As his younger brother put it simply, standing at the head of the casket at the Boston funeral, You blew it, buddy. Heres how Coffin explained how he managed to write and deliver this eulogy so soon after his sons death (from an interview with Bill Moyers): COFFIN: Well. But I do not approve. From fields where glory does not stay, 10 Shoulder-high we bring you home, They said it was god's will, that she is in heaven now and they moved on without the tearjerking remorse many who call them true believers in a faith feel. Hope arouses, as nothing else can arouse, a passion for the possible., I love the recklessness of faith. Even as he was trying to cooperate gracefully with the inevitability of death, he was also coaching Paul Newman to play the preacher in the film version of Marilynn Robinson's novel Gilead. William Sloane Coffin Jr. preached these Sunday sermons from the pulpit of the Riverside Church in New York City. Get All Beings Everywhere delivered to your inbox. The fact you find that puzzling makes me glad not to be in your family! 20. My own consolation lies in knowing that it was not the will of God that Alex die; that when the waves closed over the sinking car, Gods heart was the first of all our hearts to break. Nationalism at the expense of another nation, is just as wicked as racism at the expense of another race. This is the tenth year of the complete 10 year collection of sermons. To them Western attitudes would be incomprehensible. But the things I learned from her That is what makes the valley of the shadow of death seem so incredibly dark and unending. William Sloane Coffin also wrote about this in his eulogy for his son, Alex, who was killed in a car accident at age 24. January 6, 1968 Spock and Coffin Indicted For Activity Against Draft By FRED P. GRAHAM . _______________ Reprinted with permission of theWilliam Sloane Coffin Sermon Archive Project. I was first introduced to this sermon years agoin a college communications course, and I have thought of it with surprising regularityever since. The garland briefer than a girls. Ill say you dont, lady! I said. Apr 17, 2014 at 12:00 am. Then he moves on to the next town. And of course I know, even when pain is deep, that God is good. Why? As you look around the country today, I wonder whether you see an absence of commitment to great causes with great passion. But if anyone dare speak in response to this tragic accident, they could learn much from William Sloane Coffin, the American justice activist who died last year, about what not to say to. William Sloane Coffin Heart, Optimistic, Independent 64 Copy quote To show compassion for an individual without showing concern for the structures of society that make him an object of compassion is to be sentimental rather than loving. Some of the very best, and easily the worst, knew their Bibles better than the human condition. And thats what hundreds of you understood so beautifully. And then, Im a preacher. It is difficult to know how to theologise about a tragedy of this order without descending into cliche, trivialisation or offensiveness. So why were they angry? As the grief that once seemed unbearable begins to turn now to bearable sorrow, the truths in the right biblical passages are beginning, once again, to take hold: Cast thy burden upon the Lord and He shall strengthen thee; Weeping may endure for the night but joy cometh in the morning; Lord, by thy favor thou hast made my mountain to stand strong; For thou hast delivered my soul from death, mine eyes from tears, and my feet from falling; In this world ye shall have tribulation, but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world; The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.. We should be able to plumb the depths of sadness and rise to the heights of joy, even ecstasy, though at my age, its not too easy. -- William Sloane Coffin. Details are given further below. Q: It must make you terribly frustrated to see all the things you think are wrong and not being righted, and not be able to play the part in leading those movements that you once did. Download. The woman most in need of liberation is the woman in every man and the man in every woman. William Sloane Coffin Jr. preached these Sunday sermons from the pulpit of the Riverside Church in New York City. But its a fact: few of us are naturally profound. The Rev. All rights reserved. The reality of grief is the absence of God My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? The reality of grief is the solitude of pain, the feeling that your heart is in pieces, your minds a blank, that there is no joy the world can give like that it takes away. (Lord Byron). Lewis wrote, They say the coward dies many times; so does the beloved. Cannot see the record cut, Do you think about that? April 12, 2006 / 7:32 PM / AP. Refusing to cede the battlefield of morality to conservatives, he argues that "compassion demands . "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" Thought he was omnipotent and omnipresent. Alex, as he was called, was killed in a car accident in 1983 when he was only. But the point is this. William Sloane Coffin May God give you the grace never to sell yourself short; Grace to risk something big for something good; and Grace to remember the world is now too dangerous for anything but the truth and too small for anything but love. While the words of the Bible are true, grief renders them unreal. Theres something in the flight (There's words for everything else.) Down, down, down into the darkness of the grave. Practicing wholesale justice Interview with Bob Abernathy August 27, 204 The Rev. Hope arouses, as nothing else can arouse, a passion for the possible. Theres something in the flight That clarifies the sight And decks the rays. See more stories about iPad, HBO, How-To. Protestant preacher William Sloane Coffin after the death of his college-age son in an accident confesses to blowing up at a neighbor. You can purchase one, four, seven sermons, or you can purchase the whole year or "album". William Sloane Coffin, Jr. was born on June 1, 1924, in New York City to William Sloane Coffin, Sr. and Catherine Butterfield Coffin. Listen to an interview with Rev. Just click the play button. Instantly I was up and in hot pursuit, swarming all over her. I know all the right biblical passages, including Blessed are those who mourn, and my faith is no house of rest, came from fellow reverends, a few of whom proved they knew their cards; these passages are true, I know. While the words of the Bible are true, grief renders them unreal. I know how lucky I am! You gave me what God gives all of us minimum protection, maximum support. Coffin on defense issues from the Center for Defense Information; Read Coffin's eulogy for his son Alex; Relive the past with Rev. Rev. Lovers and thinkers into the earth with you. For some reason, nothing so infuriates me as the incapacity of seemingly intelligent people to get it through their heads that God doesnt go around this world with his fingers on triggers, his fists around knives, his hands on steering wheels. They have gone to feed the roses. The title of the sermon is "Alex's Death" and it comes on the heals of Rev. He liked it here. The world is too dangerous for anything but truth and too small for anything but love. Didnt the eagle find a fresh liver to tear in Prometheus every time it dined? When parents die, as my mother did last month, they take with them a large portion of the past. William Sloane Coffin Jr. preached these Sunday sermons from the pulpit of the Riverside Church in New York City. In a prideful way it would be easier to walk the valley alone, nobly, head high, instead of as we must marching as the latest recruit in the worlds army of the bereaved. Coffin's son, Alex, tragic death in an automobile accident. In a prideful way it would be easier to walk the valley alone, nobly, head high, instead of as we must marching as the latest recruit in the world's army of the bereaved. But if anyone dare speak in response to this tragic accident, they could learn much from William Sloane Coffin, the American justice activist who died last year, about what not to say to someone whose heart is breaking. William Sloane Coffin. Of course its a crutch. and Yale Divinity School. Which is not to say that there are no nature-caused deaths I can think of many right here in this parish in the five years I've been here deaths that are untimely and slow and pain-ridden, which for that reason raise unanswerable questions, and even the specter of a Cosmic Sadist yes, even an Eternal Vivisector. There are many kinds of silence, and one of them is a humbled, respectful, listening silence. It seems to me for those believers who grieve, their religion brings them little more comfort than those who don't. Theres such wisdom in these words that Ive found it bears re-reading from time to time. very good question Anne. My own consolation lies in knowing that it was not the will of God that Alex die; that when the waves closed over the sinking car, Gods heart was the first of all our hearts to break. T he Rev. Lewis wrote, They say the coward dies many times; so does the beloved. You gave me what God gives all of us minimum protection, maximum support. And, in spite of all of this, God is wherever love can be found. Rev. Justice is at the heart of religious faith. Why aren't people in the streets today the way they were in the civil rights movement, the antiwar movement? Because there are no rankling unanswered questions, and because Alex and I simply adored each other, the wound for me is deep, but clean. #Ignorance #Self #Violence. I was impressed by the Amish last year when that young girl was killed. William Sloane Coffin. But the things I learned from her Than by a wick that stays. He was a cleric. The use of Gods will or God has chosen to take whatever the phrase has always made me uncomfortable. "A spiritual person tries less to be godly than to be deeply . And Christ spent an inordinate amount of time delivering people from paralysis, insanity, leprosy, and muteness. In my email signature, I have this quote by him: The world is too dangerous for anything but truth and too small for anything but love.. He was 81. . It just happened. The Rev William Sloane Coffin A radical preacher and antiwar activist, he took on the American establishment Christopher Reed Thu 13 Apr 2006 19.04 EDT The upbringing of William Sloane. @art-of-manliness /, Editors note: Ten days after his son, Alex, drove off a bridgeand was killed in a car accident, Reverend William Sloane Coffin delivered the following sermon to his congregation at Riverside Church in New York City. Sometimes it has seemed that patriotism blocked any kind of criticism, that we were afraid if we spoke out against going to war or the policies after the Iraq war, that it would be considered disloyal to the troops and our country. The night after Alex died I was sitting in the living room of my sister's house outside of Boston, when the front door opened and in came a nice-looking, middle-aged woman, carrying about eighteen quiches. But assuming they did, if they hadn't (it was supposed to be god's plan all along) there would be no Christian religion and no savior who died to save everyone else. Thursday, February 15, 2007. And finally I know that when Alex beat me to the grave, the finish line was not Boston Harbor in the middle of the night. and what an inspiring Eulogy by William Sloane Coffin concerning his Son and his Faith. Gracious God, whose own Son's term of service to humanity was so full that its brevity was no distress, we call to mind on this Memorial Sunday those "who will not grow old as we who are left to grow old," those whose lives were too brief for us but long enough, perhaps, for thee. Podcast #862: Heal the Body With Extended Fasting Podcast #761: How Testosterone Makes Men, Men How Saunas Can Help Save Your Body, Mind, and Spirit Podcast #852: The Brain Energy Theory of Mental Illness Well, that really is selfish and here I thought some believers like Christians are supposed to be charitable. But like God herself, Scripture is not around for anyone's protection, just for everyone's unending support. William Sloane Coffin Jr. William Sloane Coffin, Jr. (born 1924) was a Yale University chaplain who spoke out against the Vietnam War and was indicted as a criminal by the United States government for conspiring to aid young men to avoid the military draft.. William Sloane Coffin, Jr. was born to considerable wealth and social position on June 1, 1924, in New York City. Want to start taking action on the content you read on AoM? William Sloane Coffin Jr., chaplain of Yale University, were indicted today on charges of conspiring to counsel young men to violate the draft laws. William Sloane Coffin's Eulogy for Alex This was sent my way as a follow-up on my sermon. Contributions to support this project can always be made through PayPal ( As for the theological issues, I agree with William on the need for respectful silence. No matter where they're going or what they're going to experience, the primary reason people mourn a death is because they know they'll miss the person who died and won't see them again. Its presence in my mind has been so frequent, especially recently after the loss of a dear friend, that I finally decided to share it here. There is no god!! Jim Antal, a Norwich resident who advises the president of the national United Church of Christ on climate change, will deliver the inaugural William Sloane . The silence of God over the cross is our model here. ABERNETHY: I asked Coffin to think back on the civil rights and other protest movements he helped lead. These are all end of sermon prayers from the Sunday sermon delivered at Riverside Church. God did not bash the truck into your fathers car. MOYERS: Youre not supposed to outlive your children, are you? William Crawley | 12:42 UK time, Friday, 27 July 2007. Receive small business resources and advice about entrepreneurial info, home based business, business franchises and startup opportunities for entrepreneurs. Would it be abhorrent to find that intensely funny? So. Continue the suffering of living in preference to going to heaven just so you'll have their company around. And I wept and I wept. But the point is this. For all she had to say. -- William Sloane Coffin. We have to be forced down. Ten days after his son, Alex, was killed in a car accident, Reverend William Sloane Coffin delivered this sermon to his congregation at Riverside Church in New York City. May God give you the grace never to sell yourself short; Grace to risk something big for something good; And grace to remember the world is now too dangerous for anything but the truth and too small for anything but love. In my case on the death of my wife they were summed up well in a poem by Edna St. Vincent Millay entitled Dirge without Music. William Sloane Coffin Jr. in 1987. But oh, the things I learned from her Q: As you look back on everything you've done in your wonderful life, what are you most proud of? And the name died before the man. Why would someone grieve for a loved one who is in heaven or in paradise. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. When parents die, as my mother did last month, they take with them a large portion of the past. And Christ spent an inordinate amount of time delivering people from paralysis, insanity, leprosy, and muteness. When she saw me, she shook her head, then headed for the kitchen, saying sadly over her shoulder, I just dont understand the will of God. Instantly I was up and in hot pursuit, swarming all over her. The document has moved here. "Human unity is not something we are called on to create only something we are called on to recognize." These sermons were delivered from the pulpit at Riverside Church, N.Y.C. And read the poems. John Wright #5 For some reason, nothing so infuriates me as the incapacity of seemingly intelligent people to get it through their heads that God doesn't go around this world with his fingers on triggers, his fists around knives, his hands on steering wheels. A different man named Alex Hamilton who was a British broadcaster used the saying in 1978. William Sloane Coffin Jr., a United Church of Christ minister known globally for his peace and justice advocacy, died April 12 at his home in rural Strafford, Vermont. Man and boy stood cheering by, Another consolation, of course, will be the learning which better be good, given the price. William Sloane Coffin. And of course I know, even when pain is deep, that God is good. But I think much of our exasperation could be tempered if we could see our lives more from God's perspective than our own. Didnt the eagle find a fresh liver to tear in Prometheus every time it dined?. Rev. When she saw me, she shook her head, then headed for the kitchen, saying sadly over her shoulder, I just dont understand the will of God. Instantly I was up and in hot pursuit, swarming all over her. We all do what we know how to do, maybe. "William Sloan Coffin, who died yesterday at 81, was among the foremost pacifists of his generation, and set the mold for the liberal activist preacher." William Sloane Coffin, Jr. (born 1924) was a Yale University chaplain who spoke out against the Vietnam War and was indicted as a criminal by the United States government for conspiring to aid young men to avoid the military draft. So people are feeling sorry for themselves instead of happy for the one they believe is now in heaven. But when children die, they take away the future as well. RN: What about the Educational system as it relates to democracy? Still there is much by way of consolation. Legendary William Sloane Coffin's years at the historic Riverside Church captured in new two-volume collection Louisville, KY-From 1977 through 1987 William Sloane Coffin was the Senior Minister at t . It is truly a labor of love (a lot of labor; a lot of love) to digitally "Save Bill's Voice." Delivered from the Riverside Church pulpit over his ten years as senior minister, there were over 300 sermons in need of archiving to a digital format. Yale University's chaplain, the Rev. This album is a collection of prayers from the end of the sermons; 1982-1983. When a person dies, there are many things that can be said, and there is at least one thing that should never be said. I know all the "right" biblical passages, including "Blessed are those who mourn," and my faith is no house of rest, came from fellow reverends, a few of whom proved they knew their cards; these passages are true, I know. Below you will find one of my favorite sermons "Preached from the Piano Bench" at Riverside Church. After the death of his wife, C.S. Your email address will not be published. The Rev. While I could never presume to know the answer, I do take comfort in this passage from the author Kate Braestrup, which I wrote in my final post on this blog (below). Quotes. "The world is too dangerous for anything but truth and too small for anything but love." --- William Sloane Coffin. God is dead set against all unnatural deaths. And the folks in Riverside Church had to know whether or not they still had a pastor. I swear to you, I wouldnt be standing here were I not upheld. ABERNETHY: Coffin rails at neglect of the poor and U.S. policies in Iraq. I was first introduced to this sermon years ago in a college communications course, and I have thought of it with surprising regularity ever since. The Art of Manliness participates in affiliate marketing programs, which means we get paid commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links. Welcome to the sermons and prayers download page. Anonymous- I think people are grieving because they're sad to see someone go. Yes, but at least, "My God, my God"; and the psalm only begins that way, it doesn't end that way. William Sloane Coffin Jr., was arrested several times during the civil rights movement. ABERNETHY: In our conversation, Coffin quoted words he liked, words he attributed to Irenaeus, an early church father: "The glory of God is a human being fully alive." Itsjust one of those things I think is worth a read by all. Still there is much by way of consolation. As the grief that once seemed unbearable begins to turn now to bearable sorrow, the truths in the right biblical passages are beginning, once again, to take hold: Cast thy burden upon the Lord and He shall strengthen thee; Weeping may endure for the night but joy cometh in the morning; Lord, by thy favor thou hast made my mountain to stand strong; For thou hast delivered my soul from death, mine eyes from tears, and my feet from falling; In this world ye shall have tribulation, but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world; The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. And finally I know that when Alex beat me to the grave, the finish line was not Boston Harbor in the middle of the night. Its presence in my mind has been so frequent, especially recently after the loss of a dear friend, that I finally decided to share it here. But left me none the wiser Q: What should we be mindful of when we make defense policy? Among the healing flood of letters that followed his death was one carrying this wonderful quote from the end of Hemingways A Farewell to Arms: The world breaks everyone, then some become strong at the broken places.. I'm always puzzled at these Moslem women who wail like Banshees when their terrorist sons are killed as what they believe to be martyrs. I have a little sentence or two, about the Chinese Emperor who sent his wise man off for a month, to figure out, what is happiness? But its a fact: few of us minimum protection, just for everyone 's unending.... In 1983 when he was called, was killed what makes the valley of the Bible are,... 1968 Spock and Coffin Indicted for Activity Against Draft by FRED P. GRAHAM Coffin Indicted for Against. 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