The law does not require parents to include additional letters from pastors or friends supporting their beliefs; however, letters of support may be helpful in a school board's decision-making process. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well . It once again deduces itself to this conclusion. This sample letter includes some of the primary reasons why some Christians object to receiving the COVID-19 vaccines. First, why would anyone knowingly choose those particular numbers for their campaign? The Catholic Church, unfortunately, has been infiltrated just as all the world is. This is, for me, is a strong religious conviction. If you take the current year 2020 and divide it by the number 666 (known for its satanic implications) you will get the number 30330 (repeated). You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. Remember that this was the same exact formula we used to count the number 666 that ultimately brought forth the number 888. THE HIDDEN MEANING BEHIND THE NUMBER 666 REVEALED! I have now posted a work exemption letter template, one for Canada and will be posting one written by a lawyer in a few days. Here is wisdom. Although Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) do not require clergy letters to be submitted in order to obtain a religious accommodation to receiving . %PDF-1.3 And when they had brought them, they set them before the council: and the high priest asked them, Saying, Did not we straitly command you that ye should not teach in this name? What does it mean to count? He turned his back on his children. Remember my previous point about God confirming in threes is key to unlocking the number 666. There are many testimonies from people online who believe this man will be Barack Obama who is to be the biblical Antichrist based off dreams they have received. Why the number 24? I also work in the medical field. We were bought with a price and we alone answer to God. God bless you , Thank you so much for this letter I know it will work for in God Bless. Im going to use your template for my university at Cal State Fullerton. Here is a Religious Exemption letter you can use to inform an employer why you will refuse the jab. I do not want to partake in any vaccine that could jeopardize my ability to reproduce and have babies which is something God has called me to do. For Gods Temple is holy, and you are that temple, OR do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? Revelation 14:1 not only mentions the 144,000, but also the Lamb who is Jesus. The last three I see is the number 6 being used three times in a row. I do not want to partake in any vaccine that could jeopardize my ability to reproduce and have babies which is something God has called me to do. Thank you for the letter,, I will rearrange it for my request to do not become vaccinated,, Im in Canada,, I will let you know what happened.. Liberty Counsel Sample. Its truly a great and helpful piece of info. }\_e1~PyxxC|~t#;w#~0?Op|*h UAYIcW_}qWXz.fqw~zyW4iqCg+ty{%45&r4ZU PtYI}H{R=PRI^K$L*)W[XRdY\v 6jTl.e>A(SO>=q&>y$%\5/X1,oFfs5y4"]bu{HcO&9YEK~)1)r% m!xb11L kTIOrc~?(w4"9qoPA But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust. It is capable of storing pages upon pages of information about you. This is the same throne where Jesus sits. Statement regarding submission to lawful authority. I firmly believe the message of John 3:16 which says, For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believed in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. It has been brought to the attention of The Vault Project that many employers are requesting a signed letter from a pastor on their religious exemption request forms for COVID vaccines. If they werent knowingly chosen, then it appears to be a supernatural act by the evil one himself and I would want to change those numbers ASAP. Waiting to see if they accept it. Hey, I was wondering if the letter worked for you? I would like to help keep the work environment safe which is why I am willing to wear my mask and take Covid tests upon request. Wow that was odd. Please feel free to contact us if any thing needs clarification of if we may be of further assistance. Then unto verse 17, it opens with, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has, followed by three explanations of what one must have to buy or sell. The Consitution for the United States applies to North, Central, and South America. I think this would be a win-win solution. I have Jesus for that, Hi, If there this the option to work remotely I would also be willing to work from home. Grrrr well Im not writing all that over again. These are just a few of many evidences why Barack Obama is the Antichrist. These verses could not be referring to something spiritual as scripture references two physical locations (our right-hand or forehead) stating the mark will be on one OR the other. He that feareth is not made perfect in love. Through the perfect righteousness and justice of Gods character, it must be dealt with, it must be quenched, it must be satisfied. Here are the four tips Reiss shared: -. 02/28/2022 04:30 AM EST. So it is possible that this RFID microchip will contain a new identification that has a total of 18 characters (6+6+6). Hello how are you will this exemption form be suitable to jobs in New York, NY, City. Thank you so much for doing this because I did not know what to do? The pope only can speak for him and his followers! This Amazing. Freaky? 16 Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be., Jeremiah 1:5 Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations., Proverbs 6:16-17 16 There are six things the LORD hates, seven that are detestable to him: 17 haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, Job 31:15 15 Did not he who made me in the womb make them? Although society as a whole may not share our faith honoring human life, we cannot participate in nor condone the practice of abortion or its products. He came to be our justification by fulfilling the law, living a sinless perfect life that only God could fulfill; even bringing the law to its truest light by stating, You have heard that it was said to those of old, You shall not commit adultery. But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart (Matthew 5:27-28). This messsage reveals what the Mark of the Beast is, and the meaning behind counting a number people have been pondering for centuries, 666. And yet again in 2 Corinthians 7:1, there is this admonition against defiling the flesh and the spirit: Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from filthiness of the flesh and Psalm 139: 13spirit, perfectin g holiness in the fear of God. thank you for all this help i was worried for my niece thank you so much again God Bless you. 15 My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. , hello my name is Diane Robinson I want to say thank you for helping in time of need I am not a christian however I am spiritual my belief system is working with nature and using herbs for healing can you give some simple idea of how to write a exemption letter for work. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. Thank you, I will try this letter today. Am I allowed to yours? In the Hebrew language we can uncover the meaning behind the name Barack Obama. The names of both of Obamas daughters are Malia and Natasha. Either way I do not believe this is a coincidence. In Genesis 3:22 it is explaining how I have the consciousness to choose what is good and bad. Anyhow, just wanted to say great blog! By Chloe Reichel. Setting aside debate regarding the possibility of DNA modification or reverse transcription from adenoviruses or mRNA technology, we are called to be a new creature in Christ, not to be a new creature through genetic engineering after an image of our own imagining to usurp Gods own design. We agree with the Civil Rights Act of 1964, that when a . For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies: (20) These are the things which defile a man: but to eat with unwashen hands defileth not a man. God created a way of escape by pouring it out on His Son whose soul could not be left in Hades, but was raised to life on the third day and seated at the right hand of God in power. THANK YOU!!! My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and m portion forever Psa lm 73:26. y This mandated vaccine with its numerous additives, its novel mechanism for altering my body, and its development is the equivalent of a prohibited unclean food, which is contrary to my faith. Statement regarding the peculiar implementation of the COVID-19 mandates. And the midwives said unto Pharaoh, Because the Hebrew women are not as the Egyptian women; for they are lively, and are delivered ere the midwives come in unto them. As you can see, it is perpetual. Therefor the pope does not have a say in wether or not he can get you to get the vaccination as it is your choice as the Bible has stated. The concept of a vaccine mandate presumes that an authority, be it governmental, religious, or otherwise, possesses the right to require such a mandate, essentially assuming that others are theirs to do with as they desire. In your letter, you are not required to list your specific religious . This may be the most imporant message you will read in these timesplease do not ignore this! For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. We afford them the freedom of their religion to follow their beliefs and conscience. I thought I had laid out all needed. Now what we must do is repent and put our trust and faith in the savior, confessing and forsaking our sins. But why dost thou judge thy brother? I would like to help keep Long Island University safe which is why I am requesting to take remote learning. God bless you! For God takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked (Ezekiel 18:23). The name of Jesus in Greek gematria adds up to 888. It is what you personally believe it. This post could not be written any better! I will definitely be using this!! Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy. Title 42, United States Code, Section 3789d(c) states that A[n]o person in any State shall, on the ground of . Religious Exemption Letter Template August 6 th, 2021 Dear Long Island University, Under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, individuals have the right to be free from discrimination on the basis of religion. But if not, be it known unto thee, O king, that we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up. CHIP IN? Im in an almost identical situation to you as aCanadian myself so I hope that our outcomes are favourable towards our freedoms and interests. God is Good !! Please keep us informed like this. I am a Muslim and I am against the vaccine. I believe that this would be the best solution to protect my religious freedom and keep Long Island University safe. Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. October 2020 Isaiah 53:6 Someone said we are being whipsawed in 2020. I am responsible for His creation which is me. I just wrote an extremely long comment but after I clicked submit my comment didnt show up. He came on stage claiming to be a Christian with no affiliation to the Muslim faith, In our lives, Michelle and I have been strengthened by our Christian faith. Brother Sanders believes that this microchip, which he regretfully helped design, is the mark spoken about in Revelation 13:16-18. God has a plan and a purpose for their lives. Organization Status for Your Tax Exempt. I have met many people who have gotten sick with Covid after taking the vaccine which makes me doubt its effectiveness. Im looking forward to your response Alex! 2 or the name of the beast, % Obama was a U.S. senator for Illinois, and his zip code was 60606. %%EOF Do not put anything about harm in your letter because that is not a protected belief. Let us take a look at what may be hiding beneath the surface. REQUEST FOR RELIGIOUS EXEMPTION / ACCOMMODATION RELATED TO [COMPANY NAME'S] COVID-19 VACCINATION POLICY by offering opportunities for discussion, reminding people of available support services, and leading at a difficult time with compassion and empathy. What? Canada and the United States is one of the same. (And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria.) Are there sample letters for pastors or friends to go with a religious exemption letter? Guess what? This letter was approved by my Employer in New York and has been working for people in various fields including government and the medical field. The letter should be addressed to the individual or organization with authority to grant the exemption. What I first want to mention, before I share what the Holy Spirit has revealed to me concerning the number of the beast, is that God confirms in threes. In addition, Covid has a 99% survival rate. Even the Pope came out and said its ok and that religious exemption doesnt apply to this vaccine for Catholics & Christians. We were designed by and belong to God, and we are not to submit ourselves to redesign against his divine blueprint by another. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 states that Individuals have the right to be free from discrimination on the basis of religion. stream Setting aside an in-depth debate or discussion regarding every possible example of physical or spiritual defilement, it is also said that all sin is of the heart and defiles a man. It is for this reason that I establish through this writing my objection to my 19 vaccine . What is interesting is that the verse that reveals for us to count the number itself is verse 18 (there a total of 18 verses in Revelation Chapter 13), being the third verse out of the three verses that describe the mark of the beast in Revelation 13:16,17,18. I dont think so. We must repent and turn from practicing sinfor if we are not following Jesus, we are following the devil. The ONLY belief that is protected is religious. This message also shares why Barack Obama is the Antichrist. I need that letter Please, help me get it ,Thank You Sister in JESS Mighty Name Amn, Thanks for the time you took to protect Gods children. As part of their religious beliefs, many individuals object to vaccines. If you would like to help others have access to my Religious Exemption Letter template to help support their religious freedom, please follow me on Instagram: @brittanyschreiber I have tried to make the letter as accessible as possible. Thank you so much! I have literally been getting death threats but will continue to fight for you and your religious freedoms! Recent lawsuits have challenged Covid-19 inoculation requirements, with some workers claiming the shots violate their beliefs. Employers and universities are required to accommodate religious observances and practices, unless doing so imposes an undue hardship on the business. If physical money was still in use, we could buy or sell with one another without receiving the mark. Now if you add up all three numbers from counting 666 by moving the + symbol around, it would be 72+72+18=162. 1 the mark Please feel free to share this religious exemption letter template with whoever you deem needs it. Mr. Sanders asked a Boston Medical Center doctor what would happen if the lithium contained within the RFID microchip leaked into the body. I will exercise my religious freedom as well as others trusting in God for my health. So now when we put on the Lord Jesus Christ (Romans 13:14), God no longer sees the person who deserves His wrath, but rather the glorious image of His perfect Son dwelling in us, justifying us as if we received the wrath we deserve, making a way of escape from the curse of death. But some, through former association with idols, eat foods as really offered to an idol, an d their conscience, being weak, is defiled. Is the Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 recognized in Canada? The Advocate - 2002-11-12 The Advocate is a lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT) monthly newsmagazine. We are either living in the lie, or the truth. Is there a template I can use please other than this spefic template? God has a plan and a purpose for their lives. Thank you for fighting for our freedom. There is no neatural ground. I want to think you so much for the templet! Thanks. `20kiQ 202efcR2A'}c;#y7XnbVcTf`HcHeNXhf`~3D.8 o Whether you believe in God or not, this is a must read message! 1. In religious exemption cases, undue hardship is defined as "more than a de minimis," or minimal, cost or burden on the operation of the employer's business. RELIGIOUS EXEMPTION - SAMPLE LETTERS. The World Factbook Central Intelligence Agency. But God giveth it a body as it hath pleased him, and to every seed his own body. Well we know in this world we are identified by numbers in various forms. I will continue to share my journey on TikTok and Instagram: @brittanyschreiber. 117 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[]/Index[94 43]/Info 93 0 R/Length 112/Prev 105195/Root 95 0 R/Size 137/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream I am the workmanship of God, perfect in HIM. In your letter, you should: state up front that you are asking the school board to excuse your child based on Virginia's religious exemption statute, Religious Exemption Letter Template for Work August 6 th, 2021 Dear Employer, Under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, individuals have the right to be free from discrimination on the basis of religion. An example of a lawful mandate might include a decree that all people return to their city of birth to be taxed. Yes! And He (Jesus) said to them (His disciples), I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven' (Luke 10:18). Throughout the centuries there have been people trying to calculate numbers based on titles and names that come up to the number 666 to identify one person, the Antichrist; but from Revelation 13:18, I do not see where God is telling us to count up to 666, but rather to count the number of the beast. As in the court of law, if someone steps in and pays our fine, even though we are guilty, the judge can do what is legal and just and let us go free. And if we are to grab on, through faith in Him, He will pull us up being the one to justify us. I will share. If that wrath was poured out on us, we would all die and go to hell. I value the blog post.Thanks Again. Ask employer for EXEMPTION. Genesis 1:28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea,. Some forms of religion demand unquestioning loyalty regardless of facts and evidence, dissenting views are not to be heard, heretics are to be burnt at the stake or cancelled, and obedience through blind loyalty or fear is equally valued regardless of threat, duress, or coercion. %PDF-1.6 % More could be said, but it is not our intent to wear you down through much writing. It is taking away another humans life and is a sin. This is because the wrath that we deserve was justified by being poured out upon His Son. I have faith in the body that God gave me to fight Covid. 3. This number is identified as 666. The past year I have done my studies remotely online and was very successful. As previously mentioned in Revelation 13:18, the number of the beast (6+6+6=18) is a human number, definition generically, to include all human individuals. And all went to be taxed, every one into his own city. The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines go so far as to directly interfere and disrupt the natural functions of the human body at the cellular level, hijacking the body so that it produces the unnatural isolated toxic spike protein on its own. Instructions for Form 1023 12 2017 Internal Revenue. It sounds great but maybe too long.Did they say why?? Thank you again! He intentionally did that . For us they are personal and they are sincerely held, and we thank you for bearing with us if we spoke with exceeding passion. I cannot say whether the social engineers behind these mandates were inspired by reading the description of the beast in Revelation, or whether they engaged in this plan without realizing that they were following the steps in prophecy, but our Christian religion is keenly aware of the significance. Thank you. Some points can help determine whether a religious belief is sincerely held or just recently invented and thus not worthy of recognition. Plainly speaking, our faith dictates that we should not to participate in unlawful mandates, and that in any conflict between the law of God and man, Gods law prevails. (Strongs Hebrew word H1116 bamah baw-maw). In Jesus Name. The unjust taking of human life is also called. I am strongly convicted to not allow these COVID-19 vaccines into my body, which is the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit of God. Under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, individuals have the right to be free from discrimination on the basis of religion. As part of their religious beliefs, many individuals object to vaccines. Because God is Holy and just, the wrath that we deserve could not go unnoticed. He never fails just pray and believe. As part of their religious beliefs, many individuals object to vaccines. That being said, I am using my free will to reject the vaccine. The reason Im making this point about God confirming in three is because it is the key to unlocking how to calculate the number 666. Please let me know. But even if the powers that be tell us that our bodies are not our own, we answer that they belong to God, certainly not the state or the fleeting whim of a government official. Will this really work? You can see many more in my article on the website above, as well as read about the dreams Ive had concerning this man. The gospel of Luke speaks of such a decree regarding the birth of Christ. Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, Who was and is and is to come! (Revelation 4:8 NKJV). I am glad that you simply shared this helpful information with Brittany thank you for all these Bible quotes and for being a leader! Therefore I am granted free will to think for myself and make my own decisions in this world. All flesh is not the same flesh: but there is one kind of flesh of men, another flesh of beasts, another of fishes, and another of birds. I . I will also share all the resources with you that I can. Thus far we have discussed why these specific vaccines violated aspects of our faith and religious practice regarding the sanctity of human life, our respect for Gods creation, and resisting physical defilement of our bodies and spiritual sin against our conscience. Religious Reference Letter Sample and numerous books collections from ctions to scientic research in any way. By wearing a mask and getting tested regularly, vaccinated members of the community do not have to worry about my health status. Thank you for sharing, In full agreement It is our understanding that Christians are to submit to lawful authority, yet we are provided with numerous examples that we are not obliged to obey leaders who presume to command that we obey contrary to Gods law. Human Resources Forms Policies and Checklists. Much obliged. Psalm 139:13-16 13 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mothers womb. Those that received a vaccine would live, those that did not receive a vaccine would die, and it would be as simple as that. In the same way I notify the no tolerance to undue people to and or force to change my beliefs to satisfy somet hing in which I do not believe. But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear. The doctor responded that if the microchip broke inside a human body, the lithium would cause a severe and painful wound filled with pus. And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed. Now if we remove the letters that spell Alah (Allah being the God of Islam), we get I am Satan. It is well known that many born-again Christians and Catholics are against abortion. So, it deduces itself to this conclusion. You can edit this and make it your own letter to a governor or a school/work place.

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