picnic ran on the front page instead of the Zodiac Killer case, it is possible that this crime became his "Now can I get the front page?" The Zodiac Killer may have given us the answer almost word-for-word when he wrote PS. Firstly, to contemplate an attack on the three girls, and secondly, to return to his vehicle that evening. Lake Berryessa was popular with college students,since it was a cheap day out,if you had the means of transport. The steet light gave them fairly good visibility I was just (makes guttural sound) you know, that kind of a sound On Nov. 7, 1957, the Monticello Dam was completed. July 2015 January 2023 If he does nothing for a week or two he gains a lot of weight and his face becomes much rounder. The words made him psychologically committed to carrying out the misdeed. Zodiac Theories, February 2023 Did Z use a boat? He was holding a pistol and wearing a hooded disguise with a crossed-circle on the front. Fairly nice looking with a round face. Sunday, September 29, 1968 -- George Baskett shot and killed by Officer Michael O'brien Saturday, September 27, 1969 -- Hartnell and Shepard attacked by Zodiac at Lake Berryessa Wednesday, October 9, 1968 -- Officer O'brien charged with the murder of George Baskett Saturday, October 11, 1969 -- Paul Stine shot and killed by Zodiac Hartnell wanted to call his girlfriend in Portland. Given the tasks he had to accomplish in that timeframe, it seems highly improbable that he had to hike far to reach his vehicle. She died two days later, but Hartnell survived to recount his tale to the press. Bryans story was the only reason that the world learned about the killers bizarre costume and the odd conversation before the attack. Internet Articles The lake is fed by the headwaters from Putah Creek watershed, though Capell Creek, Pope Creek, and Eticuera Creek are all tributaries . People do vary wildly with suspect recollection accuracy, but it's the common thread that should be focused upon. Why is there no mention of the police traveling to the location where the three girls saw the man trawling the hillside, along with where the Rayfield's saw the man, and take plaster cast impressions of the bootprints in these areas. Plaster casts were made of the boot impressions. FOR NAPA COUNTY SHERIFFS OFFICE They were just done that way (3D Version) to give a different perspective, with the upper part of Vallejo visible. ;-). https://www.zodiackiller.com/LBReport33.html, Napa PD police report on Lake Berryessa crime (35 pages). B: Listen, I didnt complain when you tied our hands, but this is ridiculous, B: We arent going anywhere Anyway, I dont think that its necessary (or Aw, come on we dont want to. We will use these details from the police report:The three young women who potentially saw Zodiac, You will notice that the white horizontal line above passes through the identical features on both images of Lake Berryessa, indicating that Dr Rayfield & Son and the three girls were visiting the near identical location that day, adding weight to the idea, that the suspicious character observed by both had good reason to be in that area. Seconds later, she became panicked and grabbed Bryan's arm. The 340 Cipher There is nothing to worry about all I want is your money. Hartnell said that he and Shepard were "good friends," and that they used to go out two years previously. Ted Kaczynski February 2021 ", Zodiac: "I want to report a murder. DMV Letter I want to report a murder no, a double murder. October 2019 At the time, locals also knew it as "Goat Island". Ted Kaczynski's Salt Lake City bombing location. December 2017 gardibolt 673 30 DOJ Feb 25, 2008 #7 Hartnell managed to survive the attack. Many have speculated whether this could have been cut sections of clothesline in preparation. At 7:40 pm, the Napa County Police Department received a call that had been placed from a telephone booth located a few blocks away. These days, the car wash no longer exists. Cheri Jo Bates The eastern half of Berryessa is private property. ASSAILANT: Now I want the girl to tie you up. May 2021 Tire impressions were observed 20 feet to the rear of Hartnell's car. 5 fingerprints were lifted. Scotch Tape Letter The location where the Zodiac Killer reported the Lake Berryessa attack. March 2018 Judith Hakari The killer then hiked 500 yards back up to Knoxville Road, drew the cross-circle symbol on Hartnell's car door with a black felt-tip pen, and wrote beneath it: "Vallejo/12-20-68/7-4-69/Sept 27696:30/by knife". Slaight: "Napa Police department, Officer Slaight. The Zodiac Killer has never been caught and is the subject of a recent movie. Yes, I considered the Chevy Nova to be a like option at one point. Rear window glass was tinted dark. If Zodiac had stalked the 3 girls that day, he isn't going to be driving around in his costume, as he wasn't when he first eyed the girls from the hillside. November 2015 September 2021 Was he waiting near the girls earlier because he'd overheard Hartnell and Shepard talking about going to their favorite spot at the Lake (they changed their plan). Cecelia Shepard later died from her wounds, but Brian Hartnell survived the attack, At around 3:30 PM on September 27, 1969, three college girls parked their car in a lot about 2 miles north of the A&W Root beer stand on Knoxville Road at Lake Berryessa. April 2021 They would cost a fortune, well beyond the budget of most people, but even these are still in their infancy and regularly "make mistakes". Hartnell believed the bullets could be .45 caliber but is not certain. I only used these images, essentially to show the time given for each journey. It seems possible that Hartnell and Shepard had sex before going out to Lake Berryessa. December 2014 Earl Van Best Jr I have a friend who changes his weight depending on how much exercise he does. The Little List Richard, it is also interesting that some people will see a definite identity in that Presidio Heights sketch, but others will see no or little resemblance. He has the names of all subjects who purchased this item and will keep the names available to the officers on request. As I have said before, pet suspects and their proponent's subjective take on these subjective sketches is in itself all highly subjective. Every time I have gone there, there have been many members of the public wondering about. ( Then after we were tied and hog-tied ) Napa County detective Ken Narlow, who was assigned to the case from the outset, worked on solving the crime until his retirement from the department in 1987. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zodiac_Killer, 20-30, 58 to 6, 225-250 lbs, dark brown greasy hair, sloppy dresser, stomach hanging over trousers. Police traced the call but the man was gone. May 2018 October 2017 Later, Bryan Hartnell would write a transcript of his conversation with the stranger. B: I can give you my phone number and you can call me. Police asked the writer to send another letter with details about the crimes to prove that he was responsible. My car is hot. ), Linda Lee ___: Standing 45 yards away watching them. ASSAILANT: Just dont make any fast moves come up slowly. I am guessing that Kane, if he was still alive, may have even got off on the incredible idea that some people think he was the Zodiac. Click image for color version, My Interview on the Zodiac Killer Channel, Red Phantom Letter/American Greetings Card. People do not see other people in exactly the same way. BRYAN: O.K. whatever you say, I want you to know that I will cooperate so you dont have to worry whatever you say well do. B: Well, is there any other thing you need? Not thinking much of it Bryan noticed Cecelia kept looking . Officer David Slaight listened as the caller said in a low, monotone voice, "I want to report a murder - no, a double murder. BRYAN: I want to get in contact with you. Possible Zodiac Attacks Occasionally it would find a near match, which was not even the same person. At 7:40 p.m., the killer called the police from a pay phone at the Napa Car Wash. If you have 30 sketches drawn up in a serial killer case and 5 or 6 have a likeness to each other, obviously these would carry more weight based on repeated similarity. C: (reaches for rope that he pulls from back pocket). The three students who saw the stranger said his face and eyes were round.He had thick full black( from Dep. February 2014 trousers, and a "dark shirt with red in it." The extremes will be discarded. 40 years old, 6 tall, 200-210 lbs. He thought it would be a good way to earn extra cash. 2001 Happy New Year Card BRYAN: Listen, I didnt complain when you tied our hands, but this is ridiculous Well built, nice looking. BRYAN: Youre welcome to the money I have, but isnt there something else I can do for you? And wearing a hooded disguise with a crossed-circle on the island on the passenger door of Bryans white Karman. Model ( 66-67 ), Linda Lee ___: standing 45 yards away watching.! Have been right on target with your comments, Lemonboy I could have been right on target with comments! European settlers in the Berryessa Navy issue had thick full black ( from Dep 1221354.43W you have been sections! 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