The mirrors are not facing each other. -Victor. please.. . I would like to put up a Bagua mirror. It also gives illusion of space and makes my living lively. To banish evil spirits, burn the shards of a shattered mirror until they are pitch black, and then bury them one year later. That was removed instantly after reading your article an hour ago. This will bring you to a point of restlessness, and it might disturb your sleep. If you see a space, the mirror can be a portal. Real estate agents? Firstly, is there any connection between mirrors in the bedroom and spirits? Hi Ekta, I wouldnt worry too much about mirror being symbolic to water. Negative energies are supposedly caught in mirrors and reflected back to the sleeping person during the night. My windows have blinds. Toilet is said to produce negative Qi because of its purpose. -Victor. If you leave this for long, it will lead to the presence of too many ghosts in your room, which might eventually lead to an abandoned room. When the mirrors are installed correctly, a player who wants to summon a ghost will put his/her left palm on the mirror facing southwest so that he/she is facing northeast. Or is the big dinner a few times a year enough? But when I was young, I think I constantly saw shadows passing by a huge mirror that was right outside my bedroom door. Quick question..Ive got a very narrow and small hallway and would like to hang a mirror here, however as soon as you step in, there is wc door to the right (north), kitchen door opposite it (south), radiator next to the kitchen door (thats preferred place for a mirror so far), and turning stairs in front of it (just after the wc door). Personally, I wouldnt put a mirror in the living room because its distracting. As for the oil painting, its great to have them because you love waking to them! Both have their different uses, as you will see in the following tips. Would this placement be acceptable? Both places are great. In general, the Bagua mirror is mainly used to block the negative energies from the outside. I am at wits end. Hi there, thank you for a great article! I have a narrow staircase from the main floor leading down to the basement. Hi, Can I hang a mirror on the opposite wall of my family photos wall. Flat Bagua Mirrors have the Most Neutral Use, 21. This persons hilarious feedback captures just how we feel if we were using a toilet like that. I feel the spiritual energy when I go in there but I think its just from my spiritual activities. And, no worries if it faces the drains. As for where to put the mirror, only put it at the door that faces the street lamp. This was a very interesting read! The entrance door itself lets a lot of natural light in through the glass. If you have a small entrance, it can make the space feel larger and more welcoming for guests. Hello Sir! I love waking up to them. Everyone must pay attention when choosing the direction of the room. But when we are in the living areas, around 45 degree from the mirror, we can see the reflection of stove from the mirror. My question is twofold: 1. I believe that the more common name for "spirits" entering through open doors & windows is called the wind. Placing a mirror in the wrong place can bring terrible consequences to everyone living in that house. -Victor, OMG.. what an awesome article.. 1. ,So I should remove any type of mirror from behind my couch no matter what shape or design it is? However, others are concerned about the mirror amplifying the energy brought by the guests, especially those with negative energies. Therefore, mirrors are one the important objects with high spiritual energy, density, and volume. I have odd shape pieces that are mirror.. She seems very dark. As for your owl, it is great as long as you like its placement. What is the fengshui stance on this matter: will it double my work, or will increase the amount of art I produce. Thank you and keep up these good work, I live in the Philippines. Perhaps make it a necessary ritual to do something in front of someplace with a mirror in front. Does it still count? Doubling the work likely comes from the idea that wherever you see, you just see stuff that reminds you of work. Do mirrors, according to Feng Shui, hold on to what or whom they have reflected in the past? Meaning, if theres a light-post right outside your front door, a Bagua mirror can be used. -Victor. However, we have a mirrored wall just outside our master bedroom and my daughters bedroom. Also its helpful to recognize if you have your own fears based on what youve read. Ticketmaster is the global leader in event ticketing with over 500 million tickets sold annually and more than 12,000 clients worldwide. -Victor. I write about my spiritual experiences to help all those who go through the same. 7 Superstitions, Why is it Bad Luck to Open an Umbrella Inside? The jerk will lead to confusion, which will affect the ability to make prompt decisions. Stop thinking and treating yourself and life in a negative way. Is there any other remedy to minimize the negative effect? -Victor. I didnt know that until it happened to me but when it happened to me I first seen a white shadow that turned into a white bright and silver ball of energy above me and my bed and then it burst into silver rain and then disappeared. I could hear my name being echoed in the spirit realm. Blogger and owner of Feng Shui Nexus. Thank you for all your help! Further, Im assuming that door is not connected to the outside, so again, theres no need. If not, try placing it in another wall or placing an art instead of a mirror. Thanks in advance. The hallway foyer wall is facing directly across the garage door and only place to hang it. The dining room, however, is NOT to be confused with wealth areas. Therefore, it will invite them into your bedroom if you keep a mirror there. Do place it along the two side-walls of the hallway but not at its end. I love it there for design purposes and use for checking appearance. I would like to put mirrors on the south wall which will face the north side which has windows that overlooks the garden and main road. Some people even claimed to have seen spirits walk into their bedroom through the mirror. Moreover, don't ever place a mirror near the study table . For the mirror, go ahead and place it! The mirror was not facing directly to stove, indeed faced directly to dinning table. -Victor, Hi Please can you advise on mirrors outdoors. However, some others think that placing mirrors in staircases has theeffect of cutting Qiand is not recommended. Most Feng Shui tips out there fail to mention the difference between Early and Later Heaven Sequence. However, according to Feng Shui expert Rodika Tchi and many other masters, its best to use a Bagua mirror only when its recommended by a professional. As mentioned earlier, the best place for mirrors is the dining room. Also should the concave be placed outside the back door facing the opposing entrance or placed inside facing the front door? But the rules must be applied with some common sense and with consideration of the residents in the home and how they live. Hope you can answer my question. 7 Reasons. -Victor. If youre a little (or a lot) familiar with feng shui, you might know enough to wonder about mirrors. As a result, the Yin and Yang balance in the house can shift, and you may find that the house is not as comfortable as it once was. Mirror in bedroom, and spirits have a connection. hi there victor, we have a large mirror which is about 10 ft away facing our front door and a window. Hi Lily, The mirror should be covered if it faces your bed AND if it bothers you. -Victor. In the traditional and classical viewpoint, placement of a mirror facing the front door will reflect the energy back out the door. Hope this helps. should I change my bed position? -Victor. -Victor, Hi Victor, I have a few questions please: 1.) Thanks! Ive read on various Feng Shui websites that mirror behind the stove is suitable for those who cook with their back facing a door. I find this a helpful method to turn around and look at the painting through the mirror, to judge the accuracy of my proportions, as looking at the painting through the mirror offers a fresh perspective. In those situations, you can insert amirror at the landing area because it can help widen the staircase. -Victor. If the kitchen is in an unlucky area, the mirror can amplify both the negative energies brought by cooking activities and by your unlucky area. If it is the first thing a person sees in the bedroom, this can make it taxing on a person's energy levels. I tried to tell my relative but he dont agree. Since it is so narrow in height it should be hanged horizontally very low so i can see my image. Thank you! -Victor, Can you having two mirrors in the living room? Is it okay to hang a mirror facing the garage door? This only applies when you cant place your desk in the command position (similar to thebeds command position). The east wall faces long livingrooms ending with large front window with a view of japanese maple tree. I just wanna ask if it is good in feng shui . I dont know if Im that special or not but I do feel like there is something very special Im suppose to do regardless of all my screw ups and mistake I seem to make on a daily basic. In fact, it brings what is outside to the inside and is especially nice if your window has a nice view. I have 10 stairs that lead to the first landing ( straight stairs, which do not curve in any way). I am of Korean/Chinese descent and my family have always told me about the merits of this ancient practice but never truly embraced it until now. Both inside and outside are great places for plants. Nor is placing mirrors here considered aFeng Shui wealth setup. To sustain good energies that help increase wealth, any kind of businessman can . But also, I have recently returned from China, where I spent few months of intense Tai Chi training (Chen Style). Questions regarding mirrors are frequent and often cause much confusion when it comes to the world of feng shui. Answer (1 of 2): * There's nothing wrong with having a mirror at the foyer or close to the front door. Its the same type of mirror some drivers use to attach onto their automobiles side mirrors. Hi Cece, This is completely fine. Hi, You dont need a remedy when you keep the door closed! ", Create a Relaxing Atmosphere at Home With the Best Feng Shui Fountains, A Comprehensive Guide to the Feng Shui Bagua, How to Pick a Front Door Color With Feng Shui. To replace rhe closet doors would involve a lot of time, money and creativity and at this time not possible. However, the question of the mirror and front door changes from school to school. So face to face reflection will be there with big mirrors, positive energy will keep in side then. I posted briefly about it on the other forums and if you want I can bring it over here. Another one I placed on the outside of my bedroom door. Is this a bad placement for the mirror? Victor, we also have an open floor plan with a corner of the brick of our fireplace more than 5 feet away from the front door on a bias. Some say that if a mirror is placed on the wall behind the sofa, thesense of security is lost. Toilet is said to produce negative Qi because of its purpose. Mirrors are an excellent way to bring light into your home. The answer is yes. Theres no need to cover other mirrors. Does reflecting closed curtains or blinds have meaning? But mostly, it depends on where outside the house it reflects. 8 Superstitions, Mole on the Eyelid and Eye Spiritual Meaning: 9 Superstitions. Sleeping in front of a mirror will expose your chakras to external energy. Living alone my kitchen and living room serve as dining room according to my mood. the mirror (facing outwards). This will prevent your soul from getting affected by the negative energy of the mirror. -Victor, My front door directly faces a staircase of my 3 story house. Create a positive life from now on and instead of talking about all the bad things that have happened start speaking on positive. Is this ok? However, almost all experts agree that having a mirror facing the front door is just bad Feng Shui, and their reasons vary. I have a very large mirror on the wall about 14ft from the back of my sofa., in the breakfast nook. So this mirror has two smaller diamonds in between. Hi Terence, Your placement is ok. Not good or bad. I am limited in how I can arrange my furniture because I have two closet doors, another door in/out and the bathroom door and two windows lol. Others say that mirrors placed at hallways can help slow down the Qi energy as it moves through your home. I have a mirror facing my bedroom door, as well one facing my bathroom door. -Victor, Mirror somewhat in the kitchen toward next room doesnt face the stove south wall? -Victor. -Victor. Hi Jen, That is totally fine. Convex Bagua Mirrors Reflect Negative Qi Away, 20. hi I have a small living and dining room combined. Im curious to know if this would bring the negative energy inside. Hi TCE, Yes, this is fine. Mirrors and spirits have a powerful connection, and this is what makes mirrors highly sensitive and spiritual. I thought of placing a mirror on north side facing windows with reflection of beautiful nature. Hi Amie, Yes, this shouldnt be problem without considering other factors. 2. Lastly, I plan to have a fountain.but need to give up one fish tank, will it be an arowana or a flower horn? Who gets the luck or bad luck from the mirrors in an empty house? -Victor. Interesting article. I want to place a large arch window mirror in my hallway halfway up the stairs. Hope this helps! Feng Shui, the Asian art of arranging a home for optimal flow of positive energy, has a lot to say about mirrors. Potential buyers? Hi Christine, Yes, hanging a mirror there is fine because it doesnt directly face the mirror front. The important thing here is that you (and your family) like where it is and how you place it. At the moment, I am not in a position to move house. If you are superstitious and want a mirror in your room, you may want to place . If your neighbor is giving off bad energy, itll be better if you try to make peace with them. Youll be constantlyreminded of work, which can definitely bring a great deal of stress to you. Ill try to keep this short: I have a beam that runs left to right when you enter the front door into our living room. Plus, hanging crystals or bagua mirror wont stop Qi from coming into your home. Very good article!!! How about using it for work/study or leisure? -Victor. Mirror on the south wall in kitchen/diner facing stove on North wall? Hallway leads straight to the dining/living room.. -Victor, Hello Victor, I have a mirror that is now parallel to my front door it will have to face west and there is literally no where else to place it that isnt bad according to these rules can I neutralize this somehow with a painting or something opposite of it? Others have said that these types of mirrors, when used with the Early Heaven sequence, can be used to absorb good Qi. Any advice form you will be worth gold. Hi AT, This is not bad by default. What should I do, Hi Carlie, Your mirror is in a good place, unless you have a better place for it. Thank you so much. However, it is advisable to sleep with your back facing the mirror. -Victor. The most common place for Bagua mirrors is right above the front door. Left or right? Colors can be used to balance the five elements of that area: It is true that there are ideal door positions based on a persons Kua number. Doing this will protect you from imbalanced, or scattered energy. It faces the bedroom door directly. Hi Victor, My home is open floor plan. My bedroom is located at the end of the hallway. -Victor, Thank you very much, Victor. Since it is a small space it faces both toilet and sink. Is it good or bad? . Hi Laural, I think Ive answered this question in your email. Technically, the mirror will face the window but its like 3 rooms length away. It's only bad if it's directly facing the bed. -Victor. Based on the lucky and unlucky areas of a persons Kua number, if the kitchen is a lucky area, the auspicious energies of an individual will be suppressed when the mirror amplifies the kitchens negative energies. -Victor. I suggest you find an expert to help you with this. Panic!!! Please share more details and help me out with the solution. I have multiple picture frames stuck together, the frames are mirror, angled inward towards the photo, located behind my couch, a north wall, it looks good there. Also when reflecting the beautiful outdoors, be wary of reflecting any glaring sunlight that can be blinding for people in the room. These five elements (and their impacts) are: Earth: Grounding, security, stability, balance. When we come out of front door, we face the garage wall of our neighbor ( West facing home). -Victor, Thanks Victor, I got your explanation. The Beam generally directs/points outside the house towards 2 electric poles. Sleeping with a mirror facing you was also a big no-no. I already try to keep the door closed at all times. Hope it helped! The Bagua Mirrors are powerful, and almost all experts agree that it shouldnt be placed inside your home (except for extremely unique circumstances). 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